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[debian-users:12798] Re: Cron date?
At Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:18:18 +0900,
Kenshi Muto <kmuto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> slink環境にて運用していますが、アップデートしたタイミングから、cronの実
> 行時間が9時間遅れるようになってしまいました。
Resent-Date: 10 Feb 1999 08:37:35 -0000
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Date: 10 Feb 1999 09:29:00 +0200
From: kaih@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kai Henningsen)
To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
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Subject: Re: cron has gone to UTC time?
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jgg@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jason Gunthorpe) wrote on 06.02.99 in <Pine.LNX.3.96.990206203523.20583A-100000@wakko>:
> On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Steve Greenland wrote:
> > On 06-Feb-99, 15:20 (CST), Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > Considering that at least on my system there is no 'TZ' variable
> > > exported by my user I do not think this explains my problem, but it is
> > > none-the-less a problem (BTW using no timezone is probably better than
> > > one from etc)
> >
> > What it is in /etc/timezone? Is it correct?
> Yes, it is :>
But it doesn't stay that way all the time when you upgrade timezones.
Happened to me yesterday.
I think this counts as a timezones bug.
unpack cron
unpack timezones - this deletes (!!) /etc/timezone
setup cron - cron is now at UTC
setup timezones - a correct /etc/timezone is recreated
This means that during a timezones upgrade, there is a window when the
system is running under UTC. During a mass upgrade, this window can be
fairly long.
MfG Kai
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# cron を再起動でとりあえずなんとかなるんじゃないのかなぁ