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[debian-users:57407] Re: RictyDiminished (Re: FYI: 瀬戸フォント(fonts-seto)をDebianに入れました

On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 12:56:02PM +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Nov 2014 23:49:42 +0900
> Osamu Aoki <osamu@debian.org> wrote:
>  レビューありがとうございます。助かります。
> > - It shows Em-size space clearly that prevents debugging since we usually miss
> >   it.
> >   With Ricty Diminished font, you can check and fix it easily.
> > これは言いたい事が良く分かりませんでした。ASCIIマイナスとの区別なら次の
> > 説明と重複したので省きました。
>  □ のように表示されることです。
>  http://i2.wp.com/mbdb.jp/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ricty-diminished-editor.jpg?resize=640%2C298
>  の画像とかがわかりやすいですかね。


Ricty Diminished is a font based on Inconsolata and Circle M+ 1m,
optimized for the programming usage.
- Use Inconsolata for the Latin character glyphs and "Circle M+ 1m" font for
  other glyphs.
- Adjust the width of full-width and normal-width character glyphs to
  2:1 ratio exactly full and half.
- Design the comma, period, colon, semicolon and bracket character glyphs
  to differentiate each other clearly to prevent confusion.
- Design the En-dash and Em-dash glyphs show them as the broken line to
  prevent input failures for LaTeX.
- Design the full-width space as visible one to prevent confusion with
  the normal-width space.
- Design the high visibility p-sound sign attached Kana character glyphs.

"Design the comma, period ..." の最後の "confusions"はやめました。

