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[debian-users:20822] Re: tetex-bin could not be installcd

dpkg --configure tetex-bin

From: Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [debian-users:20810] Re: tetex-bin could not be installcd
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 12:55:42 +0900
Message-ID: <20000215125749S.kohda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> > Error: kpsewhich cannot find file fmtutil.cnf
> /var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf や /etc/texmf/fmtutil.cnf 
> はありますか?
# ls -l /var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           22 Feb 15 02:32 /var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf -> /etc/texmf/fmtutil.cnf
# ls -l /etc/texmf/fmtutil.cnf
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         2168 Jan 15 20:35 /etc/texmf/fmtutil.cnf

# Thomas Esser, Copyright 1998, 1999. Public domain.
# fmtutil.cnf: configuration file for fmtutil.

# Customize this file to your needs, e.g.
#   - remove or uncomment formats that you don't need
#   - add your own formats
#   - change default engine / flags for standard formats

# Some notes:
#   1) tex and amstex just load hyphen.tex. No customization.
#   You can have you own customized (via babel's hyphen.cfg)
#   formats on top of plain by using "bplain.tex" instead of
#   plain.tex (see e.g. bplain.ini file for bplain format).
#   2) etex loads language.def, not language.dat.
#   3) The symbolic link to the right engines (e.g. bplain -> tex)
#      will be generated by the "texlinks" script. So, if you call
#      fmtutil "by hand" and not via texconfig, please also call
#      texlinks afterwards.

# The format of the table is:

# format	engine		pattern-file	arguments

# The last part of "arguments" must be the name of the file to run
# initex (or another "ini"-engine) on.

# Standard formats (plain, latex) with all engines:

tex		tex		-		tex.ini
latex		tex		language.dat	latex.ini
etex		etex		language.def	*etex.ini
elatex		etex		language.dat	*elatex.ini
pdftex		pdftex		language.dat	pdftex.ini
pdflatex	pdftex		language.dat	pdflatex.ini
pdfetex		pdfetex		language.def	*pdfetex.ini
pdfelatex	pdfetex		language.dat	*pdfelatex.ini
omega		omega		language.dat	omega.ini
lambda		omega		language.dat	lambda.ini

# The amstex format:
amstex	tex		-		amstex.ini

# Variants of plain and amstex which allow to customize hyphenation:
# bplain	tex		language.dat	bplain.ini
# bamstex	tex		language.dat	bamstex.ini

# Context formats:
# cont-de	pdfetex		cont-usr.tex	*cont-de.ini
# cont-en	pdfetex		cont-usr.tex	*cont-en.ini
# cont-nl	pdfetex		cont-usr.tex	*cont-nl.ini
# cont-uk	pdfetex		cont-usr.tex	*cont-uk.ini

# language-specific things:

# - cyrillic:
# cyrtex	tex		language.dat	cyrtex.ini
# cyrtexinfo	tex		language.dat	cyrtxinf.ini
# cyramstex	tex		language.dat	cyramstx.ini

# - polish:
# platex	tex		-		platex.ini
# mex		tex		mexconf.tex	mex.ini
# pdfmex	pdftex		mexconf.tex	pdfmex.ini

# Other formats:
# eplain	tex		language.dat	eplain.ini


ARAI Takayasu