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[debian-users:26234] Re: ls -l の表示について

SATOH Fumiyasu さん

> 違いますよ。
> >  see man chmod
> stat(2) より抜粋:
>        The  set GID bit (S_ISGID) has several special uses: For a
>        directory it indicates that BSD semantics is  to  be  used
>        for  that  directory:  files  created  there inherit their
>        group ID from the directory, not from the effective gid of
>        the  creating  process, and directories created there will
>        also get the S_ISGID bit set.  For a file  that  does  not
>        have  the  group execution bit (S_IXGRP) set, it indicates
>        mandatory file/record locking.

そうか、ファイル作成時のpermissionというべきですか? 実行者がそうなら、作成され

man chmod

The letters `rwxXstugo' select the new permissions for the
affected users: read (r), write (w),  execute  (or  access
for directories) (x), execute only if the file is a direcュ
tory or already has execute permission for some user  (X),
set  user  or group ID on execution (s), 


save program text
on swap device (t), the permissions that the user who owns
the  file  currently  has for it (u), the permissions that
other users in the file's group have for it (g),  and  the
permissions  that other users not in the file's group have
for it (o).

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