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# 原文をコメントアウトして、その下に翻訳をつけています
#use wml::debian::ddp title="DDP $B3+H/<T8~$1%^%K%e%"%k(B"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.44"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
<document "Debian Policy Manual" "policy">
<document "Debian $B%]%j%7!<%^%K%e%"%k(B" "policy">
<div class="centerblock">
This manual describes the policy requirements for the Debian GNU/Linux
distribution. This includes the structure and contents of the Debian
archive, several design issues of the operating system, as well as
technical requirements that each package must satisfy to be included
in the distribution.
$B$3$N%^%K%e%"%k$G$O!"(BDebian GNU/Linux $B%G%#%9%H%j%S%e!<%7%g%s$KI,MW$H$5$l$k%]%j%7!<$,(B
$BK~$?$9$Y$-5;=QE*$JMW7o$@$1$G$J$/!"(BDebian $B%"!<%+%$%V$N9=B$$dFbMF!"$=$l$+$i%*%Z%l!<%F%#%s%0(B
<authors "Ian Jackson, Christian Schwarz, David A. Morris">
<maintainer "The Debian Policy group">
<maintainer "Debian $B%]%j%7!<%0%k!<%W(B">
<inpackage "debian-policy">
<p><a href="debian-policy/">HTML online</a>,
<a href="debian-policy/policy.pdf.gz">PDF</a>,
<a href="debian-policy/policy.ps.gz">PS</a>,
<a href="debian-policy/policy.txt.gz">plain text</a>
<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/debian-policy">Proposed amendments</a> to Policy
$B%]%j%7!<$N(B<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/debian-policy">$B=$@50F(B</a>
<p>Use <a href="cvs">CVS</a> to download the SGML source text for
<a href="http://cvs.debian.org/debian-policy/?cvsroot=debian-policy">debian-policy</a>.
<p>Login to the CVS server using the command:
<p>CVS $B%5!<%P$K%m%0%$%s$9$k$?$a!"$3$N%3%^%s%I$r;H$$$^$9!'(B
<pre>cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/debian-policy login</pre>
and just press enter when you are asked for a password.
$B%Q%9%o!<%I$r5a$a$i$l$?$i!"$?$@(B enter $B$r2!$7$^$9!#(B
To check out the sources, use the command:<br>
<pre>cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/debian-policy co debian-policy</pre>
<p>Supplemental Policy documentation:</p>
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.html">$B%U%!%$%k%7%9%F%`3,AXI8=`(B</a>
[<a href="packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.pdf.gz">PDF</a>]
[<a href="packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.ps.gz">PS</a>]
[<a href="packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.txt.gz">plain text</a>]
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/virtual-package-names-list.txt">$B2>A[%Q%C%1!<%8L>0lMw(B</a>
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/menu-policy/">Menu $B%]%j%7!<(B</a>
[<a href="packaging-manuals/menu-policy/menu-policy.txt.gz">plain text</a>]
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/perl-policy/">Perl $B%]%j%7!<(B</a>
[<a href="packaging-manuals/perl-policy/perl-policy.txt.gz">plain text</a>]
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/mime-policy/">MIME $B%]%j%7!<(B</a>
[<a href="packaging-manuals/mime-policy/mime-policy.txt.gz">plain text</a>]
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/debconf_specification.html">debconf $B;EMM(B</a>
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/debian-emacs-policy">Emacsen $B%]%j%7!<(B</a>
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/java-policy/">Java $B%]%j%7!<(B</a>
<li><a href="packaging-manuals/python-policy/">Python $B%]%j%7!<(B</a>
<document "Debian Packaging Manual" "packman">
<document "Debian $B%Q%C%1!<%82=%^%K%e%"%k(B" "packman">
<div class="centerblock">
This manual describes the technical aspects of creating Debian binary
and source packages. It also documents the interface between dselect
and its access method scripts. It does not deal with the Debian
Project policy requirements, and it assumes familiarity with dpkg's
functions from the system administrator's perspective.
$B$3$N%^%K%e%"%k$G$O!"(BDebian $B$N%P%$%J%j%Q%C%1!<%8$H%=!<%9%Q%C%1!<%8:n@.$K$D$$$F$N5;=QE*$J(B
$BB&LL$,@bL@$5$l$F$$$^$9!#$^$?!"(Bdselect $B$H$=$N(B access method $B%9%/%j%W%H4V$N%$%s%?!<(B
$B%U%'%$%9$K$D$$$F$b5-:\$7$F$$$^$9!#(BDebian $B%W%m%8%'%/%H$GI,MW$H$J$k%]%j%7!<$K$D$$$F$O07$$(B
$B$^$;$s$7!"%7%9%F%`4IM}<T$N4QE@$K$*$1$k(B dpkg $B$N5!G=$O$h$/$o$+$C$F$$$k$b$N$H$7$^$9!#(B
<doctable> <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz"> <status> </status> <availability>
<authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
Parts that were de facto policy were recently merged into debian-policy;
the rest is planned to be included in a new `dpkg packaging manual', to
be written by Wichert Akkerman.
$B<B<AE*$K%]%j%7!<$@$C$?ItJ,$O!":G6a(B debian-policy $B$K%^!<%8$5$l$^$7$?!#;D$j$O!"(BWichert Akkerman
$B$,=q$$$F$$$k?7$7$$(B `dpkg $B%Q%C%1!<%82=%^%K%e%"%k(B' $B$K4^$a$i$l$kM=Dj$G$9!#(B
Previously available in the <code>packaging-manual</code> package.
$B0JA0$O!"(B<code>packaging-manual</code> $B%Q%C%1!<%8$NCf$K$"$j$^$7$?!#(B
<document "Debian Developer's Reference" "devref">
<document "Debian $B3+H/<TMQ%j%U%!%l%s%9(B" "devref">
<div class="centerblock">
This manual describes procedures and resources for Debian maintainers.
It describes how to become a new developer, the upload procedure, how
to handle our bug tracking system, the mailing lists, Internet
servers, etc.
$B$3$N%^%K%e%"%k$G$O!"(BDebian $B%a%s%F%J8~$1$N<jB3$-$H%j%=!<%9$,@bL@$5$l$F$$$^$9!#(B
$B?7$7$/3+H/<T$K$J$kJ}K!!"%"%C%W%m!<%I<j=g!"(BDebian $B$N%P%0%H%i%C%-%s%0%7%9%F%`$d(B
<p>This manual is thought as a <em>reference manual</em> for all Debian
developers (newbies and old pros).
<p>$B$3$N%^%K%e%"%k$O!"A4$F$N(B ($B?7JF$b8E3t$b(B) Debian $B3+H/<T8~$1$N(B<em>$B%j%U%!%l%s%9%^%K%e%"%k(B</em>$B$H$$$($^$9!#(B
<authors "Ian Jackson, Christian Schwarz, Adam Di Carlo, Rapha$BuM(B Hertzog, Josip Rodin">
<maintainer "Adam Di Carlo, Rapha$BuM(B Hertzog, Josip Rodin">
<inpackage "developers-reference">
<inddpcvs name="developers-reference" langs="en fr ja"
formats="html pdf" naming="locale" />
<document "Debian New Maintainers' Guide" "maint-guide">
<document "Debian $B?7%a%s%F%J%,%$%I(B" "maint-guide">
<div class="centerblock">
This document will try to describe building of a Debian GNU/Linux package
to the common Debian user (and wannabe developer) in common language, and
well covered with working examples.
<p>Unlike previous attempts, this one is based on <code>debhelper</code>
and the new tools available to maintainers. The author is making every
attempt to incorporate and unify previous efforts.
$B$3$NJ8=q$O!"(BDebian GNU/Linux $B$N%Q%C%1!<%89=C[$r0lHL$N(B Debian $B%f!<%6(B ($B$H3+H/<TM=Hw73(B)
<p>$B$3$l$^$G$N<h$jAH$_$H$O0c$$!"$3$NJ8=q$O%a%s%F%J$NLr$KN)$D(B <code>debhelper</code>
<authors "Josip Rodin">
<maintainer "Josip Rodin">
<inpackage "maint-guide">
<inddpcvs name="maint-guide" langs="en de es fr it ja pl pt-br ru zh-cn zh-tw ko"
formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" />
<document "Debian Menu System" "menu">
<document "Debian $B%a%K%e!<%7%9%F%`(B" "menu">
<div class="centerblock">
This manual describes the Debian Menu System and the <strong>menu</strong>
<p>The menu package was inspired by the install-fvwm2-menu program from
the old fvwm2 package. However, menu tries to provide a more general
interface for menu building. With the update-menus command from this
package, no package needs to be modified for every X window manager again,
and it provides a unified interface for both text- and X-oriented
$B$3$N%^%K%e%"%k$G$O!"(BDebian $B%a%K%e!<%7%9%F%`$H(B <strong>menu</strong> $B%Q%C%1!<%8$r(B
<p>menu $B%Q%C%1!<%8$O!"@N$N(B fvwm2 $B%Q%C%1!<%8$K$"$C$?(B install-fvwm2-menu $B%W%m%0%i%`$K(B
$B;I7c$r<u$1$?$b$N$G$9!#$H$O$$$(!"(Bmenu $B$G$O%a%K%e!<9=@.$K$b$C$H0lHLE*$J%$%s%?!<%U%'%$%9$rDs6!(B
$B$7$h$&$H$7$F$$$^$9!#$3$N%Q%C%1!<%8$K$"$k(B update-menus $B%3%^%s%I$r;H$($P!"3F(B X $B%&%#%s%I%&(B
$B%^%M!<%8%cMQ$KB>$N%Q%C%1!<%8$r:FEY=$@5$9$kI,MW$O$"$j$^$;$s$7!"%F%-%9%H$H(B X $B$N$I$A$i$r;V8~$9$k(B
<authors "Joost Witteveen, Joey Hess, Christian Schwarz">
<maintainer "Joost Witteveen">
<inpackage "menu">
<a href="packaging-manuals/menu.html/">HTML online</a>
<document "Introduction to i18n" "i18n">
<document "i18n $B$N<j0z$-(B" "i18n">
<div class="centerblock">
This document describes basic idea and howto of l10n (localization),
i18n (internationalization), and m17n (multilingualization) for
programmers and package maintainers.
<p>The aim of this document is to make more packages support i18n
and to make Debian a more internationalized distribution.
Contributions from all over the world will be welcome, because
the original author is Japanese-speaker and this document would be
on Japanization if there were no contributions.
$B$3$NJ8=q$G$O!"%W%m%0%i%^$H%Q%C%1!<%8%a%s%F%J8~$1$K!"(Bl10n (localization$B!"CO0h2=(B)$B!"(B
i18n (internationalization$B!"9q:]2=(B)$B!"$=$7$F(B m17n (multilingualization$B!"B?8@8l2=(B)
$B$K$D$$$F$N4pK\E*$J9M$(J}$H(B HOWTO $B$r@bL@$7$F$$$^$9!#(B
<p>$B$3$NJ8=q$N$M$i$$$O!"$h$jB?$/$N%Q%C%1!<%8$,(B i18n $B$r%5%]!<%H$9$k$h$&$K$7!"(BDebian $B$r(B
<authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (久保田智広)">
<maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (久保田智広)">
in development
not yet complete
<inddpcvs name="intro-i18n" formats="html txt pdf">
<document "Debian XML/SGML Policy" "xml-sgml-policy">
<document "Debian XML/SGML $B%]%j%7!<(B" "xml-sgml-policy">
<div class="centerblock">
Subpolicy for Debian packages that provide and/or make use
of XML or SGML resources.
XML $B$d(B SGML $B$N%j%=!<%9$rDs6!$7$?$j!"MxMQ$7$?$j$9$k(B Debian $B%Q%C%1!<%88~$1$N(B
<authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
starting, merging in current SGML policy from <tt>sgml-base-doc</tt>
and new materials for XML catalog management
<inddpcvs name="xml-sgml-policy" naming="none">
<document "How Software Producers can distribute their products directly in .deb format" "swprod">
<document "$B%=%U%H%&%'%":n<T$,<+J,$N:nIJ$rD>@\(B .deb $B7A<0$GG[I[$9$k$K$O(B" "swprod">
<div class="centerblock">
This document is intended as a starting point to explain how software
producers can integrate their products with Debian, what different
situations can arise depending on the license of the products and the
choices of the producers, and what possibilities there are. It does not
explain how to create packages, but it links to documents which do exactly
<p>You should read this if you are not familiar with the big picture of
creating and distributing Debian packages, and optionally with adding them
to the Debian distribution.
$B$3$NJ8=q$O!"%=%U%H%&%'%":n<T$,<+J,$N:nIJ$r(B Debian $B$KAH$_F~$l$kJ}K!!":nIJ$N%i%$%;%s%9$d(B
<p>Debian $B%Q%C%1!<%8$N:n@.$HG[I[$K$D$$$F!"$^$?I,?\$G$O$"$j$^$;$s$,(B Debian
<authors "Aaron Isotton">
<maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
ready (?)
<inddpcvs name="distribute-deb" index="distribute-deb"
<document "Debian Repository HOWTO" "repo">
<document "Debian $B%j%]%8%H%j(B HOWTO" "repo">
<div class="centerblock">
This document explains how Debian repositories work, how to create
them, and how to add them to the <tt>sources.list</tt> correctly.
$B$3$NJ8=q$G$O!"(BDebian $B%j%]%8%H%j$,$I$N$h$&$K5!G=$9$k$+!"$I$&$d$C$F:n@.$9$k$+!"(B
$B$=$l$i$r(B <tt>sources.list</tt> $B$K@5$7$/DI2C$9$k$K$O$I$&$9$k$+!"$r@bL@$7$F$$$^$9!#(B
<authors "Aaron Isotton">
<maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
ready (?)
<inddpcvs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
formats="html" langs="en fr de uk">