武藤@Debianぷろじぇくとです。 Sargeのリリース計画がアナウンスされました。 皆さまもご協力のほどよろしくお願いします。
--- Begin Message ---
- From: Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>
- Subject: Release update
- Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 14:27:11 -0700
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Hello world. There's a steadily increasing buzz about the status of the sarge release, now that the new installer is on the home stretch. The release team has been hard at work on finalizing a viable release schedule, but it will take a little more time yet before that's ready to be announced. In the meantime, we do need to announce the first stage of the sarge freeze. 31 July Hard-freeze of base+standard With the release of debian-installer's second test candidate at the beginning of August, we need to provide a fixed target for the d-i team. Freezing base at this point will help us ensure the debian-installer release can be used for shaking out its *own* bugs, instead of getting caught up in new bugs from the base system. Starting 31 July, no more non-RC changes are allowed into testing for base packages or for packages of priority standard and higher. RC fixes are allowed in through the testing-proposed-updates queue, and will be hand-approved by the release team. Base libraries in unstable must also NOT change their shlibs, because these changes will not be propagated to testing before the release! Please note that for these purposes (and for the purposes of the ongoing base dependency freeze), "base" packages are those packages which are installed by debootstrap by the "sarge" target. If you're not sure whether this includes you, please check <http://release.debian.org/base-packages.txt> for a list of binary packages. Also keep in mind that any RC bugs currently holding new versions of base packages out of testing will need to be fixed in advance of 31 July, if you want to get your other changes into sarge. Since long freezes become a problem, you can rest assured that once base is frozen we will be moving to release as quickly as we can. This means that, even though there was no official BSP this weekend, it's still open season on all RC bugs. If you have some extra time, please consider spending it on <http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/>. Of particular importance now are the bugs listed at <http://bugs.qa.debian.org/>. There are still around 230 RC bugs affecting sarge, which means around 230 package removals if these don't get fixed. Look for a full timeline to become available around the first of August. The current thought is to release sarge by mid-September, but we're trying not to promise anything we can't deliver. We'll let you know soon when we think this baby is due. Cheers, -- Steve Langasek [vorlon@debian.org] Debian Release Assistant, on behalf of the release teamAttachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature
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