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lenny リリースノート訳 (moreinfo.po)


# type: Attribute 'lang' of: <chapter>
 #: en/moreinfo.dbk:7
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@

 # type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
 #: en/moreinfo.dbk:71
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "We strive to make &debian; a high quality operating system, however that "
 "does not mean that the packages we provide are totally free of bugs.  "
@@ -155,9 +154,9 @@
 msgstr ""
 "私たちは &debian; を高品質な OS にするよう努めていますが、だからといって私た"
-"ちの提供するパッケージにバグが皆無というわけではありません。Debian の「オープ"
-"ちは報告されたバグに関するすべての情報を <ulink url=\"&url-bts;\">&url-bts;</"
-"ulink> にあるバグ追跡システム (Bug Tracking System: BTS) で提供しています。"
+"ちの提供するパッケージにバグが皆無というわけではありません。Debian の <quote>オープ"
+"ンな開発体制</quote> という考え方に合致し、また、ユーザに対するサービスとして、私た"
+"ちは報告されたバグに関するすべての情報を <ulink url=\"&url-bts;\"></ulink> にある"
+"バグ追跡システム (Bug Tracking System: BTS) で提供しています。"

 # type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
 #: en/moreinfo.dbk:79

Kazuo Ishii Ph.D.,Tokyo Univ. of Science
# Japanese translations for Debian release notes
# Debian リリースノートの日本語訳
# Noritada Kobayashi <nori1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 2006.
# This file is distributed under the same license as Debian release notes.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: release-notes 5.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debian-doc@lists.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-11-28 16:15+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-02 20:06+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Noritada Kobayashi <nori1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <debian-doc@debian.or.jp>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;"

# type: Attribute 'lang' of: <chapter>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:7
msgid "en"
msgstr "ja"

# type: Content of: <chapter><title>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:8
msgid "More information on &debian;"
msgstr "&debian; に関するさらなる情報"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><title>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:10
msgid "Further reading"
msgstr "もっと読みたい"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:12
msgid ""
"Beyond these release notes and the installation guide, further documentation "
"on &debian; is available from the Debian Documentation Project (DDP), whose "
"goal is to create high-quality documentation for Debian users and "
"developers.  Documentation, including the Debian Reference, Debian New "
"Maintainers Guide, and Debian FAQ are available, and many more.  For full "
"details of the existing resources see the <ulink url=\"&url-ddp;\">DDP "
msgstr ""
"このリリースノートやインストールガイドを越えた、&debian; に関するより進んだ文"
"書は、Debian Documentation Project (DDP) から公開されています。DDP は Debian "
"Debian リファレンス、Debian メンテナ入門、Debian FAQ などなど、たくさんの文書"
"があります。現在利用可能なリソースの詳細すべては <ulink url=\"&url-ddp;"
"\">DDP のウェブサイト</ulink>から得られます。"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:21
msgid ""
"Documentation for individual packages is installed into <filename>/usr/share/"
"doc/<replaceable>package</replaceable></filename>.  This may include "
"copyright information, Debian specific details and any upstream "
msgstr ""
"それぞれのパッケージの文書は <filename>/usr/share/doc/<replaceable>パッケージ"
"Debian 固有の詳細、開発元の文書すべて、などが置かれています。"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><title>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:29
msgid "Getting help"
msgstr "助けを求めるには"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:31
msgid ""
"There are many sources of help, advice and support for Debian users, but "
"these should only be considered if research into documentation of the issue "
"has exhausted all sources.  This section provides a short introduction into "
"these which may be helpful for new Debian users."
msgstr ""
"Debian ユーザ向けのヘルプ・アドバイス・サポートなどは、いろいろな場所から得ら"
"からにしましょう。このセクションでは新しく Debian ユーザになった人向けに、こ"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><section><title>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:37
msgid "Mailing lists"
msgstr "メーリングリスト"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:39
msgid ""
"The mailing lists of most interest to Debian users are the debian-user list "
"(English) and other debian-user-<replaceable>language</replaceable> lists "
"(for other languages).  For information on these lists and details of how to "
"subscribe see <ulink url=\"&url-debian-list-archives;\"></ulink>.  Please "
"check the archives for answers to your question prior to posting and also "
"adhere to standard list etiquette."
msgstr ""
"Debian ユーザが最も興味を引かれるであろうメーリングリストは debian-user (英"
"語) リストおよび debian-user-<replaceable>言語</replaceable> (各国語) リスト"
"でしょう。これらのリストの詳細や講読のしかたについては、<ulink url=\"&url-"
"debian-list-archives;\"></ulink> を見てください。利用にあたっては、あなたの疑"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><section><title>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:49
msgid "Internet Relay Chat"
msgstr "インターネットリレーチャット (IRC)"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:51
msgid ""
"Debian has an IRC channel dedicated to the support and aid of Debian users "
"located on the OFTC IRC network.  To access the channel, point your favorite "
"IRC client at irc.debian.org and join #debian."
msgstr ""
"Debian には、Debian ユーザのサポートや援助のために専用の IRC チャンネルが "
"OFTC IRC ネットワークにあります。このチャンネルにアクセスするには、お好みの "
"IRC クライアントを irc.debian.org に接続し、#debian に join してください。"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:56
msgid ""
"Please follow the channel guidelines, respecting other users fully.  The "
"guidelines are available at the <ulink url=\"&url-wiki;DebianIRC\">Debian "
msgstr ""
"ラインは <ulink url=\"&url-wiki;DebianIRC\">Debian Wiki</ulink> で閲覧できま"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:61
msgid ""
"For more information on OFTC please visit the <ulink url=\"&url-irc-host;"
msgstr ""
"OFTC についてさらに詳しく知りたい場合は、<ulink url=\"&url-irc-host;\">ウェブ"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><title>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:69
msgid "Reporting bugs"
msgstr "バグを報告する"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:71
msgid ""
"We strive to make &debian; a high quality operating system, however that "
"does not mean that the packages we provide are totally free of bugs.  "
"Consistent with Debian's <quote>open development</quote> philosophy and as a "
"service to our users, we provide all the information on reported bugs at our "
"own Bug Tracking System (BTS).  The BTS is browseable at <ulink url=\"&url-"
msgstr ""
"私たちは &debian; を高品質な OS にするよう努めていますが、だからといって私た"
"ちの提供するパッケージにバグが皆無というわけではありません。Debian の <quote>オープ"
"ンな開発体制</quote> という考え方に合致し、また、ユーザに対するサービスとして、私た"
"ちは報告されたバグに関するすべての情報を <ulink url=\"&url-bts;\"></ulink> にある"
"バグ追跡システム (Bug Tracking System: BTS) で提供しています。"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:79
msgid ""
"If you find a bug in the distribution or in packaged software that is part "
"of it, please report it so that it can be properly fixed for future "
"releases.  Reporting bugs requires a valid email address.  We ask for this "
"so that we can trace bugs and developers can get in contact with submitters "
"should additional information be needed."
msgstr ""

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:86
msgid ""
"You can submit a bug report using the program <command>reportbug</command> "
"or manually using email.  You can read more about the Bug Tracking System "
"and how to use it by reading the reference cards (available at <filename>/"
"usr/share/doc/debian</filename> if you have <systemitem role=\"package\">doc-"
"debian</systemitem> installed) or online at the <ulink url=\"&url-bts;\">Bug "
"Tracking System</ulink>."
msgstr ""
"バグ報告は、<command>reportbug</command> プログラムを使って送信することもでき"
"細やその使い方については、リファレンスカード (<systemitem role=\"package"
"\">doc-debian</systemitem> パッケージをインストールしていれば <filename>/usr/"
"share/doc/debian</filename> にあります) をお読み頂くか、または<ulink url="

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><title>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:96
msgid "Contributing to Debian"
msgstr "Debian に貢献する"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:98
msgid ""
"You do not need to be an expert to contribute to Debian.  By assisting users "
"with problems on the various user support <ulink url=\"&url-debian-list-"
"archives;\">lists</ulink> you are contributing to the community.  "
"Identifying (and also solving) problems related to the development of the "
"distribution by participating on the development <ulink url=\"&url-debian-"
"list-archives;\">lists</ulink> is also extremely helpful.  To maintain "
"Debian's high quality distribution, <ulink url=\"&url-bts;\">submit bugs</"
"ulink> and help developers track them down and fix them.  If you have a way "
"with words then you may want to contribute more actively by helping to write "
"<ulink url=\"&url-ddp;\">documentation</ulink> or <ulink url=\"&url-debian-"
"i18n;\">translate</ulink> existing documentation into your own language."
msgstr ""
"Debian への貢献は専門家でなくてもできます。問題を抱えたユーザを、いろいろなサ"
"ポート <ulink url=\"&url-debian-list-archives;\">メーリングリスト</ulink> で"
"助けてあげることも、立派なコミュニティへの貢献です。開発 <ulink url=\"&url-"
"debian-list-archives;\">メーリングリスト</ulink> に参加して、ディストリビュー"
"ション開発に関する問題を見つける (そして解決する) ことも、もちろん非常に助け"
"になります。Debian を高品質なディストリビューションに保つため、<ulink url="
"てください。執筆が得意なら、<ulink url=\"&url-ddp;\">文書</ulink>作成や既存文"
"書のご自分の言語への<ulink url=\"&url-debian-i18n;\">翻訳</ulink>に積極的に参"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:113
msgid ""
"If you can dedicate more time, you could manage a piece of the Free Software "
"collection within Debian.  Especially helpful is if people adopt or maintain "
"items that people have requested for inclusion within Debian.  The <ulink "
"url=\"&url-wnpp;\">Work Needing and Prospective Packages database</ulink> "
"details this information.  If you have an interest in specific groups then "
"you may find enjoyment in contributing to some of Debian's subprojects which "
"include ports to particular architectures, <ulink url=\"&url-debian-jr;"
"\">Debian Jr.</ulink> and <ulink url=\"&url-debian-med;\">Debian Med</ulink>."
msgstr ""
"もっと時間が自由になるなら、Debian に属するフリーソフトウェア集の一部を管理し"
"てみるのはどうでしょうか。皆が Debian に入れてほしいと思っているソフトウェア"
"を引き受けて管理するのは、特に価値の高い貢献です。これに関する詳細は、<ulink "
"てください。Debian にはいくつかサブプロジェクトが存在しており、特定のアーキテ"
"クチャへの移植、<ulink url=\"&url-debian-jr;\">Debian Jr.</ulink>、<ulink "
"url=\"&url-debian-med;\">Debian Med</ulink> などが進められています。これらの"

# type: Content of: <chapter><section><para>
#: en/moreinfo.dbk:124
msgid ""
"In any case, if you are working in the free software community in any way, "
"as a user, programmer, writer or translator you are already helping the free "
"software effort.  Contributing is rewarding and fun, and as well as allowing "
"you to meet new people it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside."
msgstr ""