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[debian-devel:12509] New Debian JP Packages

These packages were installed into the Debian JP hierarchy in the

----- MEDIUM Urgency Packages -----------

grep-ja    - GNU grep, egrep and fgrep + multi-byte extension
grep-ja 2.0-3 -> 2.3-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/base
 grep-ja (2.3-2) frozen unstable; urgency=medium
 * src/dfa.c: Fixed when the option --ignore-case is added
 like "grep -i", grep-ja cause segmentation fault.
 Patched by Yasuhiro Uchida <uchida@xxxxxxxxxxxx>.
 (closes: #JP/1175)

----- Low Urgency Packages --------------

dvi2dvi    - tool for converting DVI files to DVI files.
dvi2dvi 1.01-2 -> 1.01-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/tex
 dvi2dvi (1.01-3) unstable-jp; urgency=low
 * moved /usr/lib/texmf to /usr/share/texmf.

fff        - Firewall Friendly FTP (with color)
fff 0.5-7 -> 0.5-8.1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/net
 fff (0.5-8.1) unstable; urgency=low
 * NMU y2k fix

gawk-ja    - GNU awk + multi-byte extension
gawk-ja 2.15.6-2 -> 3.0.4-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/interpreters
 gawk-ja (3.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream version.
 * Modified jgawk.1.

binutils-m68k-human - GNU binutils for cross compiling Human68k binaries.
binutils-m68k-human 2.7h-2 -> 2.7h-5 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/devel
 humanbinutils (2.7h-5) unstable-jp; urgency=low
 * Define __NO_STRING_INLINES to avoid <string.h> macros by glibc 2.1.
 * Revert change made in 2.7h-4.

linuxdoc-sgml-ja - Linux Documentation Project SGML tools (Japanese Extended)
linuxdoc-sgml-ja 1.5.1-5 -> 1.5.1-11 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/text
 linuxdoc-sgml-ja (1.5.1-11) unstable-jp; urgency=low
 * modify dependency(dvi2ps-j -> dvi2ps).

lupe       - real-time magnifying glass for X11
lupe 0.07-1 -> 0.07-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/x11
 lupe (0.07-3) unstable; urgency=low
 * New Maintainer.
 * lupe.doc, lupe.man: fixed some ungrammatical descriptions.

lynx-ja    - Text-mode WWW Browser with NLS support.
lynx-ja 2.8.1-6.8 -> 2.8.3-1.7 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/web
 lynx-ja (2.8.3-1.7) unstable; urgency=low
 * Updated ru.po and added da.po

mouseclock - Displays the current time using the X root cursor.
mouseclock 1.0-3 -> 1.0-7 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/x11
 mouseclock (1.0-7) unstable; urgency=low
 * New maintainer.
 * update to Standards-Version: 3.0.1

plain2     - Converts plain text into roff, TeX or HTML format.
plain2 2.54p1-2 -> 2.54p1-4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/text
 plain2 (2.54p1-4) unstable; urgency=low
 * New Maintainer.
 * Update to Version: 3.0.1

sed-ja     - GNU sed + multi-byte extension
sed-ja 1.18-3 -> 3.02-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/base
 sed-ja (3.02-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream version.
 * Modify jsed.1.gz.

----- New Packages ----------------------

ack        - Kanji code converter can check the character code
ack 1.3.9-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/text
 ack (1.3.9-3) unstable; urgency=low
 * ask upstream to apply GPL and agreed with it.

alslink    - system3.5 development kit (link).
alslink 0.2-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/devel
 alslink (0.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
 * Description fix

bmp2pms    - BMP to PMS file converter.
bmp2pms 0.1-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/graphics
 bmp2pms (0.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
 * Lintian Error fix.

e2ps       - Convert plain text into PostScript
e2ps 4.0-1.6 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/text
 e2ps (4.0-1.6) frozen-jp unstable-jp; urgency=low
 * Fix segmentation fault when LANG is not set (thanks Mr. Nakahara

enfle      - Plugin-based Graphic loader.
enfle 20000610-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/graphics
 enfle (20000610-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream version.
 * Add libarc plugin.

epwutil    - Several utilities for EB(Electric Book)/EPWING
epwutil 1.1-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/utils
 epwutil (1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

esecanna-module-vje25 - Dynamic lodable module for esecanna. (VJE-Delta 2.5 supported)
esecanna-module-vje25 0.14.5-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/utils
 esecanna-module-vje25 (0.14.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

esecanna-module-vje30 - Dynamic lodable module for esecanna. (VJE-Delta 3.0 supported)
esecanna-module-vje30 0.14.4-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/utils
 esecanna-module-vje30 (0.14.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

esecanna-module-wnn6 - Dynamic lodable module for esecanna. (Wnn6 supported)
esecanna-module-wnn6 0.14.2-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/utils
 esecanna-module-wnn6 (0.14.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
 * debian/control: Add Provides: esecanna-module.

esecanna   - Pseudo cannaserver that wraps another IME. (Server)
esecanna 0.14.2-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/utils
 esecanna (0.14.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * Initial Release.

ewipe      - Yet another presentation tool based on Tcl/Tk
ewipe 1.2.0-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/x11
 ewipe (1.2.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
 * Modified ewipe (set PATH /usr/lib/ewipe).

gmp3te     - GTK+ based ID3 Tag editor
gmp3te 0.13-0.1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/sound
 gmp3te (0.13-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream version.
 * Now using debhelper.
 * Compliance with FHS 2.0.
 * NMU.

hyperplay  - Multimedia authoring engine (run-time)
hyperplay 1.3.3-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/games
 hyperplay (1.3.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

imultimouse - handle multiple mice as a single mouse.
imultimouse 2.3.2-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/misc
 imultimouse (2.3.2-1) unstable frozen; urgency=low
 * New upstream release
 * Absolutely no new code. Just change copyright notice through related files,
 so I'd like this version into frozen, too.
 * .c .h: A bit modification on copyright notice.
 * debian/copyright: Add my copyright notice.

ircatlite  - simple IRC client using GTK+, supporting Japanese
ircatlite 20000308-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/net
 ircatlite (20000308-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

libarc-dev - Archive libraries - development
libarc2    - Archive libraries - runtime
libarc-dev 2.0.2-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/devel
libarc2 2.0.2-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/libs
 libarc (2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream version.
 * Change copyright.

libsndfile-dev - The Libsndfile Library (files for development)
libsndfile0 - The Libsndfile Library
libsndfile-dev 0.0.19-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/devel
libsndfile0 0.0.19-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/libs
 libsndfile (0.0.19-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

libtext-chasen-perl - Japanese Morphological Analysis System module for Perl
libtext-chasen-perl 0.20-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/misc
 libtext-chasen-perl (0.20-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * Initial Release.

libtext-chasen1-perl - Japanese Morphological Analysis System for Perl
libtext-chasen1-perl 0.11-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/misc
 libtext-chasen1-perl (0.11-2) unstable; urgency=low
 * for perl5.

lv         - A Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
lv 4.49.3-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/text
 lv (4.49.3-3) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 * Updated Standards-Version: 3.0.1 .
 * debian/changelog: added frozen dist.

lynx-cur   - Text-mode WWW Browser with NLS support
lynx-cur 2.8.4-1.4 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/web
 lynx-cur (2.8.4-1.4) unstable; urgency=low
 * Fix patch-1 so that warnings disappear in dev.3
 * Updated ru.po and added da.po

midiplay   - Standard MIDI file (SMF) player
midiplay 0.5+10-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/sound
 midiplay (0.5+10-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * Re-packaged.
 * Signed with GNUPG.

mpm        - Saehan MPMan Communication Tool
mpm 0.02-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/sound
 mpm (0.02-3) unstable; urgency=low
 * Compliant with Policy 3.1.0
 * Signed with GNUPG.

ne         - an easy-to-use text editor for good old DO$ lovers
ne 3+00pre16-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/editors
 ne (3+00pre16-2) unstable; urgency=low
 *Change source Directory.

netmaj     - network mahjongg server and console client
netmaj-kui - another network mahjongg client for X
netmaj-xui - network mahjongg client for X
netmaj 2.0.7.k1.0.6-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/games
netmaj-kui 2.0.7.k1.0.6-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/games
netmaj-xui 2.0.7.k1.0.6-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/games
 netmaj (2.0.7.k1.0.6-3) unstable; urgency=low
 * change "copyright" file in the netmaj-kui package.
 * fix "mime" file in netmaj-{xui,kui} package.
 * sign with GPG.

pms2bmp    - pms -> bmp converter.
pms2bmp 0.1-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/graphics
 pms2bmp (0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
 * Description fix

rcconv     - Converts several MIDI formats into RCP/R36 format
rcconv 19991003-5 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/sound
 rcconv (19991003-5) unstable; urgency=low
 * Killed some compile warnings.

recjis     - tools to recover corrupted Japanese text.
recjis 0.0-3 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/text
 recjis (0.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
 * New maintainer.

shokendai  - Tate-gaki text viewer
shokendai 1.0-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/x11
 shokendai (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * Initial Release.

sted2      - a fast, functional MIDI sequencer
sted2 2.07m+20000429-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/sound
 sted2 (2.07m+20000429-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release
 * Tweaked sted2.cnf again.

sylpheed   - an X based e-mail client
sylpheed 0.3.18-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/mail
 sylpheed (0.3.18-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

sys35c     - system3.5 development kit (compiler)
sys35c 0.0.9-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/devel
 sys35c (0.0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
 *  New upstream Release.

thttpd     - tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
thttpd 2.16-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/web
 thttpd (2.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

libvm68k-1.1snap0 - M68000 emulation library of Virtual X68000
libvm68k-dev - M68000 emulation library of Virtual X68000 (development)
vx68k      - Virtual X68000 emulator
libvm68k-1.1snap0 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/libs
libvm68k-dev into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/devel
vx68k into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/otherosfs
 vx68k ( unstable; urgency=low
 * Install vx68k.info.

weex       - a non-interactive FTP client for updating webpages
weex 2.6.0-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/net
 weex (2.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New version.

xeyes+     - Another Follow the Mouse X demo
xeyes+ 2.02-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/x11
 xeyes+ (2.02-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * Initial Release.

xgraph     - A two-dimensional data plotting program
xgraph 11.3.2.hack.9-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/math
 xgraph (11.3.2.hack.9-2) unstable; urgency=low
 * Using Makefile created by xmkmf.

xhakom     - A famous puzzle game, "Hakoiri-musume" on X.
xhakom 1.2-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/games
 xhakom (1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * Initial Release.

xman-i18n  - i18n xman
xman-i18n 3.1.6-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/x11
 xman-i18n (3.1.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
 * add Depends: man-db, groff

xmold      - mold spreading over your X-Window screen
xmold 2.00-2 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/games
 xmold (2.00-2) unstable; urgency=low
 * Copyright document corrected.

xrot       - Camel-try Action Game
xrot 1.3.2-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/games
 xrot (1.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * Initial Release.

xyaku      - X front-end of translation, search engine, and more
xyaku 1.2.0-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/x11
 xyaku (1.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * Initial Release.

z-music    - Convert Z-MUSIC MML to Standard MIDI File
z-music 2v127-1 into dists/woody-jp/main/binary-alpha/sound
 z-music (2v127-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream version.