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[debian-users:04279] Re: 続 TeX install


> >> % kpsewhich -n dvipsj vf goth10.vf
> >> /usr/lib/texmf/fonts/vf/ptex/goth10.vf
>  同じです。

kpathsea にもちゃんと認識されているみたいですね。dvipsk-ja-lib を remove
すると同じようになって、確かに、Segmentation fault で core dump するので、

>  あと、texmf.cnfは以下のとおりです。
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> % The modified Kpathsea used in the teTeX distribution set the variables
> % SELFAUTODIR and SELFAUTOPARENT relative to the location of the binary.
> %
> % Since version 0.4 of teTeX, brace expansion was added to Kpathsea.
> % In all path expansions, the characters { } have a special meaning.
> % Example: abc{X,Y,}fg is equivalent to: abcXfg:abcYfg:abcfg.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> % As for TETEXDIR, there are three common choices:
> %   an absolute directory name, $SELFAUTOPARENT, $SELFAUTODIR
> % If you want to use auto-detection, then try the command
> % to find out which of the two is "correct" for your installation.
> % The TETEXDIR normally holds this texmf.cnf file.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> TETEXDIR           = /usr

*** 途中略 ***

> % The following line shows the compile-time default value. It does not
> % make any sense to change it for run-time.
> TEXMFCNF	= .:/etc/texmf
>  たびたび、申し訳ないですがよろしくお願いします。

うーん /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf も同じですね。一言一句たりとも違いは無いです。
一応念のために texhash かけてみるとか...でも、そんな問題じゃないっぽい...
あと思い付くのは /etc/texmf/dvips/config.ps の設定かなぁ。でも、うちでは
全く設定ファイルをいじらなくても使えます... 環境変数も、TeX 関係で設定を
しているのは、TEXEDIT と MFEDIT くらいだし... どうしてもだめだったら安易
だけど TeX 関係をゼロから入れ直すとか(^^;

               伊藤 敬介      早稲田大学 理工学部 情報学科
              Keisuke Ito   E-mail: g95p0159@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx