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[debian-devel:11031] Re: Why is not the doc-linux-ja package upgraded?


doc-linux-* のパッケージングが変わったようですので、今月末

From: mbudde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Marco Budde)
Subject: doc-linux-* maintainers
Date: 13 Nov 1999 03:58:13 +0900
Message-ID: <e09_9911121940@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I#ve changed the structure of the English (doc-linux-{html,text}) and the  
German and Swedish HOWTO packages. Maybe you#re interested using the same  
file layout:

  The HOWTOs are stored in /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/<language>-<format>
  (for example /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt).

  FSSTND links: /usr/doc/HOWTO should *not* be linked to
                /usr/share/doc/HOWTO. Instead the package should
                include an empty /usr/doc/HOWTO directory. You can
                then use this diretory for the links.

If you need an example, I would suggest my doc-linux-sv package.

Please CC answers.

cu, Marco

      Linux HOWTOs - Die besten Loesungen der Linuxgemeinde
                        ISBN 3-8266-0498-9

Uni: Budde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx             Fido: 2:240/6298.5
Mailbox: mbudde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx        http://www.tu-harburg.de/~semb2204/
