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[draft] intro/cn.wml

intro/cn.wml 1.42 に対応したドラフトです。


#use wml::debian::template title="別言語でのDebianウェブサイト" BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.42"

#E <P>Obviously, not everyone in the world uses the same language. As the
#E web grows it is becoming more common to find pages that are available
#E in multiple languages. A standard was therefore introduced, called
#E content negotiation, that allows a person to set the language(s) they
#E prefer to receive documents in. The actual version delivered is negotiated
#E between your browser and the server; your browser sends its preferences
#E and the server decides which version to send based on your preferences,
#E and what versions of the document are available.</p>
このため、content negotiation (内容交渉) と呼ばれる

#E <li><a href="#fix">What to do if a Debian web page is in the wrong language</a>
#E <li><a href="#howtoset">How to set up the language settings</a>
<li><a href="#fix">間違った言語のDebianウェブページになったら…</a>
<li><a href="#howtoset">言語設定のセットアップのしかた</a>


#E <h2><a name="fix">What to do if a Debian web page is in the wrong language</a></h2>
<h2><a name="fix">間違った言語のDebianウェブページになったら…</a></h2>

#E <p>The first and most common reason why a document is received in the wrong
#E language from the Debian web server is an improperly configured browser.
#E Please see the section on <a href="#howtoset">how to set the preferred language</a>
#E on how to fix this.</p>
<p>Debian ウェブサーバから受けとった文書が間違った言語になってしまう場合、
<a href="#howtoset">好みの言語に設定する方法</a>についての節を

#E <p>The second reason is a broken or a misconfigured cache. This is a
#E growing problem as more ISPs see caching as a way of decreasing net traffic.
#E Read the <a href="#cache">note on caching web servers</a> even if you
#E don't think you are using one.</p>
多くの ISP がキャッシュを採用するにつれて、この問題は大きくなってきています。
<a href="#cache">ウェブサーバのキャッシュについての注意</a>

#E <p>The third reason is that there is a problem with
#E <a href="http://www.debian.org/";>www.debian.org</a>.
#E Only a handful of problems with receiving the wrong language reported in the last several
#E years were due to a bug at our end. We thus suggest that you investigate
#E the first two sources of problems thoroughly before contacting us.
#E If you find that <a href="http://www.debian.org/";>http://www.debian.org/</a>
#E is working, but one of the mirrors is not, report that to us and we
#E will contact the mirror maintainers.</p>
<a href="http://www.debian.org/";>www.debian.org</a> の方の問題です。
<a href="http://www.debian.org/";>http://www.debian.org/</a>は問題ないのに、

#E <p>After fixing any of these problems, we suggest that you clean out the local
#E cache (both disk and memory) in your browser before trying to view pages again.
#E We also suggest you use <a href="http://packages.debian.org/stable/web/lynx.html";>lynx</a> when testing. It is the only browser we have
#E found to comply 100% with the HTTP specifications for content negotiation.</p>
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/stable/web/lynx.html";>lynx</a>
を使うことをお薦めします。これは content negotiaion (内容交渉)

#E <h3><a name="cache">Potential problems with proxy servers</a></h3>
<h3><a name="cache">プロキシサーバによる潜在的な問題</a></h3>

#E <p>Proxy servers are essentially web servers that have no content of their
#E own. They sit in the middle between users and real web servers. They grab
#E your requests for web pages and fetch the page. After that, they forward the
#E page to you but also make a local, cached copy, for later requests. This
#E can really cut down on network traffic when many users request the same
#E page.</p>

#E <p>This is a great idea most of the time, but it fails when the cache is buggy.
#E In particular, some older proxy servers do not understand content negotiation. This results
#E in them caching a page in one language and serving that, even if a different
#E language is requested later. The only solution is to upgrade or replace the
#E caching software.</p>
特に、古いプロキシサーバは content negotiation (内容交渉)を理解して

#E <p>Historically, people only used a proxy when they configured their browser
#E to use one. This is no longer the case. Your ISP may be redirecting all HTTP
#E requests through a transparent proxy. If the proxy doesn't handle content
#E negotiation properly, then users can receive cached pages in the wrong
#E language. The only way you can fix this is to complain to your ISP in order
#E for them to upgrade or replace their software.</p>
ISP は透過的プロキシ(transparent proxy)を使って、
もしプロキシが content negotiation (内容交渉) を正しく扱えないと、
これを直すためにあなたができることは、ISP に文句を言って、


#E <h2><a name="howtoset">How to set up the language settings</a></h2>
<h2><a name="howtoset">言語設定のセットアップのしかた</a></h2>

#E <p>You should set the preferred language to all the languages you speak,
#E ordered by your preference. It is a good idea to add English ('en') as a
#E backup (last in the list) because the original language of the Debian web
#E pages is English and not all documents may be translated into your preferred
#E language(s).</p>
英語 ('en') を予備として (リストの最後に) 追加しておくといいでしょう。
Debian ウェブページのオリジナル言語は英語であり、

# translators can modify the below example to mention their language

#E <p>For example, if you are a native French speaker, you would want to set
#E your language variable to include first the French language (with the
#E language code '<code>fr</code>'), followed by English (with the language
#E code '<code>en</code>').</p>
(言語コード '<code>ja</code>') を置いて、その次英語
(言語コード '<code>en</code>') を置くといいでしょう。</p>

#E <p>See below for <a href="#setting">exact instructions on how to do this in
#E specific browsers</a>.</p>
<a href="#setting">以下</a>を見てください。

#E <p>One thing you need to be careful of is using sub-categories of languages.
#E Using 'en-GB, fr', for example, does not do what most people expect (if they
#E have not read the HTTP specification).</p>
例えば 'en-GB, ja' と指定すると、
たいていの (HTTP 仕様書を読んだことのない) 人にとって、

#E <p><strong>We strongly recommend that you do not add country extensions to a
#E language unless you have good reason</strong>. If you do add one, make sure
#E you also include the language without the extension.</p>

#E <p>Explanation: A server that receives a request for a document with a
#E preferred language of 'en-GB, fr' will not serve the English ('en') version
#E before the French version. It will only serve the English document before
#E the French one if there is a version of the file with 'en-gb' for the
#E language extension.
<p>説明: サーバがある文書への要求を、
優先言語 'en-GB, ja' とともに受け取ると、
英語 ('en') 版の文書は日本語版よりも優先されません。
サーバは言語拡張として 'en-gb' がつけられた版のファイルがある場合に限って、

#E <p>Thus, you should configure your browser to send 'en-GB, en, fr' or simply
#E 'en, fr'. It does work the other way though, e.g. a server can return
#E 'en-us' when 'en' is requested.</p>
<p>すなわち、ブラウザの設定は 'en-GB, en, fr' とするか、
あるいは単に 'en, fr' を送るようにすべきです。
この場合は異なる動作をし、例えば en が要求された時にサーバは
en-us を送信することができます。</p>

#E <p>For more information about setting the preferred language variable see the
#E <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/content-negotiation.html";>Apache
#E documentation on content negotiation</a>.</p>
<P>preferred_language 変数の設定に関するより詳しい情報は、
<a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/content-negotiation.html";>content
negotiation (内容交渉) に関する Apache のドキュメント</a>を

#E <h3><a name="setting">Setting the preferred language in a browser</a></h3>
<h3><a name="setting">ブラウザで優先言語を設定する</a></h3>

#E <P>To set the default language in your browser you have to set a
#E variable that gets passed to the web server. How this is done depends
#E on the browser you are using.</p>

<DL compact>

<DT><strong>Mozilla / Netscape 4.x and later versions</strong>
     Edit -&gt; Preferences -&gt; Navigator -&gt; Languages
#E Note: with Netscape 4.x you need to make sure you select the
#E language from the available choices. A number of people
#E reported problems because they typed in the language by hand.
注意: Netscape 4.x では、提供されている選択肢の中から言語を

<DT><strong>Netscape 3.x</strong>
#E <DD>Add
      *httpAcceptLanguage: [preferred_language string]
#E to the Netscape app-defaults file or <kbd>~/.Xresources</kbd>    
を Netscape の app-defaults ファイルか
<kbd>~/.Xresources</kdb> に追加します。

<DT><strong>Internet Explorer 5.x and later versions</strong>
     Tools (or Extras) -&gt; Internet Options -&gt; Languages

<DT><strong>Internet Explorer 4.x</strong>
     View -&gt; Internet Options -&gt; General/Languages

     File -&gt; Preferences -&gt; Languages
     File -&gt; Preferences -&gt; Document -&gt; Languages

#E <DD>You can either edit the <kbd>preferred_language</kbd> variable in your
#E <kbd>.lynxrc</kbd> or set it using the 'O' command while in lynx.
<DD><kbd>.lynxrc</kbd> にある <kbd>preferred_language</kbd>
の値を編集するか、lynx 上で 'O' コマンドを使いその値を設定してください。

#E <p>For example, use the following line in your <kbd>.lynxrc</kbd></p>
<p>例えば次の行を自分の <kbd>.lynxrc</kbd> で用いてください。</p>

preferred_language=fr; q=1.0, en; q=0.5

#E <DT><strong>W3</strong> (emacs based web browser)
<DT><strong>W3</strong> (emacs ベースのウェブブラウザ)
<pre>(setq url-mime-language-string  "preferred_language=fr; q=1.0, en; q=0.5")</pre>
#E or using the custom package (assuming URL version p4.0pre.14):
あるいはカスタムパッケージを用いて (URL バージョン p4.0pre.14 の場合)
<pre>Hypermedia -&gt; URL -&gt; Mime -&gt; Mime Language String...</pre>

     Edit -&gt; Preferences -&gt; Browser -&gt; Fonts,Languages

     Options (o) -&gt; Other Behavior -&gt; Accept-Language


#E <p>If you have information on configuring a browser that isn't listed above,
#E please send it to
#E <a href="mailto:debian-www@lists.debian.org";>debian-www@lists.debian.org</a>.</p>
<a href="mailto:debian-www@lists.debian.org";>debian-www@lists.debian.org</a>