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Dedication Joel
す(各ミラーの debian/doc/dedication-2.2.txt および
debian/doc/dedication-2.2.sigs.tar.gz として配布されています)。
Dedicated to Joel 'Espy' Klecker
Joel 'Espy' Klecker に捧ぐ
On July 11, 2000, the Debian Project, and the Free Software Community as a
whole, lost a very dear friend and developer. For most of Joel's life he
had been fighting a disease known as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Since
July of 1997, Joel has been a Debian developer, and for most of that time
was bed-ridden because of this disease. Joel was 21 when he died, far from
the ripe age we imagine most people in our field will reach. His great
dedication to the project is an inspiration to us all, and will never be
去る 2000 年 7 月 11 日、Debian Project および世界中のフリーソフトウェア
した。Joel の生涯のほとんどは、デュシェンヌ筋ジストロフィーとの戦いでし
た。1997 年の 7 月以来、Joel は Debian の開発者として、またその病気のた
めにベッドの上でほとんどの時を費しました。Joel が亡くなったとき、彼は
21 歳 でした。たいていの人間が過ごすことができるであろう年齢に比べ、あま
He was known by most of us as "Espy", his IRC nickname, and also as the
outspoken voice we heard on the mailing lists, never afraid to speak his
mind in a way that only Joel could do, with humor and directness. He
maintained a level of excellence in many important packages for Debian.
His expertise and knowledge was never questioned. Those of us who have
the honor of carrying on the work that he has done for us, will try to
maintain it to his degree of technical perfection.
彼は、私たちの多くにとって IRC ニックネームの "Espy" で知られていました。
また、メーリングリストでも、Joel 独特のやり方で自分の考えを語ることを少
。彼は Debian の多くの重要なパッケージを卓越した腕でメンテナンスしてきま
Most of us had no idea the trials that Joel endured every day of his
life. Not until near the end did any of us know he even had this disease.
Only now are we realizing his dedication, and the friendship that he
bestowed upon us. So as a show of our appreciation, and in memory of his
inspirational life, this release of Debian is for him.
私たちの多くは Joel が耐え抜いた彼の日々の試練を想像できませんでした。彼
を記憶に留めるために、今回のDebian のリリースは彼に捧げます。
* The "Joel 'Espy' Klecker" release
* "Joel 'Espy' Klecker" へのリリース
-- The Debian Developers
-- Debian の開発者たちより
[著]Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org>
[訳]武藤 健志 <kmuto@debian.org>
Thanks ukai, mhatta, knok, Oliver, hattas
武藤 健志@Debian/JPプロジェクト (kmuto@debian.org, kmuto@debian.or.jp)
日本Linux協会 (kmuto@xxxxxxxxxxx)
日本いそたーねっと協会 (kmuto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
有限会社トップスタジオ (kmuto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
URI: http://www.topstudio.co.jp/~kmuto/ (Debianな話題など)