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platform of Ben C. at the DPL election 2001
- From: Taketoshi Sano <kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>
- Subject: platform of Ben C. at the DPL election 2001
- Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 00:37:30 +0900
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既に Ben Collins が新しい Debian Project Leader (DPL) に
就任しているので今さらですが、彼が DPL 選挙の前に提出して
いた platform をようやく日本語訳したので、参考のために
流しておきます。Debian の新しいリーダーの人柄について知って
(ホントは、投票期間前に Branden や Bdale のも合わせて
あと、去年の選挙 DPL2000 の時に Ben が出した speech や
IRC での debate 記録にも目を通しておくとさらに理解が
深まるでしょう。どちらも web の vote/2000/leadership_debate/
===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 18:05:49 -0500
From: Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org>
Subject: [platform] My little self-pumping/ego-trip/self-righteous speech :)
# [platform] My little self-pumping/ego-trip/self-righteous speech :)
[施政方針演説] (ちょっとした自慢と独善的なおはなし)
# I'm going to write this in a Q/A format, mainly because these are
# commonly asked questions, so I wanted to answer them in a direct way.
この文書は Q/A の書式で作った。「よく質問されること」があるから、
# Q.
# Who are you?
問: あなたは誰 ?
# A.
# My name is Ben Collins. I am a husband of 6 years, and father to 4
# year and 6 month old boys. I'm 28 years old and currently working for
# a company called Winstar Communications (have to see about a bonus for
# plugging them in this) as a "Directory Services Engineer" (official
# title, my actual job is much more sparse in nature).
名前はベン・コリンズ。結婚して 6 年、4 才と 6 ヶ月の子供達がいる。
年齢は 28、現在は "Winstar Communications" という会社に勤めている。
あとで確かめなきゃ) 職種は "Directory Services Engineer" だ。
# I like golf (which I don't get a change to play as much as I would
# like), bowling, paintball (this is my latest sport, I love paintball,
# see http://marcus.debian.net/trr/) and spending time with my family.
# Most of the time on the weekends I am either working on my vehicles,
# doing yardwork, or playing one of the afore mentioned sports.
好きなスポーツはゴルフ (なかなかやる機会が無いんだけど) にボーリング、
ペイントボール (最近始めたんだ。なかなか面白いよ。
http://marcus.debian.net/trr/ を見てね。)、あと家族と一緒に過すことも
# Q.
# How did you get started in computers?
問: コンピュータとつきあい始めたきっかけは ?
# A.
# I've been working with computers since I was about 12, with an Apple ][e,
# programming in BASIC. From there I moved to a Mac+, and went on to doing
# desktop publishing at 16.
12 才のころ、Apple IIe で BASIC のプログラムを組んでた。
その後 Mac+ に移って 16 才のころはデスクトップ印刷をやってた。
# Q.
# How did you get started with Open Source projects?
問: オープンソースなプロジェクトに参加したきっかけは ?
# A.
# Basically I started out trying to learn some things. I was at the time
# (more than 4 years ago now) a web designer, deeply in love with MacOS,
# and terribly stuck in a Windows world. I wanted to be a sysadmin (I hate
# designing web sites). I initially tried a copy of Solaris I got from the
# office, on my home pentium. It was terrible. Trying to get to a point
# where all the things I wanted (perl, apache, bash, gcc, etc..) were at
# my command was a PITA to say the least.
当時 (今から 4 年以上前のこと) はウェブデザイナーをやっていて、
MacOS に惚れ込んでいたし、Windows の世界にどっぷりと漬かってもいた。
当時はシステム管理者になりたかった (ウェブサイトをデザインするのは
嫌いだったんだ)。最初に、職場で入手した Solaris のコピーを自宅の
Pentium マシン上で試してみた。ひどいもんだったよ。欲しかったもの
(perl, apache, bash, gcc, その他いろいろ) のすべてを自由に使える
ようにしようと努力してみたが、それは最も控えめに表現しても PITA
(Pain in the ASS: イライラさせるもの) でしかなかった。
# I moved on to FreeBSD, but it simply was not what I wanted in a
# desktop/devel/webserver. I tried three flavors of Linux (Redhat,
# Slackware and then Debian) before I settled on what was what I felt, the
# better of the three. So much software in my greedy little hands, and all
# for free, I felt like I was stealing it! :) I worked a lot on my own
# time to teach myself this great new stuff, including basic
# administration, development in the various languages, security concepts,
# etc.. I was always trying something new and having to reinstall my
# system because of it :)
次に FreeBSD を試してみた。だけど、これは僕がデスクトップ兼
それで 3 種類の Linux (RedHat, Slackware, そして最後に Debian) を
試してみたら、この 3 つの中で最高だと自分で思ったものにようやく
みるために、僕はいつも自分のシステムを再インストールしていたんだ :)。
# Now, here I am, in a place where all of the things I like to do can
# benefit others.
# Q.
# What do you do for Debian?
問: あなたは Debian のために何をしているの ?
# A.
# Right now I work mostly with two things. One being the sparc port. I
# handle all of the buildd functions (vore.debian.org) and follow up on
# (if not fix) problems related to the sparc port in general. This includes
# doing boot-floppies, handling sparc specific bug reports, debugging,
# and communicating with upstream sparc porters (David Miller, Jakub
# Jelenik, etc..). This is a day-to-day operation.
現在は主に 2 つのことに関係している。そのひとつは sparc port だ。
buildd の機能 (vore.debian.org) のすべてを扱っているし、sparc port の
全般に関連した問題について (もし修正できない場合は) フォローしている。
これには boot-floppies の開発や、sparc 特有のバグについての報告、
デバッグ、それに upstream sparc porter (David Miller と Jakub Jelenik、
それに他の人々) との連絡や相談も含まれる。これは日常的な活動だ。
# My second time consuming effort is the GNU C library (glibc). I took
# over maintainence of this package about 6 months ago and have since
# worked to fix as many of the bugs as possible and make it as stable as
# possible. The glibc package is unique in that it requires close contact
# with all of the port maintainers. Right now I build glibc for i386,
# powerpc, sparc and (recently) mips. This has helped to keep these ports
# in close sync with the glibc upstream. The other port maintainers
# contact me regularly for port specific patches. Almost all of the work I
# do on glibc is sent upstream. Since taking over the package, over a
# dozen upstream bugs have been fixed and lots of documentation updates
# have been merged from Debian bug reports.
もうひとつの大きな (時間を費している) 作業は GNU C ライブラリ
(glibc) パッケージだ。6 ヶ月前にこのパッケージのメンテを
glibc パッケージのユニークな点は、すべての port メンテナーと緊密に
現時点で僕は glibc を i386、powerpc、sparc そして (つい最近からは)
mips に向けて build している。このようにすることで、これらの移植版
については glibc の upstream とかなり同期を保つことができている。
その他の移植版のメンテナーは定期的に port 特有のパッチを僕に送って
くれている。僕が glibc について行なっているほとんどすべての作業は
upstream に送られている。パッケージを引き継いで以来、1 ダース以上の
upstream バグが修正されているし、たくさんの文書更新 (documentation
update) が Debian のバグ報告から採用 (merge) されている。
# Outside of these two things I also work on packages such as PAM,
# Cfengine, shadow (passwd, login), OpenLDAP, SILO (sparc boot loader) and
# Egcs64 (the sparc64 kernel compiler).
それから、これらの 2 つの大きな作業の他に、PAM、Cfengine、shadow
(passwd、login)、OpenLADP、SILO (sparc ブートローダ)、そして
Egcs64 (sparc64 のカーネルコンパイラ) などのパッケージについても
# Q.
# What makes you think you can be a good DPL?
問: あなたはどういう点で自分が立派な DPL になれると思いますか ?
# A.
# Well, a good DPL is measured in many ways. I don't think one single
# person can be good in all the ways that everyone expects. I can only
# hope to be good in the areas that most people consider important.
うーん、立派な DPL といっても、いろいろな評価方法があると思うよ。
# One of these areas is visibility. We all know that the DPL is a figure
# head for Debian. They get invited to all the neat Linux expos. Quite
# honestly, being a father/husband, I may not be able to travel as much as
# recent DPL's, are as much as any of the other candidates (I'm unaware of
# their specific situation regarding this). I am more than willing to
# spend as much time as possible, however, keeping contact with outside
# factions who are interested in Debian workings, and keeping our
# developers informed of such factions. I will travel to as many Linux
# related events as humanly possible for a man in my position.
そうした分野のひとつに visibility (目立つこと、わかりやすさ) がある。
僕らは全員、DPL が Debian の看板だってことを知っている。ちゃんとした
Linux エキスポのすべてに招待されるんだ。正直に言うと、父親であり、かつ
夫である立場を考えると、最近の DPL 達や、もしかしたら他の DPL 候補達
ほどには、世界中を飛び回ることはできないだろうと思う (僕は他の候補達
時間を喜んでこうした活動、Debian の作業に興味を持つ外部の団体と接触
したり、Debian の開発者達にそうした団体のことを知らせたりといった活動
たくさんの Linux 関連イベントにも出席しようとも思う。
# The other areas include some leadership skills. I think this breaks down
# into two areas; reaction and proactive. The DPL needs to handle things
# in two different ways. It's not very often that we have problems so
# large in Debian that the DPL needs to step in, but when we do, it's
# obviously something that needs to be handled quickly and with the least
# amount of disruption. Being proactive, the DPL needs to forsee issues
# affecting Debian's growth, and make attempts to initiate policies to
# handle them.
リーダーシップの能力は 2 種類に分類できると思う。迅速な反応と
先を見通した行動だ。DPL 自ら収拾に乗り出さなければならないほど
大きな問題が起きることは Debian ではめったに無いが、ひとたびそれが
明白だ。また問題が起きる前に準備しておくためには、DPL は Debian の
# I like to think I am able in both of these respects. Of course, only
# time will give the answer.
# Q.
# What specific things will you do if elected?
問: もし当選したら、具体的にどんなことをしようと考えていますか ?
# A.
# That's hard to respond to. There are lots of things I would like to do.
# However, just the nature of Debian precludes most of them from being
# done, either because of time constraints in a volunteer project, or
# because of lack of real delegation power within Debian (you can
# delegate, but you can't gurantee anything will actually get done).
代行制度が Debian には無い (代行を任命はできるが、それによって何かを
実際に成し遂げられると保証することはできない) という点など、Debian
# What I will concentrate on are things I would like to see happen. Whether
# they get done, is generally based on acceptance by the developers. Let's
# face it, it would be stupid of me, or any candidate, to suggest that
# their ideas are the end all solution to anything. No one can force
# Debian as a whole to do anything they don't want to do, and it would be
# silly to try, even if that thing might bring peace to the world or end
# starvation.
開発者達 (Debian メンバー) の支持に大きく左右される。はっきり
まったく愚かなことだ。誰であろうと、Debian 全体に対して、その
# Now, my specific goals (as specific as they can be, given that I have
# not discussed them in much detail, and so are not layed in stone) are:
さて、僕の考えている具体的なゴールは (できるかぎり具体的に書いた
変更される可能性だってある) :
# 1. More structure to Debian as a whole. This can include many different
# aspects of the project, one of which is Developer status within the
# project. I'm a firm believer that we need more layers of what a
# developer is. Yes, this is similar in spirit to the senior developer
# flame war, but think about this before deciding to start another one.
1) 全体としての Debian をもっと組織化すること。これは
# Now there are a lot of good things about how we are now. We all breathe
# the same air, we all have the same permissions to upload packages, we
# all have just as much right to screw up the archive as anyone else. In
# there lies the problem. Maintainer count is on the rise all the time. It
# may not seem to be a problem now, but increasing administrative and
# security work to keep this increase on a good footing is not going to
# remain easy (well, it isn't easy now). Stopping developer entrance all
# together is not an alternative either.
なる (実を言うと、今でさえ簡単じゃなくなってる)。だけど、
# Some may argue that this makes Debian less "open". Well, I don't think
# Debian is closed at all, given that we allow anyone to access our BTS,
# communicate with our developers and test all the latest software that we
# make via the archive or CVS. We also have one of the most extensive
# mailing list servers around. Now I know this isn't the same as having
# ones own packages, and that sponsorship is not turning out to be the
# godsend that we had hoped. However, allowing more levels of maintainship
# will likely make it easier for people to contribute.
こうしたことをすると Debian が今よりも「オープン」でなくなる、と
主張する人もいるだろう。でも、僕自身は Debian が閉鎖的だとは
まったく思っていない。我々は BTS を誰でもアクセスできるように
しているし、開発者と交流することや、アーカイブや CVS を使って
また Debian には最も大規模なメーリングリストサーバーのひとつがある。
# Let's take a look. Right now we rely heavily on the the new maintainer
# being trustworthy, and reliable. This puts a heavy strain on the people
# that police this process. They are tasked with making sure no one gets
# into Debian that may potentially destroy the very thing we have worked
# so hard on. It would only take one really evil person to turn our
# archive into a malicious trojan horse. No, they wont go unnoticed for
# long, but long enough that we could lose a lot of users, and respect.
してしまうような危険人物が、Debian の中にただのひとりも入って
Debian の開発者として参加させてしまうだけで、我々のアーカイブを
# So, my intention is to find a way to allow new maintainers in, with less
# permissions than we give now, and less hassle ("got a gpg key?", "got a
# picture?", "ok, you're on the 'new meat' crew"). This means people who
# want to get their feet wet, can, and without them worrying about
# breaking things, and without us worrying about them accidentally messing
# up, or intentionally destroying. The trick here is to make this as easy
# as possible to administrate, and set enough control in place to actually
# enforce it. I haven't really gotten all of that hardcoded yet, so I'll
# eventually look to all of you for suggestions (not flames, suggestions).
見つけようってことだ。(「gpg キーは持っている ?」「写真は ?」
「よし、これで今日から君も "新入り" の仲間だ」)
Debian に参加してみたいと思った人々が気軽に参加できるように
提案を求めることになるだろう (フレームじゃなくて、提案だよ)。
# 2. The rising bug count. So what you say? We have more packages, so we
# have to expect more bugs you say? We have more users, which means more
# bugs get uncovered you say? We have stricter policies, so it's harder to
# make things perfect you say? Bullshit, I say. Bug count is increasing
# faster than it should. Not because of any of these things, but because
# the maintainers are either MIA, don't care, or can't fix the issue. We
# have lots of packages that are no longer maintained by anyone. They
# serve no other purpose other than to collect dust and cruft the archive.
# How do we find these packages? How do we get rid of the bugs?
2. 増え続けるバグの数。なんだって ? パッケージの数が増えたから、
バグの数も増えて当然だって ? 利用者の数も増えたから、これまで
誰も見つけていなかったバグも見つかるようになったって ? ポリシーが
むずかしくなったって ? そんなのたわごとだよ、僕に言わせれば。
なっている (MIA) か、気にしていないか、あるいは問題を解決できないのが
見つけることができる ? どうすればバグを無くすことができる ?
# Well, my best guess is a more active and powerful QA team. A group of folks
# that can take on the bugs and packages one at a time. We need an
# internal initiative to take care of our archive, when individuals are no
# longer able or willing to do so.
僕が思うに、最善の解はもっと積極的で協力な QA チームだ。
# 3. Security issues. One thing Debian does not seem to have right now is
# a proactive security team. Now I know that the security team now is
# overworked, and they do a great job. I'm thinking more along the lines
# of lobbying for people to audit programs that may be potential security
# problems. Other major vendors have this. OpenBSD being one of the best
# at it. What would be nice is to make sure that the core of the system is
# audited for any problems. This is a lot of work, but it can be done, and
# I am quite sure that we have a lot of people out there willing to take
# on the auditing process, including creating the group and administrating
# it.
3. セキュリティに関連する問題。現在 Debian に欠けているらしいものの
Debian 以外のメジャーなベンダーはこうした活動を行なっている。OpenBSD は
そして僕は、Debian の中にこうした調査活動に参加したいと考えている人々が
# (I'm sure I had a 4, but it eludes me at this point. Maybe an update is
# in order later. :)
(たしかもうひとつ、4 番目の項目があったはずなんだが、今ちょっと
思い出せない。たぶん後で追加することになるだろう :)
# If you have questions that fall outside of this email, please send them
# to me seperately so I can keep discussions in order (Cc the list if
# desired).
(メーリングリストへの Cc はお好きなように)。
# Ben
# --
# -----------=======-=-======-=========-----------=====------------=-=------
# / Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage... -- Debian GNU/Linux \
# ` bcollins@debian.org -- bcollins@openldap.org -- bcollins@linux.com '
# `---=========------=======-------------=-=-----=-===-======-------=--=---'
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Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:10:30 -0500
From: Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org>
Subject: Re: [platform] My little self-pumping/ego-trip/self-righteous speech :)
On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 06:05:49PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
# > One of these areas is visibility. We all know that the DPL is a figure
# > head for Debian. They get invited to all the neat Linux expos. Quite
# > honestly, being a father/husband, I may not be able to travel as much as
# > recent DPL's, are as much as any of the other candidates (I'm unaware of
# > their specific situation regarding this). I am more than willing to
# > spend as much time as possible, however, keeping contact with outside
# > factions who are interested in Debian workings, and keeping our
# > developers informed of such factions. I will travel to as many Linux
# > related events as humanly possible for a man in my position.
そうした分野のひとつに visibility (目立つこと、わかりやすさ) がある。
僕らは全員、DPL が Debian の看板だってことを知っている。ちゃんとした
Linux エキスポのすべてに招待されるんだ。正直に言うと、父親であり、かつ
夫である立場を考えると、最近の DPL 達や、もしかしたら他の DPL 候補達
ほどには、世界中を飛び回ることはできないだろうと思う (僕は他の候補達
時間を喜んでこうした活動、Debian の作業に興味を持つ外部の団体と接触
したり、Debian の開発者達にそうした団体のことを知らせたりといった活動
たくさんの Linux 関連イベントにも出席しようとも思う。
# I just noticed that it isn't particularly obvious from this statement
# that I do take to public speaking. I have done many computer related
# seminars and classes, of which the courses and speeches I wrote myself.
/ Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage... -- Debian GNU/Linux \
` bcollins@debian.org -- bcollins@openldap.org -- bcollins@linux.com '
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# (わたしのおうちは浜松市、「夜のお菓子」で有名さ。)
<kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)