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[debian-users:10241] Re: debian GNU/Linux or GNU Hurd.


> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 16:38:38 +0900
> From: Takano Yuji <takachan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> たかのと言います。はじめまして。


>   この ML も 10 日位前から入っていたのですが雰囲気を眺めて
> いました(^^;;。そして、2,3 の質問があるのですが、教えて下さい。


> 1. Debian GNU/Linux の名前のの由来と今後。

既に複数の方から返事がありましたが、 GNU の Web Page にある
 <http://www.gnu.org/bulletins/bull24.html#SEC8> を読むと、
ストールマンさんは " A free operating system that exists today is 
almost certainly either a variant of the GNU system, or a kind 
of BSD system. " と書かれています。で、 "Linux system" と呼ばれる
ことの多いシステムは実際には "a variant of the GNU system" である
から、 "GNU/Linux system or Linux based GNU system" と呼ぶように

> 2. この ML は Linux 全般の事を質問しても良い場なのでしょうか?

私は Linux users ML を読んでいないこともあり、わりと許容範囲を
広く考えていますが、一見して Debian に関連の無い話題 (Linux 全般
というより Unix 全般に関するような話題とか) をあまり好まない (と
思われる) 人もいます。が、あえていうとケースバイケースというのが
今までの流れだったような。 (ディレクトリツリーの比較という非常に

> 3. AHA-2940 の BIOS 設定に付いて
>   CD-ROM でのインストールに付いてはいろいろ出ている様ですが、私
> のマシンは SCSI 構成の PC/AT です。ホストアダプタに AHA-2940 を
> 使っています。
>   ホストアダプタ: AHA-2940 
>   SCSI 2.1GByte HDD 
>   SCSI 4.5GByte HDD 
>   SCSI2 X12 Matsushita 製 CD-ROM
>   この構成で、Adaptec の BIOS で CD-ROM だけ、
> Initate Sync Nagotiation   no
> Maximum Sync Transfer Rate 5.0
> Enable Disconnection       no
>   と、言う設定にしているのですが、これで debian を FD で
> インストールしたり、インストール後にブート FD で boot しようと
> すると SCSI CD-ROM 以降の認識で TIMEOUT & リトライを繰り返し全然
> ブートプロンプトが出ないのですが、これは仕様でしょうか?


 hamm のカーネルは 2.0.34 なので、ちょっとバージョンが違いますが、
ソースコード自体は以下の URL で調べることができそうです。



 <http://www.linuxhq.com/kpatch20.html> から調べられます。
 <http://www.linuxhq.com/v20patch/patch-2.0.34/> には

  Boot Command line options
+  ------------------------------
     "aic7xxx=no_reset" -  Eliminate the SCSI reset delay during startup.
         Some SCSI devices need some extra time to reset.
+    "aic7xxx=reverse_scan" - Have the driver register the SCSI cards in the
+        reverse of the normal order.  This may help those people who have more
+        than one PCI Adaptec controller force the correct controller to be
+        scsi0 under linux so that their boot hard drive is also sda under
+        linux
+    "aic7xxx=extended" - Force the driver to detect extended drive translation
+        on your controller.  This helps those people who have cards without
+        a SEEPROM make sure that linux and all other operating systems think
+        the same way about your hard drives.
+    "aic7xxx=irq_trigger:x" - Replace x with either 0 or 1 to force the kernel
+        to use the correct IRQ type for your card.  This only applies to EISA
+        based controllers.  On these controllers, 0 is for Edge triggered
+        interrupts, and 1 is for Level triggered interrupts.  If you aren't
+        sure or don't know which IRQ trigger type your EISA card uses, then
+        let the kernel autodetect the trigger type.
+    "aic7xxx=verbose" - This option can be used in one of two ways.  If you
+        simply specify aic7xxx=verbose, then the kernel will automatically pick
+        the default set of verbose messages for you to see.  Alternatively, you
+        can specify the command as "aic7xxx=verbose:0xXXXX" where the X entries
+        are replaced with hexadecimal digits.  This option is a bit field type
+        option.  For a full listing of the available options, search for the
+        #define VERBOSE_xxxxxx lines in the aic7xxx.c file.  If you want verbose
+        messages, then it is recommended that you simply use the aic7xxx=verbose
+        variant of this command.


を FreeBSD を使って取り出して、適当な場所で

 ar -xv kern*source*2.0.34*.deb data.tar.gz
 tar -xvzf data.tar.gz

を実行すれば 2.0.34 の kernel ソースを読めるはずなので、そこで
 cd TOPDIR/drivers/scsi; して grep 2940 README.* すると
 README.aic7xxx を読めば良いことがわかります。より詳細な情報は
 aic7xxx*.[ch] や aic7xxx/* を読めば入手できるでしょう。

>   松下製の高回転 CD-ROM が FreeBSD のデバイスドライバ (aic) では、
> パニックを起こしてしまうので上記の様な BIOS 設定にしています。
> ちなみに debian では調子良いです;-)。

 aic7xxx.c の冒頭には

 *  Parts of this driver were also based on the FreeBSD driver by
 *  Justin T. Gibbs.  His copyright follows:
 * Further driver modifications made by Doug Ledford <dledford@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 * I disagree with Dan's approach.  Not that I don't think his way of doing
 * things would be nice, easy to maintain, and create a more uniform driver
 * between FreeBSD and Linux.  I have no objection to those issues.  My
 * disagreement is on the needed functionality.  There simply are certain
 * things that are done differently in FreeBSD than linux that will cause
 * problems for this driver regardless of any middle ware Dan implements.
 * The biggest example of this at the moment is interrupt semantics.  Linux
 * doesn't provide the same protection techniques as FreeBSD does, nor can
 * they be easily implemented in any middle ware code since they would truly
 * belong in the kernel proper and would effect all drivers.  For the time
 * being, I see issues such as these as major stumbling blocks to the 
 * reliability of code based upon such middle ware.  Therefore, I choose to
 * use a different approach to importing the FreeBSD code that doesn't
 * involve any middle ware type code.  My approach is to import the sequencer
 * code from FreeBSD wholesale.  Then, to only make changes in the kernel
 * portion of the driver as they are needed for the new sequencer semantics.
 * In this way, the portion of the driver that speaks to the rest of the
 * linux kernel is fairly static and can be changed/modified to solve
 * any problems one might encounter without concern for the FreeBSD driver.
 * Note: If time and experience should prove me wrong that the middle ware
 * code Dan writes is reliable in its operation, then I'll retract my above
 * statements.  But, for those that don't know, I'm from Missouri (in the US)
 * and our state motto is "The Show-Me State".  Well, before I will put
 * faith into it, you'll have to show me that it works :)

 FreeBSD のドライバに組み入れたりすると良いかもしれません。

 <sano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)