武藤@Debianぷろじぇくとです。 Sarge→Etchへの更新パスのテスト募集がアナウンスされています。 興味のある方は(バックアップなどを済ませた上で)、このアナウンスに 書かれているとおりhttp://wiki.debian.org/Sarge2EtchUpgradeBlackboard などを参照して更新テストを行い、成功にせよ失敗にせよ結果を 疑似パッケージupgrade-reportsまで(英語で)ご報告ください。 特にi386以外のアーキテクチャでのリポートは貴重です。 英語を書くことは禁止されているなどの理由がある方は、日本語で debian-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxやdebian-devel@debian.or.jpまで お送りいただければ、できる範囲で転送を行う…かもしれません。 なお、#416239としても触れていますが、wikiのCプランに基づいた テストをした限りでは 1. 序盤でx11-commonをインストールしようとすると削除対象だらけに 2. 最後にもう一度aptitude dist-upgradeしないとuim周辺の更新が 行われない(ほかにも似たようなことがあるかも) というのがわかっています。
--- Begin Message ---
- From: Frans Pop <elendil@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Call for testing of the sarge to etch upgrade path
- Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 05:54:35 +0200
- Content-length: 2295
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Over the past few days a lot of work has been done to finalize the recommended upgrade path for the Etch release notes (RN). The current suggested procedure can be found on [1]. This procedure is significantly different from what has so far been documented in the working version of the release notes, but does look to address most issues. Any upgrade tests that could be done over the next days to verify this procedure would be most welcome. Please file a bug in the BTS against "upgrade-reports" with your results. Especially if you are upgrading a "life" system, reading the concept release notes [2] before the upgrade is strongly recommended; please do follow the procedure described in [1] for the actual upgrade, but other content of the RN is valid (though still being worked on). Running 'script' before starting the upgrade (as described in the RN) is much appreciated as that will make it possible to analyze the results afterwards. Please also save /var/log/aptitude after the upgrade. Logs for test upgrades of a Sarge desktop and server system are available for reference [3]. Please note that we do need the results ASAP as we're now in the final preparations before the release and there's not much time left to finalize the RN. Cheers and thanks in advance, Frans Pop [1] http://wiki.debian.org/Sarge2EtchUpgradeBlackboard [2] http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/releasenotes [3] Reference upgrade logs for: - a Sarge system with the desktop task installed: http://people.debian.org/~fjp/tmp/upgrade_desktop.html - a Sarge system with all server tasks installed: http://people.debian.org/~fjp/tmp/upgrade_server.htmlAttachment: pgpLZ3bTqob9N.pgp
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