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[debian-users:14579] Re: kon2-0.3.7 (Re: slink kon について)


From: Taketoshi Sano <xlj06203@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [debian-users:14574] Re: kon2-0.3.7 (Re: slink kon について)
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 02:53:36 +0900

> > みなさんは Debian 上の日本語入力にはどんな環境を使って
> > いますか?
> ほとんど X かつ mule (emacs20) でしか文章を書かないので、
> 当然私の中では SKK が標準です。 ^^;;

Wnn6 も頭が良くていいのですが, 特に TeX の原稿を打つ時は SKK がいいで
す(さらに YaTeX があれば文句はありません). emacs では私も SKK が標準で

>  Netscape Navigator は未だに日本語入力できてません。設定がマズイのだろうと
> 思ってますが、とりあえず後回しにして忘れることにしてます。 ^^;;

potato 環境で skkinput にて日本語入力ができています. 

~> dpkg -l *communicator* | grep ii
ii  communicator-ba 4.51-1         Communicator base support for version 4.51
ii  communicator-ba 1.0            Communicator base support for version 4.51 (
ii  communicator-ne 4.51-1         Communicator online help for version 4.51
ii  communicator-sm 4.51-1         Netscape Communicator 4.51 (static Motif)
ii  communicator-sm 1.0            Netscape Communicator 4.51 (Japanese support
ii  communicator-sp 4.51-1         Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (spe

~> dpkg -l *netscape* | grep ii
ii  netscape-base-4 14             Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (bas
ii  netscape-base-4 4.51-1         4.51 base support for netscape
ii  netscape-base-j 1.1            Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (Jap
ii  netscape-base-j 1.0            4.51 base support for netscape (Japanese sup
ii  netscape-java-4 4.51-1         Netscape Java support for version 4.51
ii  netscape-smotif 4.51-1         This is a pseudo package that installs a sta

~> dpkg -l *skk* | grep ii
ii  skk-current     10.48-unoffici Experimental version of SKK
ii  skk-current-doc 10.48-unoffici Documentation for skk-current
ii  skk-dictools    9.6-3          SKK Dictionary maintenance tools
ii  skkdic          9.6-3          SKK Dictionary files
ii  skkinput        2.01-1         X input method for Japanese.
ii  skkserv         9.6-3          SKK Dictionary Server

~> dpkg -l *libc6* | grep ii
ii  libc6           2.1.1-0.2      GNU C Library: shared libraries
ii  libc6-dev       2.1.1-0.2      GNU C Library: Development libraries and hea

~> dpkg -l *xlib* | grep ii
ii  xlib6     shared libraries required by libc5 X clients
ii  xlib6g    shared libraries required by X clients
ii  xlib6g-dev    include files and libraries for X client dev
ii  xlib6g-static    statically linked versions of the libraries 

# ~/.bashrc
LANG=ja_JP.ujis; export LANG
export LC_ALL=ja_JP.ujis
export XMODIFIERS="@im= skkinput"

# ~/.Xresources
! for skkinput
kterm*VT100.translations: #override \
	Shift<Key>space:	begin-conversion()
Netscape*inputMethod: skkinput
Netscape*international: True

ただし, Shift-space で入力した後に, 再び Shift-sapace で skkinput の窓
を閉じないと netscape が死んでしまいます. Netscape を死なせないために
は, 例えば日本語で検索をかける時に, Shift-space で skkinput にて入力し
た後に再び Shift-space で skkinput の窓を閉じてから検索ボタンを押すか,
Enter を打つとうまくいきます.

Key fingerprint = F0 55 C5 E1 AC D0 79 B9  06 1C 99 03 75 0B 5F CB