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[DRAFT] releases/potato/credits.wml

#E #use wml::debian::template title="Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 -- Credits (or Blame)" BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::template title="Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 -- 謝辞 (または文句)" BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.2"

#E <h2>Release management</h2>

#E <p>This release of Debian was managed by Richard Braakman and Anthony Towns.
<p>この Debian リリースは Richard Braakman と
ANthony Towns が管理しています。</p>

#E <h2>Installation System</h2>

#E <p>Many Debian developers, translators, documenters, testers, and
#E users have contributed to the development of the installation system
#E -- too many to mention, in fact.  Adam Di Carlo was the maintainer of
#E the boot-floppies during the period of the Potato release.  Other
#E significant contributors can be found in the <code>Maintainers</code>
#E file of the <code>boot-floppies</code> package.</p>
<p>たくさんの Debian 開発者、翻訳者、文書作成者、テスタ、
-- 実際、紹介するには多すぎるくらいに。
Adam Di Carlo は Potato リリースの期間に boot-floppies の
<code>boot-floppies</code> パッケージの
<code>Maintainers</code> ファイルに書かれています。</p>

#E <p>Thanks to Bill Bennet, The ComputerHelperGuy, for his donation of
#E Potato <a href="http://www.chguy.net/potato.html";>official CDs</a> to
#E the Debian boot-floppies team.</p>
<p>ComputerHelperGuy の Bill Bernet は、
Potato の<a href="http://www.chguy.net/potato.html";>オフィシャル CD</a>
を boot-floppies team に寄贈してくれました。ありがとう。</p>

#E <h2>The rest of Debian</h2>

#E <p>The <a href="$(HOME)/devel/people">developers</a> and everyone else
#E who contributed.</p>
<p><a href="$(HOME)/devel/people">開発者</a>たち、