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[debian-devel:10661] Re: Fw: Re: [www-ptex 1227] English license of pTeX/pLaTeX
From: Hiroshi KISE <fuyuneko@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Fw: Re: [www-ptex 1227] English license of pTeX/pLaTeX
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:24:49 +0900
From: Hiroshi KISE <fuyuneko@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Fw: Re: [www-ptex 1227] English license of pTeX/pLaTeX
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:24:49 +0900
fuyuneko> アスキーの中野さんから返事がきましたので、ここに転送します。
fuyuneko> (Mewでforwardすると添付ファイルになるんで、手でcut&paste)
fuyuneko> >2、もし存在せず、作成される予定がなければ、JDDP(Japanese Debian
fuyuneko> >Documentation Project)で翻訳し、それを株式会社アスキー様にご確認して
fuyuneko> >いただくことになるかと思いますが、よろしいでしょうか?
fuyuneko> はい。
# 割と逐語的に訳したつもりです。
Note: the official copyright notice is written in Japanese and can be
found in the file called <COPYRIGHT.ja>. <- 適当に変えてください
This English translation was approved by ASCII Co. in 1999/00/00. <- ここも
0. In this notice, the "Software" represents a part of the pLaTeX2e
distribution which is concerned with Japanese support developed
by ASCII Co.
1. ASCII Co. holds all ownership rights to the Software.
2. Use of the Software in any form is permitted provided that it is not
for direct commercial purpose(e.g. collecting tolls for using the
Software). Note that in no event shall ASCII Co. be liable for
any direct or indirect damage caused by using the Software(see cl.5).
3. Redistribution of the Software is permitted provided that it is not
for commercial purpose.
4. Modification of the Software is permitted provided that you send
your change to ASCII Co. The release of your modification to the
public requires an advance approval by ASCII Co.
Redistribution of the modified version of the Software is permitted
provided that the receiver can easily restore it to the original.
5. In no event shall ASCII Co. be liable for any direct or indirect
damage. Any express or implied warranties, including,
but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness for a
particular purpose are disclaimed.
Translation by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta@debian.or.jp>
八田 真行 <masayuki-h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>