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dselect.beginner.sgml (1/2)

From: Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop@debian.or.jp>
To: debian-doc@debian.or.jp
Subject: dselect.beginner.sgml
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Date: 02 Mar 1999 03:04:45 +0900
Lines: 1175

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP-2

 <!DOCTYPE debiandoc PUBLIC "-//DebianDoc//DTD DebianDoc//EN" [
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        document conventions:
          file,directory,partition == file
          program, command == prgn
          program output == tt
          key input == em, example for longer ones
          command input == tt
          variable == var
          package == package


<!-- <prgn>dselect</prgn> Documentation for Beginners -->
初心者のための <prgn>dselect</prgn> 入門
        <name>St.ANiphane Bortzmeyer</name>

    <chapt id="dselect-intro"><!-- Introduction -->はじめに

This file documents <prgn>dselect</prgn> for first-time users, and is
intended to help in getting Debian installed successfully. It makes no
attempt to explain everything, so when you first meet
<prgn>dselect</prgn>, work through the help screens.
この文書は, <prgn>dselect</prgn> を初めて使う人が Debian のインストールに成功するような手助けになることを目的としています。
この文書は <prgn>dselect</prgn> のすべてを説明するものではなく, <prgn>dselect</prgn> を初めてヘルプ画面を通して使うためのものです。

<prgn>dselect</prgn> is used to select which packages you wish to
install (there are currently around &num-of-distrib-pkgs; packages in
Debain &release;).  It will be run for you during the install and as
it is a very powerful and somewhat complex thing which can be used for
good or for evil; some knowledge of it beforehand is highly
recommended. Careless use of <prgn>dselect</prgn> can severly mess up
your system.
<prgn>dselect</prgn> はインストールしたいパッケージを選択するために使われます
(Debian &release; には現在 &num-of-distrib-pkgs; パッケージあります).
<prgn>dselect</prgn> はインストールに使用され,とても強力で少々複雑ではありますが,いくつかの知識をあらかじめ持っていれば,迷うことはありません。
軽はずみな <prgn>dselect</prgn> の使用はシステムをすっかり台無しにしてしまうかもしれません.

<prgn>dselect</prgn> will step you through the package installation
process as follows:

	  <item>Choose the access method to use.
	  <item>Update list of available packages, if possible.
	  <item>Request which packages you want on your system.
	  <item>Install and upgrade wanted packages.
	  <item>Configure any packages that are unconfigured.
	  <item>Remove unwanted software.

As each step is completed successfully it will lead you on to the next.
Go through them in order without skipping any steps.

Here and there in this document we talk of starting another
shell. Linux has 6 console sessions or shells available at any one
time. You switch betwen them by hitting <em>Left Alt-F1</em> through
LEFT-ALT&gt; &lt;F6&gt;, after which you log in on your new shell and
go ahead.  The console used by the install process is the first one,
a.k.a., ttyp1, so hit <em>Left Alt-F1</em> when you want to return to
that process.
Linux は 6 つのコンソールやシェルを持ち,いつでも使うことができます。
<em>Left Alt-F1</em>からLEFT-ALT&gt; &lt;F6&gt; を押すことにより,切替えることができます。
インストールに使われるコンソールは最初のもので,すなわち ttyp1 で,<em>Left Alt-F1</em> を押せば元に戻ることができます.

    <chapt id="dselect-main">Once <prgn>dselect</prgn> is Launched
    <chapt id="dselect-main"><prgn>dselect</prgn> が起動したら,
Once in <prgn>dselect</prgn> you will get this screen:

Debian Linux `dselect' package handling frontend.

0.  [A]ccess  Choose the access method to use. 
1.  [U]pdate  Update list of available packages, if possible. 
2   [S]elect  Request which packages you want on your system.
3.  [I]nstall Install and upgrade wanted packages. 
4.  [C]onfig  Configure any packages that are unconfigured. 
5.  [R]emove  Remove unwanted software.
6.  [Q]uit    Quit dselect.

Let's look at these one by one.

      <sect id="access">``Access''
Here's the access screen:

dselect - list of access methods
  Abbrev.        Description
  cdrom          Install from a CD-ROM.
* multi_cd       Install from a CD-ROM set.
  nfs            Install from an NFS server (not yet mounted).
  multi_nfs      Install from an NFS server (using the CD-ROM set) (not yet mounted).
  harddisk       Install from a hard disk partition (not yet mounted).
  mounted        Install from a filesystem which is already mounted.
  multi_mount    Install from a mounted partition with changing contents.
  floppy         Install from a pile of floppy disks.
  apt            APT Acquisition [file,http,ftp]

Here we tell <prgn>dselect</prgn> where our packages are.  Please
ignore the order that these appear in.  It is very important that you
select the proper method for installation.  In the following list, we
describe the different methods.

Quite large and powerful, this complex method is the recommended way
of installing a recent version of Debian from a set of multiple binary
CDs. Each of these CDs should contain a full set of "Packages.cd"
files (one for each of the archive sections) in addition to the
traditional Packages files as used by the other methods. When you
first select this method, be sure the CD-ROM you will be using is not
mounted. Place any of the set in the drive and answer the questions
you are asked:
これらのCDはそれぞれ"Packages.cd"ファイルを持ち(この中には他のCDにある情報も含まれます),昔からの Packages ファイルはその他の方法で使用します.
	CD-ROM drive location
	Confirmation that you are using a multi-cd set
	The location of the Debian distribution on the disk(s)
	[ Possibly ] the location(s) of the Packages file(s)
Once you have updated the available list and selected the packages to
be installed, the multi-cd method diverges from normal procedure. You
will need to run an "install" step for each of the CDs you have in
turn. Unfortunately due to the limitations of dselect it will not be
able to prompt you for a new disk at each stage; the way to work for
each disk is
順番にCDを入れ替えて "install" を実行します.
	Insert the CD in your CD-ROM drive.
	From the main dselect menu, select "Install".
	Wait until dpkg finishes installing from this CD (it may
	report installation successful, or possibly installation
	errors. Don't worry about these until later).
	Hit [Return] to go back to the main dselect menu. 
	Repeat with the next CD in the set...
It may be neccesary to run the installation step more than once to
cover the order of package installation - some packages installed
early may need to have later packages installed before they will
configure properly.
いくつかのパッケージは他のパッケージよりも先にインストールと設定がされている必要があるため,全てのパッケージをインストールするためには一回以上 "install" をしなければならないかもしれません.
Running a "Configure" step is recommended, to help fix any packages
that may end up in this state.
未設定のものを設定するために,"Configure" は必ず必要です.

	    <tag>multi_nfs, multi_mount</tag>
These are very similar to the multi-cd method above, and are
refinements on the theme of coping with changing media, for example if
installing off a multi-cd set exported via nfs from another machine's
CD-ROM drive.

One of the best options for installation from a local mirror of the
Debian archive, or from the network.  This method uses the ``apt''
system to do complete dependancy analysis and ordering, so it's most
likely to to install packages in the optimal order.
この方法は ``apt``システムを利用して完全な依存解析と順序付けをするので,最も最適な順番でパッケージをインストールすることができます.

Configuration of this method is straight-forward; you may select any
number of different locations, mixing and matching <tt>file:</tt> URLs
(local disks or NFS mounted disks), <tt>http:</tt> URLs, or
<tt>ftp:</tt> URLs.  Note however that the HTTP and FTP options do not
support local authenticating proxies.
If you have proxy server for either http or ftp (or both), make sure
you set the <tt>http_proxy</tt> or <tt>ftp_proxy</tt> environment
variables, respectively.  Set them from your shell before starting
dselect, i.e.:
# export http_proxy=http://gateway:3128/
# dselect

Caters for those people without CD-ROM or network access. Not
recommended as a viable installation option any more if you are using
traditionally-sized floppies, but may work better for LS/120 or Zip
drives. Specify the location of your floppy drive, then feed
floppies. The first one should contain the Packages file. This method
is slow and may be unreliable due to media problems.

<![ IGNORE [ <tag>ftp</tag>
<strong>DEPRECATED METHOD -- use apt instead.  Only try if all else
You will be asked to supply the address of an ftp site, whether you
want to use passive mode (for proxied ftp), a username/password
combination, the path to the debian directory, the list of
distributions you are interested in and a place to download the binary
package files to (relative to /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp).
The setup script will then immediately attempt to connect to the
remote server to grab the Packages file(s) etc., then dselect will
reconnect later when you actually start installing packages.
If you need to work through a firewall this method should work well,
and is ideal for people without much local disk space.]]>

<![ IGNORE [ <tag>http</tag>
<strong>DEPRECATED METHOD -- use apt instead.  Only try this method if
all else fails</strong>
Similar to ftp, but will use a mixture of <tt>http:</tt>,
<tt>ftp:</tt> and <tt>file:</tt> URLs to find the Debian files. You
can set it up to use different proxies for <tt>http:</tt> and
<tt>ftp:</tt> URLs if necessary. Very useful if a local proxy will
cache the package files for multiple users, or if a mirror only allows
http access and not ftp.  ]]>

<strong>DEPRECATED METHOD - use apt or multi_nfs instead.  Only try
this method if all else fails.</strong>

<strong>この方法の使用は勧められません - apt か multi_nfs を代わりに使ってください.

This is a simple installation method, with simple requirements: give
it the address of the NFS server, the location of the Debian
distribution on the server and (maybe) the Packages file(s). Then
dselect will install the various sections in turn from the
server. Slow but easy; does not use proper ordering, so it will take
many runs of the ``Configure'' step.  Obviously only appropriate for NFS based
ゆっくりですが簡単;適した順序付けをしないので ``Configure''をたくさん実行する必要があるでしょう.

<strong>DEPRECATED METHOD - use apt or multi_mount instead.  Only try
this method if all else fails</strong>
<strong>この方法の使用は勧められません - apt か multi_nfs を代わりに使ってください.

Supply the block device of the hard drive partition to use, and as
usual the locations of the Debian files on that partition. Slow and
easy.  Does not use proper ordering, so it will take many runs of the
``Configure'' step.  Not recommended, since the ``apt'' method
supports this functionality, with proper ordering.
ゆっくりで簡単です.適した並べ変えをしないので``Configure''をたくさん実行することになるでしょう. 推奨ではなく,なぜなら``apt''がこの機能を提供していて,並べ変えもするからです.

<strong>DEPRECATED METHOD - use apt or multi_mount instead.  Only try
this method if all else fails</strong>
<strong>この方法の使用は勧められません - apt か multi_nfs を代わりに使ってください.

Simply specify the location(s) of the Debian files in your
filesystem. Possibly the easiest method, but slow. Does not use proper
ordering, so it will take many runs of the ``Configure'' step.

<![ IGNORE [ <tag>mountable</tag>
<strong>DEPRECATED METHOD -- use apt or multi_mount instead.  Only try
this method if all else fails</strong>
A more complex method than ``mounted'', and a good deal faster -- it
will scan only the packages needed. It gives more control over the
installation options than some of the other methods, but requires more
setup.  ]]>

<strong>DEPRECATED METHOD - use multi_cd instead.  This method simply
does not work with the </strong>
<strong>この方法の使用は勧められません - apt か multi_nfs を代わりに使ってください.
Designed for single-CD installations, this simple method will ask for
the location of your CD-ROM drive, the location of the Debian
distribution on that disk and then (if necessary) the location(s) of
the Packages file(s) on the disk. Simple but quite slow.  Does not use
proper ordering, so it will take many runs of the ``Configure'' step.
Not recommended, because it assumes the distribution is on a single
CD-ROM, which is no longer the case.  Use the ``multi_cd'' method


If you run into any problems - maybe Linux can not see your CD-ROM,
your NFS mount is not working or you have forgotten which partition
the packages are on - you have a couple of options:
もしもここで問題があれば(例えば, Linux が cdrom を認識しなかったり, 
NFS マウントされていなかったり,どのパーティションにパッケージがあるか

Start another shell. Fix the problem and then return to the main shell.
Quit <prgn>dselect</prgn> and run it again later. You might even need
to shut down the computer to solve some problem. This is quite ok but
when you come back to <prgn>dselect</prgn> run it as root. It will not
be run automatically after the first time.
<prgn>dselect</prgn> を終了して,後程,再起動します。
このようなことを行なっても全然問題ありませんが,次に <prgn>dselect</prgn> を起動するときは root で実行してください.
最初のときと違って,次に起動したときには自動的に <prgn>dselect</prgn> は起動しません。

After you choose the access method <prgn>dselect</prgn> will get you
to indicate the precise location of the packages. If you do not get
this right the first time hit <em>Control-C</em> and return to the
``Access'' item.
もしこの選択が正しくなければ, ^C で,インストール方法の選択まで戻ります。

Once you are through here you will be returned to the main screen.

      <sect id="update">``Update''
<prgn>dselect</prgn> will read the <file>Packages</file> or
<file>Packages.gz</file> files from the mirror and create a database
on your system of all available packages.  This may take a while as it
downloads and processes the files.
<prgn>dselect</prgn> はミラー元から <file>Packages</file> もしくは <file>Packages.gz</file> ファイルを読み込み,自分のシステムの利用可能なパッケージリストの更新をします。

      <sect id="select">``Select''
Hang on to your hat. This is where it all happens. The object of the
excercise is to select just which packages you wish to have installed.

Hit <em>Enter</em>. If you have a slow machine be aware that the
screen will clear and can remain blank for 15 seconds so don't start
bashing keys at this point.
<em>Enter</em> を押してください。
遅いマシンの場合,画面がクリアされても 15 秒程そのままになるので,キーを連打しないように注意してください。

The first thing that comes up on the screen is page 1 of the Help
file.  You can get to this help by hitting <em>?</em> at any point in
the ``Select'' screens and you can page through the help screens by
hitting the <em>.</em> (full stop) key.
最初にヘルプファイルの 1 ページ目が表示されます。
選択画面のどこからでも<em>?</em> を押せば,いつでもこの画面を出すことができます。
<em>.</em> キーで続きを見ることができます。

Before you dive in note these points:

To exit the ``Select'' screen after all selections are complete, hit
<em>Enter</em>. This will return you to the main screen if there is no
problem with your selection.  Otherwise, you will be asked to deal
with that problem. When you are happy with any given screen hit
<em>Enter</em> to get out.
すべての選択が終った後に選択画面から抜ける時は <em>Enter</em> を押してください。
出てきた画面が適切であれば, <em>Enter</em> を押して抜けてください。

Problems are quite normal and are to be expected. If you select
package <var>A</var> and that package requires package <var>B</var> to
run, then <prgn>dselect</prgn> will warn you of the problem and will
most likely suggest a solution. If package <var>A</var> conflicts with
package <var>B</var> (i.e., if they are mutually exclusive) you will
be asked to decide between them.
<var>A</var> という選択したパッケージとそのパッケージが必要とする <var>B</var> というパッケージがあるとき, <prgn>dselect</prgn> はその問題を指摘し,最も適した解決法の提案をします。
もし <var>A</var> パッケージが(互いに排他的な) <var>B</var> パッケージと衝突したとき,どちらを選ぶか聞いてくるでしょう。

<P>Let's look at the top two lines of the ``Select'' screen.
<P>選択画面の最初の 2 行を見てみましょう。

dselect - main package listing (avail., priority)          mark:+/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section  Package      Inst.ver    Avail.ver   Description

This header reminds us of some of the special keys:

Select a package for installation.

Place a package on hold - useful on a broken package. You can
reinstall an older version and place it on hold while you wait for a
new one to appear.
パッケージを保持(hold)します - 壊れたパッケージに有用です.

Remove a package

Remove a package and its config files.

Toggle/cycle info displays.

Cycle through the sort options.

A terse/verbose toggle. Use this key to unlock the meanings of EIOM on
line two, but I'll give you a summary here anyway. (Note that upper
and lower case keys are quite different in effect.)
このキーを使うと2行目に EIOM の意味が表示されます.

Flag   Meaning           Possible values 
E      Error             Space, R, I
I      Installed state   Space, *, -, U, C, I 
O      Old mark          *, -, =, _, n
M      Mark              *, -, =, _, n 
フラグ   意味              可能な値
E        エラー            Space, R, I
I        インストール済    Space, *, -, U, C, I 
O        一つ前の選択      *, -, =, _, n
M        現在の選択        *, -, =, _, n 

Rather that spell all this out here I refer you to the Help screens where
all is revealed. One example though.

You enter <prgn>dselect</prgn> and find a line like this:
<prgn>dselect</prgn> では次のような行があります。

EIOM Pri  Section  Package   Description 
  ** Opt  misc     loadlin   a loader (running under DOS) for LINUX kernel

This is saying that loadlin was selected when you last ran
<prgn>dselect</prgn> and that it is still selected, but it is not
installed. Why not? The answer must be that the loadlin package is not
physically avaiable. It is missing from your mirror.
これは前回 <prgn>dselect</prgn> を実行したときに選んだ loadlin をそのままにし,選択した状態になっています。
しかし,インストールされていません。 なぜでしょう? 
これは loadlin パッケージが物理的に利用可能になっていないからに違いありません。
The information which <prgn>dselect</prgn> uses to get all the right
packages installed is buried in the packages themselves. Nothing in
this world is perfect and it does sometimes happen that the
dependancies built into a package are incorrect, with the result that
<prgn>dselect</prgn> simply cannot resolve the situation.  A way out
is provided where the user can regain control and it takes the form of
the commands <em>Q</em> and <em>X</em> which are available in the
``Select'' screen.
全パッケージが正しくインストールされたという, <prgn>dselect</prgn> が使う情報はパッケージ自身に埋め込まれています。
これは完全なものはないので,パッケージの依存関係が正しくなかった時などに <prgn>dselect</prgn> が単に解決できないことがあります。
ユーザには操作を元に戻すことができる方法があり, <em>Q</em> と <em>X</em> が選択画面で利用可能なコマンドです。

An override. Forces <prgn>dselect</prgn> to ignore the built in
dependancies and to do what you have specified. The results, of
course, will be on your own head. 

Use <em>X</em> if you get totally lost. It puts things back the way
they were and exits.
すべてを破棄したいときに <em>X</em> を使います.


Keys which help you <em>not</em> to get lost (!) are <em>R</em>,
<em>U</em> and <em>D</em>.
失敗しないための手助けをしてくれるキーは <em>R</em> と <em>U</em> ,<em>D</em>です.

Cancels all selections at this level. Does not affect selections made
at the previous level.

If <prgn>dselect</prgn> has proposed changes and you have made further
changes U will restore <prgn>dselect</prgn>'s selections.

Removes the selections made by <prgn>dselect</prgn>, leaving only

<!-- FIXME: this example is not only a bad example but also wrong -->
<!-- factually now -->

An example follows.  The <package>boot-floppies</package> package (not
an example for beginners, I know, but it was choosen because it has a
lot of dependencies) depends on these packages:

<package>makedev </package>

The person maintaining <package>boot-floppies</package> also thinks
that the following packages should be installed. These are not,
however, essential:
<package>boot-floppies</package> をメンテナンスしている人達は次にあげるパッケージがインストールされているかも考えます。


So when I select <package>boot-floppies</package> I get this screen:

dselect - recursive package listing mark:             +/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section Package Description

dselect - recursive package listing                         mark:+/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section  Package      Description
  ** Opt admin    boot-floppie Scripts to create the Debian installation floppy set.   
  _* Opt devel    newt0.25-dev Developer's toolkit for newt windowing library
  _* Opt devel    slang1-dev   The S-Lang programming library, development version.
  _* Opt devel    slang1-pic   The S-Lang programming library, shared library subset ki

(Other packages may or may not appear, depending on what is already in
your system).  You'll notice that all the required packages have been
selected for me.
The <em>R</em> key puts things back to the starting point.

dselect - recursive package listing mark:             +/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section Package Description

dselect - recursive package listing                         mark:+/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section  Package      Description
  __ Opt admin    boot-floppie Scripts to create the Debian installation floppy set.   
  __ Opt devel    newt0.25-dev Developer's toolkit for newt windowing library
  __ Opt devel    slang1-dev   The S-Lang programming library, development version.
  __ Opt devel    slang1-pic   The S-Lang programming library, shared library subset ki

To decide now that you don't want boot-floppies, just hit

The <em>D</em>key puts things the way I selected them in the first place:

dselect - recursive package listing mark:             +/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section Package Description

dselect - recursive package listing                         mark:+/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section  Package      Description
  _* Opt admin    boot-floppie Scripts to create the Debian installation floppy set.   
  __ Opt devel    newt0.25-dev Developer's toolkit for newt windowing library
  __ Opt devel    slang1-dev   The S-Lang programming library, development version.
  __ Opt devel    slang1-pic   The S-Lang programming library, shared library subset ki

The <em>U</em> key restores <prgn>dselect</prgn>'s selections:

dselect - recursive package listing mark:             +/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section Package Description

dselect - recursive package listing                         mark:+/=/- verbose:v help:?
EIOM Pri Section  Package      Description
  _* Opt admin    boot-floppie Scripts to create the Debian installation floppy set.   
  _* Opt devel    newt0.25-dev Developer's toolkit for newt windowing library
  _* Opt devel    slang1-dev   The S-Lang programming library, development version.
  _* Opt devel    slang1-pic   The S-Lang programming library, shared library subset ki

I suggest running with the defaults for now - you will have ample
opportunity of adding more later.
Whatever you decide, hit <em>Enter</em> to accept and return to the
main screen. If this results in unresolved problems you will be
bounced right back to another problem resolution screen.
So the <em>R</em>, <em>U</em>, and <em>D</em> keys are very useful in
``what if'' situations. You can experiment at will and then restore
everything and start again. <em>Don't</em> look on them as being in a
glass box labelled ``Break In Emergency.''
<em>R</em> , <em>U</em> , <em>D</em> キーはそのような状況においてとても便利です。
``Break In Emergency'' と書かれたガラスの箱と見なしてはいけません.

After making your selections in the ``Select'' screen, hit the
<em>I</em> to give you a big window, <em>t</em> to take you to the
beginning and then use the <em>Page-Down</em> key to look quickly
through the settings. This way you can check the results of your work
and spot glaring errors. Some people have deselected whole groups of
packages by mistake and not noticed the error until too
late. <Prgn>dselect</Prgn> is a <em>very</em> powerful tool so don't
misuse it.
選択画面での選択が終ったら, <em>I</em> を押すと広い窓になり, <em>t</em> で先頭に移動し,<em>Page-Down</em> キーで素早く画面の切替えができます。
dselect は非常に力強いツールなので,間違った使い方をしないようにしてください.

You should now have this situation:

package category     status

required             all selected
important            all selected
standard             mostly selected
optional             mostly deselected
extra                mostly deselected

Happy? Hit <em>Enter</em> to exit the ``Select'' process. You can come back
and run ``Select'' again if you wish.
うまくいけば, <em>Enter</em> を押して,選択を終了します。

      <sect id="install">``Install''
<prgn>dselect</prgn> runs through the entire set of
&num-of-distrib-pkgs; packages and installs those selected.  Expect to
get asked to make decisions as you go. It is often useful to switch to
a different shell to compare, say, an old config with a new one.  If
the old file is <file>conf.modules</file> the new one will be
<prgn>dselect</prgn> は全体で &num-of-distrib-pkgs; パッケージを持ち,選択されたものをインストールします。
古いファイルが <file>conf.modules</file> であるとき,新しいものは <file>conf.modules.dpkg-new</file> となります。
The screen scrolls past fairly quickly on a fast machine. You can
stop/start it with <em>Control-s</em>/<em>Control-q</em> and at the
end of the run you will get a list of any uninstalled packages. If you
want to keep a record of everything that happens use normal Unix
features like <prgn>tee</prgn> or <prgn>script</prgn>.
<em>Control-s</em> や <em>Control-q</em> で 画面を止めたり進めたりでき,インストールの最後にはインストールされなかったパッケージの一覧がでます。
すべての記録を取りたければ, 普通のUnixのように <prgn>tee</prgn> や <prgn>script</prgn> を使ってください。
