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dselect(1) (1/2)


#~ ###新規###
#~ ###変更###


# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: dpkg man pages\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-06-20 21:07+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-05 21:14+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: KISE Hiroshi <kise@xxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Japanease List <debian-japanese@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "dselect"
msgstr "dselect"

# type: TH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "2006-02-28"
msgstr "2006-02-28"

# type: TH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debian Project"
msgstr "Debian Project"

# type: TH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debian"
msgstr "Debian"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "名称"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:4
msgid "dselect - Debian package management frontend"
msgstr "dselect - Debian パッケージ管理フロントエンド"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "書式"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:17
msgid ""
"B<dselect> [B<--admindir> I<E<lt>directoryE<gt>>] [B<--help>] [B<--version>] "
"[B<--licence>|B<--license>] [B<--expert>] [B<--debug>|B<-"
"D>I<E<lt>fileE<gt>>] [I<E<lt>actionE<gt>>] [B<--colour>|B<--color> "
msgstr ""
"B<dselect> [B<--admindir> I<E<lt>directoryE<gt>>] [B<--help>] [B<--version>] "
"[B<--licence>|B<--license>] [B<--expert>] [B<--debug>|B<-"
"D>I<E<lt>fileE<gt>>] [I<E<lt>actionE<gt>>] [B<--colour>|B<--color> "

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:18
#, no-wrap
msgstr "説明"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:26
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"is one of the primary user interfaces for managing packages on a Debian\n"
"system. At the B<dselect> main menu, the system administrator can:\n"
" - Update the list of available package versions,\n"
" - View the status of installed and available packages,\n"
" - Alter package selections and manage dependencies,\n"
" - Install new packages or upgrade to newer versions.\n"
msgstr ""
"B<dselect> は Debian システムの、主要なパッケージ管理用ユーザインターフェースの一つである。システム管理者は、B<dselect> のメインメニューで以下の操作を行える。\n"
" - 利用可能パッケージのバージョンリストの更新。\n"
" - インストール済み・利用可能パッケージの状況の参照。\n"
" - 代替パッケージの選択及び依存関係管理。\n"
" - 新規パッケージのインストールや新バージョンへの更新。\n"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:38
msgid ""
"B<dselect> operates as a front-end to B<dpkg>(1), the low-level debian "
"package handling tool. It features a full-screen package selections manager "
"with package depends and conflicts resolver. When run with administrator "
"privileges, packages can be installed, upgraded and removed. Various access "
"methods can be configured to retrieve available package version information "
"and installable packages from package repositories.  Depending on the used "
"access method, these repositories can be public archive servers on the "
"internet, local archive servers or cdroms.  The recommended access method is "
"I<apt>, which is provided by the package B<apt>."
msgstr ""
"B<dselect> は、B<dpkg>(1) (下位層 Debian パッケージ管理ツール) のフロントエン"
"上の公開サーバ、ローカルサーバ、CD-ROM をリポジトリにできる。推奨するアクセス"
"方式は、B<apt> パッケージで提供する I<apt> である。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:44
msgid ""
"Normally B<dselect> is invoked without parameters. An interactive menu is "
"presented, offering the user a list of actions. If an action is given as "
"argument, then that action is started immediately. Several commandline "
"parameters are still available to modify the running behaviour of B<dselect> "
"or show additional information about the program."
msgstr ""
"通常、B<dselect> はパラメータなしで起動する。ユーザへは、対話的メニューで、ア"
"クションを実行する。いくつかのコマンドラインパラメータで、B<dselect> の動きを"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:45
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "オプション"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:51
msgid ""
"All options can be specified both on the commandline and in the B<dselect> "
"configuration file I</etc/dpkg/dselect.cfg>. Each line in the configuration "
"file is either an option (exactly the same as the commandline option but "
"without leading dashes) or a comment (if it starts with a B<#>)."
msgstr ""
"オプションはすべて、コマンドライン及び B<dselect> の設定ファイル I</etc/dpkg/"
"dselect.cfg> の両方で指定できる。設定ファイル中の各行には、オプション (正確に"
"はコマンドラインオプションからダッシュを除いたもの) か、コメント (行が B<#> "
"で始まる場合) を記述する。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:52
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--admindir>I< E<lt>directoryE<gt>>"
msgstr "B<--admindir>I< E<lt>directoryE<gt>>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:57
msgid ""
"Changes the directory where the dpkg `I<status>', `I<available>' and similar "
"files are located. This defaults to I</var/lib/dpkg> and normally there "
"shouldn't be any need to change it."
msgstr ""
"dpkg が使用する `status' ファイルや `available' ファイルなどを置くディレクト"
"リを変更する。デフォルトは I</var/lib/dpkg> で、通常変更する必要はない。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:57
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--debug>I< E<lt>fileE<gt> >|I< >B<-D>I<E<lt>fileE<gt>>"
msgstr "B<--debug>I< E<lt>fileE<gt> >|I< >B<-D>I<E<lt>fileE<gt>>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:60
msgid "Turn on debugging. Debugging information is sent to I<E<lt>fileE<gt>>."
msgstr "デバッグを有効にする。デバッグ情報は I<E<lt>fileE<gt>> に送られる。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:60
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--expert>"
msgstr "B<--expert>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:64
msgid ""
"Turns on expert mode, i.e. doesn't display possibly annoying help messages."
msgstr "エキスパートモードを有効にする。つまり、うるさいヘルプを表示しない。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:64
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--colour>|B<--color> I<screenpart:>[I<foreground>],[I<background>][I<:attr>[I<+attr+..>]]"
msgstr "B<--colour>|B<--color> I<screenpart:>[I<foreground>],[I<background>][I<:attr>[I<+attr+..>]]"

#~ ###変更###
# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:71
msgid ""
"Configures screen colors. This works only if your display supports colors.  "
"This option may be used multiple times (and is best used in I<dselect.cfg>). "
"Each use changes the color (and optionally, other attributes) of one part of "
"the screen.  The parts of the screen (from top to bottom) are:"
msgstr ""
"る。このオプションは、複数回指定できる(そして I<dselect.cfg> で一番使用されて"
"いる)。指定ごとに、画面の一部の色(や他の属性)を変更する。画面 (上から下まで) "

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:72
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<title>"
msgstr "B<title>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:75
msgid "The screen title."
msgstr "画面タイトル"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:75
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<listhead>"
msgstr "B<listhead>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:78
msgid "The header line above the list of packages."
msgstr "パッケージリストの上のヘッダライン"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:78
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<list>"
msgstr "B<list>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:81
msgid "The scrolling list of packages (and also some help text)."
msgstr "パッケージリストのスクロール領域 (ヘルプも表示する)"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:81
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<listsel>"
msgstr "B<listsel>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:84
msgid "The selected item in the list."
msgstr "リスト内の選択行"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:84
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<pkgstate>"
msgstr "B<pkgstate>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:88
msgid ""
"In the list of packages, the text indicating the current state of each "
msgstr "パッケージリスト中、パッケージの現在状況表示部"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:88
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<pkgstatesel>"
msgstr "B<pkgstatesel>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:92
msgid ""
"In the list of packages, the text indicating the current state of the "
"currently selected package."
msgstr "パッケージリスト中、選択したパッケージの現在状況表示部"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:92
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<infohead>"
msgstr "B<infohead>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:95
msgid ""
"The header line that displays the state of the currently selected package."
msgstr "選択中パッケージの状況表示部のヘッダ行"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<infodesc>"
msgstr "B<infodesc>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:98
msgid "The package's short description."
msgstr "パッケージの短い説明文"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:98
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<info>"
msgstr "B<info>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:101
msgid "Used to display package info such as the package's description."
msgstr "パッケージの説明などのパッケージ情報表示部"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:101
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<infofoot>"
msgstr "B<infofoot>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:104
msgid "The last line of the screen when selecting packages."
msgstr "パッケージ選択時の画面最下行"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:104
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<query>"
msgstr "B<query>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:107
msgid "Used to display query lines"
msgstr "要求行表示部"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:107
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<helpscreen>"
msgstr "B<helpscreen>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:110
msgid "Color of help screens."
msgstr "ヘルプ画面の色"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:115
msgid ""
"After the part of the screen comes a colon and the color specification. You "
"can specify either the foreground color, the background color, or both, "
"overriding the compiled-in colors. Use standard curses color names."
msgstr ""
"色、背景色あるいは両方を指定することができる。標準 curses 色名称を使用する。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:121
msgid ""
"Optionally, after the color specification is another colon, and an attribute "
"specification. This is a list of one or more attributes, separated by plus "
"(\"+\") characters. Available attributes include (not all of these will work "
"on all terminals): normal, standout, underline, reverse, blink, bright, dim, "
msgstr ""
"ての属性がすべての端末で有効とは限らない): normal, standout, underline, "
"reverse, blink, bright, dim, bold"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:121
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--help>"
msgstr "B<--help>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:124
msgid "Print a brief help text and exit successfully."
msgstr "簡単なヘルプを表示し、正常終了する。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:124
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--licence>|B<--license>"
msgstr "B<--licence>|B<--license>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:128
msgid ""
"Displays the B<dselect> copyright and license information and exits "
msgstr "B<dselect> の著作権情報とライセンス情報を表示し、正常終了する。"

# type: TP
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:128
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--version>"
msgstr "B<--version>"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:131
msgid "Print version information and exit successfully."
msgstr "バージョン情報を表示し、正常終了する。"

# type: SH
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:132
#, no-wrap
msgid "USAGE"
msgstr "使用方法"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:137
msgid ""
"When B<dselect> is started interactively, it prompts the user with a menu of "
"available actions:"
msgstr ""
"B<dselect> を対話的に起動すると、以下の利用可能アクションのメニューをユーザに"

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:137
#, no-wrap
msgid "access"
msgstr "access"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:139
msgid "Choose and configure an access method to access package repositories."
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:145
msgid ""
"By default, B<dselect> provides several methods such as I<floppy>, "
"I<harddisk> or I<cdrom>, but other packages may provide additional methods, "
"eg. the I<apt> access method provided by the B<apt> package or I<multi_cd> "
"by the B<dpkg-multicd> package."
msgstr ""
"デフォルトでは B<dselect> は I<floppy>, I<harddisk>, I<cdrom> といった、いく"
"もある。例えば、I<apt> アクセス方式は B<apt> パッケージで提供され、 "
"I<multi_cd> は B<dpkg-multicd> で提供される。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:147
msgid "The use of the I<apt> access method is strongly recommended."
msgstr "I<apt> アクセス方式の使用を、強く推奨する。"

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:148
#, no-wrap
msgid "update"
msgstr "update"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:150
msgid "Refresh the available packages database."
msgstr "利用可能パッケージデータベースをリフレッシュする。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:157
msgid ""
"Retrieves a list of available package versions from the package repository, "
"configured for the current access method, and update the dpkg database. The "
"package lists are commonly provided by the repository as files named "
"I<Packages> or I<Packages.gz>.  These files can be generated by repository "
"maintainers, using the program B<dpkg-scanpackages>(1)."
msgstr ""
"ケージリポジトリから取得し、dpkg データベースを更新する。パッケージリストは、"
"一般的には B<Packages>, B<Packages.gz> という名前で、リポジトリより提供されて"
"いる。リポジトリ管理者は、B<dpkg-scanpackages>(1) というプログラムを使用し"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:160
msgid ""
"Details of the update action depend on the access method's implementation.  "
"Normally the process is straightforward and requires no user interaction."
msgstr ""
"update アクションの詳細は、アクセス方式の実装に依存する。通常、このプロセスは"

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:161
#, no-wrap
msgid "select"
msgstr "select"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:163
msgid "View or manage package selections and dependencies."
msgstr "パッケージの選択や依存関係の表示・管理を行う。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:169
msgid ""
"This is the main function of B<dselect>. In the select screen, the user can "
"review a list of all available and installed packages. When run with "
"administrator privileges, it is also possible to interactively change "
"packages selection state. B<dselect> tracks the implications of these "
"changes to other depending or conflicting packages."
msgstr ""
"これが B<dselect> のメイン機能である。選択した画面で、全利用可能・インストー"
"ケージ選択状況を変更することもできる。 B<dselect> は、選択状況の変更に関連し"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:176
msgid ""
"When a conflict or failed depends is detected, a dependency resolution "
"subscreen is prompted to the user. In this screen, a list of conflicting or "
"depending packages is shown, and for each package listed, the reason for its "
"listing is shown. The user may apply the suggestions proposed by B<dselect>, "
"override them, or back out all the changes, including the ones that created "
"the unresolved depends or conflicts."
msgstr ""
"は、B<dselect> が提案した変更案を適用してもよいし、その案を上書きしてもよい。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:179
msgid ""
"The use of the interactive package selections management screen is explained "
"in more detail below."
msgstr "対話的なパッケージ選択管理画面の詳細な使い方を後述する。"

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:182
msgid "Installs selected packages."
msgstr "選択したパッケージをインストールする。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:188
msgid ""
"The configured access method will fetch installable or upgradable packages "
"from the relevant repositories and install these using B<dpkg>.  Depending "
"on the implementation of the access method, all packages can be prefetched "
"before installation, or fetched when needed.  Some access methods may also "
"remove packages that were marked for removal."
msgstr ""
"り取得し、 B<dpkg> を用いてインストールを行う。アクセス方式の実装に依存する"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:196
msgid ""
"If an error occurred during install, it is usually advisable to run install "
"again. In most cases, the problems will disappear or be solved.  If problems "
"persist or the installation performed was incorrect, please investigate into "
"the causes and circumstances, and file a bug in the Debian bug tracking "
"system. Instructions on how to do this can be found at http://bugs.debian.";
"org/ or by reading the documentation for B<bug>(1) or B<reportbug>(1), if "
"these are installed."
msgstr ""
"インストール中にエラーが発生した場合、もう一度 install を行うよう促される。そ"
"まだったり、インストールが異常終了する場合、原因・事情を調べて、Debian バグ追"
"org/ や、インストールされていれば、 B<bug>(1) や B<reportbug>(1) の文書を参照"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:203
msgid ""
"Details of the install action depend on the access method's implementation.  "
"The user's attention and input may be required during installation, "
"configuration or removal of packages. This depends on the maintainer scripts "
"in the package. Some packages make use of the B<debconf>(1)  library, "
"allowing for more flexible or even automated installation setups."
msgstr ""
"install アクションの詳細はアクセス方式の実装に依存する。パッケージのインス"
"(1) ライブラリを用いており、より柔軟で自動化されたインストールセットアップが"

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "config"
msgstr "config"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:206
msgid "Configures any previously installed, but not fully configured packages."
msgstr ""

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "remove"
msgstr "remove"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:209
msgid "Removes or purges installed packages, that are marked for removal."
msgstr "削除マークをつけたインストール済みパッケージの、削除・完全削除を行う。"

# type: SS
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:210
#, no-wrap
msgid "quit"
msgstr "quit"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:212
msgid "Quit B<dselect>"
msgstr "B<dselect> を終了する。"

# type: Plain text
#: ../../../man/po4a/../C/dselect.1:214
msgid "Exits the program with zero (successful) errorcode."
msgstr "エラーコード 0 (成功) でプログラムを終了する。"