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[debian-users:15178] Re: Q: Mew

Mew/IM の件ではお世話になりました。ちょっとまとめたのですが、何か間違っ

Debian GNU/Linux における端末型 PPP 上の SMTP/POP 経由での Mew と IM 

* 私の目的

Debian (hamm) の入った Linux ボックスから端末型 PPP でインターネット_
プロバイダ (so-net) に接続してメールのやり取りをするのが目的です。メー
ルを送るには SMTP サーバを、メールを受け取るには POP サーバを利用しま
す。POP サーバは POP3 で認証を必要とするタイプです。

なお、PPP 接続には ppxp を使わせてもらっています。

* 用意したもの:

Mew  mew_1.93b33-1.deb  (mew.deb は im.deb に依存)
IM   im_91-1.deb
(Emacs 関係と Perl 関係はデフォルト)

* 手順

1. Mew と IM の deb パッケージをインストールする。


(gt:~)% su
[/home/gt]# cd /cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/mail/
[/cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/mail]# dpkg -i im_91-1.deb 
(Reading database ... 17783 files and directories currently installed.)
[/cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/mail]# dpkg -i mew_1.93b33-1.deb 
Selecting previously deselected package mew.
[/cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/mail]# exit


  ユーザ          (ログイン名:カレント_ディレクトリ)%
  スーパーユーザ  [カレント_ディレクトリ]#


2. imsetup を実行する。

E-mail アドレス以外はデフォルトを選びました。

(gt:~)% imsetup 
Where is your home directory? [/home/gt] 
Where is your Mail directory? [/home/gt/Mail] 
/home/gt/Mail does not exist. Create it? [yes] 
Creating /home/gt/Mail directory.
Directory /home/gt/Mail created.
Where is your News directory? [/home/gt/News] 
/home/gt/News does not exist. Create it? [yes] 
Creating /home/gt/News directory.
Directory /home/gt/News created.
What is your E-mail address(es)? [gt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] greentea@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Do you want to use value of Content-Length header for delimitation for local
mail? (Answer yes if your OS supports Content-Length header like Solaris 2.x,
otherwise answer no.) [no] 
Does your system can detect write errors without fsync(2)? (You can answer yes,
if your home directory is on local file system, otherwise answer no.) [no] 

Directory /home/gt/.im created.
Setup /home/gt/.im/Config.

3. $HOME/.im/Config を編集する。

imsetup で作成された $HOME/.im/Config を編集しました。何を変えたかは 
diff で確認してください。ちなみに、Config のオリジナルは 
/usr/doc/im/examples/dot.im/Config.gz です(多分)。Queue 関係の設定はやっ

### Sample ~/.im/Config
### Syntax::
###	key=value
###  * "key=value" is equivalent to "--key=value" style command option.
###  * "key" must start at the beginning of the line.
###  * "=" must follow after "key" without white spaces.
###  * White spaces are allowed between "=" and "value".
###  * ":" can be used instead of "=".
###  * Characters after "#" are ignored.
### The following examples are all the same:
###	key=value
###	key=  value
###	key:value
###     key:  value
### $variable will be expanded.
### '~' will be expanded.

## Individual information

Name=Tomoyuki Kosimizu		# commentary name for my mail address
#Org=The Mew Organization	# for news posting

## Default global parameters

### Directories (relative to ~/)
NewsDir=News			# for saved news

### Folders in $MailDir
#InboxFolder=+inbox		# default destination of imget
#TrashFolder=+trash		# default destination of message removal in Mew

### Folder style in $NewsDir (saved news articles)
#PreserveDot=off		# off: /news/group/, on: /news.group/

### Mode for creation

### To keep state of IM commands (CurrentFolder, etc.)
#ContextFile=Context		# relative to ~/.im/

## Default settings

## Mail address aliases
#AliasesFile=Aliases		# relative to ~/.im/
## PetName: mail address aliases for displaying
#PetnameFile=Petnames		# relative to ~/.im/

## Message-ID database
#MsgDBFile=msgiddb		# location (relative to ~/.im/)
#MsgDBType=DB			# type of database (DB, NDBM, SDBM)

## To call user defined subroutines (relative to ~/.im/)
#GetSbr=get.sbr			# hooks for imget
#ScanSbr=scan.sbr		# hooks for imget/imls

## Working folders
#Src=$InboxFolder		# default source of most commands
#Imrm.Src=$TrashFolder		# default source for message cleanups

## imget/imls specific
#ScanSbr=scan.sbr		# hook for special processing (rel. to ~/.im/)
#Form=%+5n %m%d %-14A %-18S %b	# default format for scanning
#AllowCRLF=no			# saved messages may contain CRLF (DOS style)
#Width=80			# default width for scanning
#JisSafe=on			# escape seq. of JIS char. should be managed
#Indent=2			# indent step for threading

## Servers
Smtpservers=mail.fa2.so-net.ne.jp	# default server for SMTP
#EmgSmtpSvrs=,localhost	# SMTP server just for error return
NntpServers=news01.so-net.ne.jp		# default server for NNTP

## imget specific
#GetSbr=get.sbr			# hook for special processing (rel. to ~/.im/)
Imget.Src=pop/POP:greentea@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx		# default source of imget (local mailbox)
#lock=flock			# locking style of local mailbox
#rpath=append			# conversion of UNIX From into Return-Path:
#PopHistory=pophist		# to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
#NntpHistory=newshist		# to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
#MBoxStyle=qmail		# if folder style mbox of qmail is used
#Imget.Src=local:${HOME}/MailDir# in case of qmail
#UseCL=no			# Use value of Content-Length header
#NoSync=no			# Do not need fsync(2) on writing file

#PopAccount=/APOP@localhost	# account info for POP access
#PopAccount=user/APOP@host	# account info with user name
#PopAccount=user/APOP@host/110	# account info with user name and port number
#Keep=7		 		# preserve read messages on server
#ProtoKeep=UIDL			# how to know which message is unread
#IgnorePostPet=yes		# leave messages for PostPet on mbox (POP only)

#ImapAccount=/AUTH@localhost	# account info for IMAP access
#ImapAccount=user/AUTH@host	# account info with user name
#HttpProxy=proxy-server:8080	# proxy server for HTTP access
#NoProxy=http://.*my.domain/	# URL regex not to use Proxy server
#UsePwAgent=yes			# use password agent
#PwAgentPort=6543		# Port to connect pwagent with TCP/IP
                                # (Insecure for multi-user system!)
				# 0 to use UNIX domain socket (more secure)

# be careful on security if you wish to use PwFiles!
UsePwFiles=yes			# use password files
PwFiles=password		# password files (relative to ~/.im/)

## imput specific
#FccDir=$MailDir		# directory for FCC folders
#QueueDir=queue			# directory for to store messages to be sent
#MsgIdDomain=${HOST}		# if you want to use FQDN of dispatching host
#ObeyMTAdomain=yes		# do not append domainpart to addresses by imput
#NoMsgIdForNews=yes		# do not insert Message-Id: when posting as news
#NewsGMTdate=yes		# use GMT for Date: when posting as news
#noJPheader			# do not encode ISO-2022-JP with RFC2047
#Defcode=EUC			# default code in case no way to judge SJIS/EUCj
#JPconv=yes			# convert SJIS/EUCj to ISO-2022-JP
#NoHdrFolding=yes		# do not fold long header line when encoding
#HdrQEncoding=yes		# use Q-encoding to encode ISO-2022-JP
NameInComment=no		# yes: (Full Name) Addr, no: Full Name <Addr>
#Lines=3000			# unit to split a message to partial
#Annotate=yes			# annotate on parent messages (MsgDB required)

# Common operational settings

#case mew

#case queue

#case news
#Assoc=	+inbox=nntp:fj.mail.system.sendmail;\
#	+inbox=nntp:fj.mail

#case default
# -- global setting again --

4. $HOME/.im/password を書く。

POP 認証のためのパスワード_ファイル、.im/passwordを用意しました:

pop/POP pop.fa2.so-net.ne.jp greentea my-password


(gt:~)% chamod 600 .im/password

5. $HOME/.emacs を編集する。

.emacs ファイルに以下を追加しました。

(autoload 'mew "mew" nil t)
(autoload 'mew-send "mew" nil t)
(setq mew-mail-domain-list '("so-net.ne.jp"))
;(setq mew-from '"Tomoyuki Kosimizu <greentea@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>")

Mew-FAQ によると、.im/Configで User を定義してある場合、`mew-from' は
必要ないそうです。Userと mew-from の両方とも定義されている場合、
mew-from の定義が優先されるとのこと。

6. M-x mew を実行する。

あとは Emacs を起動して、M-x mew を実行するだけです。

* 謝辞

Debian User's ML の皆さんのアドバイスがなければ、ここまでたどり着くこ

* 参考資料

Mew の info ドキュメント
http://www.goo.ne.jp/ (笑)

Comments are welcome.
