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Fw: need feedback on language specific pics for the navbar


本家のウェブページの navbar ("Home" や "About Debian" など gif イメージ

ある日突然日本語版を登場させて、みんなをびっくりさせましょう :-)。

--- Begin Message ---
I have created most of the images needed for all the language specific
versions of the navbar images. Could the translators please check all
the entries for their language. If an entry is incorrect, I'd appreciate
you sending me the correct word that should be used. Except for the
following exceptions, a missing entry means it is identical to the
english version:
 - support and search in croatian use 8859-2 characters and I don't know
   what they look like.
 - none of the Japanese pics were created.

Jay Treacy

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--- End Message ---
Keita Maehara <maehara@debian.or.jp>