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[debian-users:25745] fml 3.0.1-stable-20001027-1 の「 makefml newml 」でエラー
- From: SEI Hideki (清秀紀) <seih@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [debian-users:25745] fml 3.0.1-stable-20001027-1 の「 makefml newml 」でエラー
- Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 16:37:52 +0900
- Organization: dig-it-all.net
- X-ml-info: If you have a question, send e-mail with the body "help" (without quotes) to the address debian-users-ctl@debian.or.jp; help=<mailto:debian-users-ctl@debian.or.jp?body=help>
- X-ml-name: debian-users
- X-mlserver: fml [fml 3.0pl#17]; post only (only members can post)
- Message-id: <878zput2yo.wl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- X-mail-count: 25745
- User-agent: Wanderlust/2.5.4 (Smooth) EMY/1.13.9 (Art is long, life is short) FLIM/1.14.0 (Ninokuchi) APEL/10.2 Emacs/20.7 (i386-debian-linux-gnu) MULE/4.0 (HANANOEN)
--- ここから ---
% makefml newml test
---Loading the configuration file /usr/share/fml/.fml/system
THIS HOST (kahuu) IS [i386-linux-gnu] (cached)
00/12/06 16:32:42 makefml::newml test (seih)
---Creating test mailing list
00/12/06 16:32:42 makefml::mkdir /var/spool/ml/etc/crontab (seih)
00/12/06 16:32:42 cannot mkdir </var/spool/ml/etc/crontab>: 許可がありません (seih)
00/12/06 16:32:42 makefml::mkdir /var/spool/ml/etc/fml (seih)
00/12/06 16:32:42 cannot mkdir </var/spool/ml/etc/fml>: 許可がありません (seih)
---Make Directory (/var/spool/ml/test) (UID=1000 GID=38)
00/12/06 16:32:42 makefml::mkdir /var/spool/ml/test (seih)
00/12/06 16:32:42 cannot mkdir </var/spool/ml/test>: 許可がありません (seih)
---Make Directory (/var/spool/ml/test/spool) (UID=1000 GID=38)
00/12/06 16:32:42 makefml::mkdir /var/spool/ml/test/spool (seih)
00/12/06 16:32:42 cannot mkdir </var/spool/ml/test>: 許可がありません (seih)
Cannot find test. you've not created it yet?
--- ここまで ---
--- ここから ---
% ls -ld /var/spool/ml
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 12月 6 16:24 /var/spool/ml/
% ls -l /var/spool/ml
合計 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 11月 4 03:41 etc/
--- ここまで ---
-- 清