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[debian-users:33346] Re: physical (lowlovel) format via USB FDD



In <20020608183117.5497A8DD69@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 on "Sun, 09 Jun 2002 03:31:15 +0900",
 with "Re: [debian-users:33310] Re: physical (lowlovel) format via USB FDD",
  ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx> さん wrote:

> 03:28 <ukai> こんなのを発見した USBふろっぴふぉーまっと > http://www.tux.org/hypermail/fdutils/2001-Nov/0001.html
> 03:29 >HANZUBON< む
> 03:29 <yaegashi> 梅雨っていつくるのかな
> 03:29 >HANZUBON< なるほど
> -- 上の URL から引用
> Unfortunately, USB floppies do not have a standard mechanism for
> accessing the floppy controller directly. Theoretically scsifmt or
> sformat should format a floppy, if the floppy drive supports the SCSI
> FORMAT UNIT command. 
> --
> だそうです(未確認)

これを読んでからさっそく scsitools 0.3-2 をインストールして
 scsiformat /dev/sda してみましたが、

  # scsiformat /dev/sda
  Warning! About to lowlevel format / partition /dev/sda!

  This will erase all data on /dev/sda, on any partition, be it linux or not.
  To ensure that you are really awake and as a confirmation, please enter
  the solution for this simple multiplication:

  23 * 5 = 115

  Ok, you asked for it...
  Non blocking yet unsupported in this scsiformat binary!


で、ちょっと調べてみたら、scsiinfo/scsiformat.c に

#define BLOCKING_ONLY            /* I could not try this, use at own risk */

という行があったので、これを undef に変更して試してみると

  # ./scsiformat /dev/sda
  Warning! About to lowlevel format / partition /dev/sda!

  This will erase all data on /dev/sda, on any partition, be it linux or not.
  To ensure that you are really awake and as a confirmation, please enter
  the solution for this simple multiplication:

  18 * 21 = 378

  Ok, you asked for it...
  scsiformat: SCSI command failed, detailed analysis:

  Device driver detected: Additional sense information available
  Target device /dev/sda reported: CHECK CONDITION
  /dev/sda returned sense key ILLEGAL REQUEST.

  It might well be that the target does not support some of the
  options you requested. Please try to use a simpler command.
  Use -b<n> to enforce blocking mode. In addition the target only might have to
  support -e and -i<n> (maybe -i0 only). All other options are really exotic and
  not mandatory for the device.


なお 0.3-2 のソースには scsifmt というコマンドも含まれていたので
 (何故かバイナリパッケージには scsiformat しか無い) こちらも
 make して試してみましたが、

 $ ls
 debian              scsi-spin.8       scsi-spin.c  scsifmt   scsistop
 rescan-scsi-bus.sh  scsi-spin.README  scsidev      scsiinfo  sraw
 $ cd scsifmt/
 $ ls
 scsifmt.c  scsifmt.lsm
 $ make scsifmt
 cc     scsifmt.c   -o scsifmt
 $ ./scsifmt /dev/sda fmt
 scsifmt: non-sense ioctl error
 $ ./scsifmt /dev/sda    
 usage: scsifmt </dev/sd?> fmt


   # わたしのおうちは浜松市、アカウミガメもやってくる
    <kgh12351@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)