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[debian-devel:10254] Re: Fw: Debian-JP discussions; lets wrap this up

In <199909030157.SAB26237@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Sep.03 1999 10:57 JST),
``[debian-devel:10243] Re: Fw: Debian-JP discussions; lets wrap this up'',
kikutani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx says:
=   さらに他の人のリプライにたいして
=   I wouldn't like Debian to spawn on a 4th CD only because of package forks.
=   俺はもう頭来たよ。


kenn@lancelot$ cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/\s 2.1 \n \l

kenn@lancelot$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list 
deb http://ring.ocn.ad.jp/pub/linux/debian/debian-jp stable main contrib non-free
deb http://ring.ocn.ad.jp/pub/linux/debian/debian-jp stable main-jp contrib-jp non-free-jp
deb http://pandora.debian.org stable non-US
kenn@lancelot$ egrep '^(Package|Section|Size):' /var/lib/dpkg/available|
> xargs -l3 echo|
> egrep -v 'Section: non-'|
> sed 's/^.*Size: //'|awk '{S += $1}; END{print S}'
kenn@lancelot$ egrep '^(Package|Section|Size):' /var/lib/dpkg/available|
> xargs -l3 echo|
> egrep -v 'Section: non-'|
> egrep -e '-j[ap][^a-z]'|
> sed 's/^.*Size: //'|awk '{S += $1}; END{print S}'
kenn@lancelot$ echo 'scale=10;19169538/1034846938*100'|bc

Package: j*なものがもれてますが、10パッケージ3.5Mbyteほどです。
Sline + Slink-JP, i386-binary において、-jp forked version の比率

 -.- . -. -.
Ken Nakagaki (kenn@xxxxxxxxxxx is NOT for private E-Mail)
「人は船ではない。人は会社ではない」-- Gerry Spence