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[DRAFT] releases/potato/errata.wml

一か所だけ、"flavor" をなんと訳すのが適切かよく分かりませんでした。
#nakano: のところです。


#E #use wml::debian::template title="Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 -- Errata" BARETITLE=true
#E #use wml::debian::template title="Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 -- 誤りとその修正" BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.3"

#E <h2>Security issues</h2>

#E <p>Debian security team issues updates to packages in the stable release
#E in which they've identified problems related to security. Please consult the
#E <a href="$(HOME)/security/">security pages</a> for information about
#E any security issues identified in `potato'.</p>
Debian セキュリティチームは安定版リリースのパッケージに
potato において見つかったセキュリティ問題の情報は、
<a href="$(HOME)/security/">セキュリティページ</a>にあたってください。</p>

#E <p>If you use APT, add the following line to <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt>
#E to be able to access the latest security updates:</p>
APT を使っている人は、次の行を <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt>

  deb http://security.debian.org/ potato/updates main contrib non-free

#E <p>After that, run <kbd>apt-get update</kbd> followed by
#E <kbd>apt-get upgrade</kbd>.</p>
追加したら、<kbd>apt-get update</kbd> と <kdb>apt-get upgrade</kbd>

#E <h2>Point releases</h2>

#E <p>Sometimes, in the case of several critical problems or security updates, the
#E released distribution is updated.  Generally, these are indicated as point
#E releases.</p>

#E   <li>The first point release, 2.2r1, was released on <a href="$(HOME)/News/2000/20001114">November 14, 2000</a>.</li>
#E   <li>The second point release, 2.2r2, was released on <a href="$(HOME)/News/2000/20001205">December 3, 2000</a>.</li>
#E   <li>The third point release, 2.2r3, was released on <a href="$(HOME)/News/2001/20010417">April 17, 2001</a>.</li>
#E   <li>The fourth point release, 2.2r4, was released on <a href="$(HOME)/News/2001/20011105">November 5, 2001</a>.</li>
#E   <li>The fifth point release, 2.2r5, was released on <a href="$(HOME)/News/2002/20020110">January 10, 2002</a>.</li>
  <li>最初のポイントリリース 2.2r1 は <a href="$(HOME)/News/2000/20001114">November 14, 2000</a> に公開されました。</li>
  <li>二番目のポイントリリース 2.2r1 は <a href="$(HOME)/News/2000/20001205">December 3, 2000</a> に公開されました。</li>
  <li>三番目のポイントリリース 2.2r1 は <a href="$(HOME)/News/2001/20010417">April 17, 2001</a> に公開されました。</li>
  <li>四番目のポイントリリース 2.2r1 は <a href="$(HOME)/News/2001/20011105">November 5, 2001</a> に公開されました。</li>
#E   <li>The fifth point release, 2.2r5, was released on <a href="$(HOME)/News/2002/20020110">January 10, 2002</a>.</li>

#E <p>
#E See the <a href="http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/ChangeLog";>
#E ChangeLog</a> (and
#E <a href="http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/dists/potato/non-US/ChangeLog";>
#E ChangeLog for non-US</a>) for details on changes.</p>
<a href="http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/ChangeLog";>ChangeLog</a>
<a href="http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/dists/potato/non-US/ChangeLog";>
non-US の ChangeLog</a>) をご覧ください。</p>

#E <p>Fixes to the released stable distribution often go through an
#E extended testing period before they are accepted into the archive.
#E However, these fixes are available in the
#E <a href="ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato-proposed-updates/";>
#E dists/potato-proposed-updates</a> directory of any Debian archive
#E mirror (and on the same location at our
#E <a href="ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/dists/potato-proposed-updates/";>
#E non-US server</a> and its mirrors).</p>
しかしこれらの修正は、Debian アーカイブミラーの
<a href="ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato-proposed-updates/";>
<a href="ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/dists/potato-proposed-updates/";>
non-US サーバ</a> の同じ場所とそのミラー)

#E <p>If you use <tt>apt</tt> to update your packages, you can install
#E the proposed updates by adding the following line to
#E <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt>:</p>
パッケージ更新に <tt>apt</tt> を使っている人は、
次の行を <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt>
に追加すれば、proposed updates をインストールできます。</p>

# These links should probably be localized in translated versions,
# if possible.
  \# proposed additions for a 2.2 point release
#E   deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian dists/proposed-updates/
#E   deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US dists/proposed-updates/
  deb http://http.jp.debian.org/debian dists/proposed-updates/
  deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US dists/proposed-updates/

#E <p>After that, run <kbd>apt-get update</kbd> followed by
#E <kbd>apt-get upgrade</kbd>.</p>
追加したら、<kbd>apt-get update</kbd> と <kdb>apt-get upgrade</kbd>

# someone please verify if this is still true for 2.2r3:
# <h2>Building CD images</h2>
# <p>People wishing to create custom CD images for 2.2r2 will need to use
# the CVS version of `debian-cd' and <strong>not</strong> the version currently
# installed in potato.</p>

#E <h2>Unofficial Internationalized Installation Support</h2>

#E <p>An internationalized version of the installation system for i386 is <a
#E href="http://people.debian.org/~aph/current-i18n/";>available</a> for
#E testing and use.  You need to use the 'idepci' or 'compact' flavors.</p>
<p>i386 のインストールシステムの国際化版が
<a href="http://people.debian.org/~aph/current-i18n/";>提供</a>されており、
試用・使用できます。'idepci' または 'compact'
#nakano: flavor ってなんて訳せばいいのでしょう

#E <p>Due to some remaining problems with the internationalized
#E installation system, it is unlikely to be included officially in a
#E Potato point release.  We can only hope we can get it shaped up for <a
#E href="../woody/">woody</a>.</p>
potato のポイントリリースに公式に取り入れられることはなさそうです。
<a href="../woody/">woody</a> 向けにより洗練されることを期待しましょう。</p>

#E <h2>Unofficial ReiserFS Support</h2>
<h2>非公式版の ReiserFS サポート</h2>

#E <p>There seem to be at least two unofficial versions of the
#E installation system for i386 supporting ReiserFS.</p>
<p>i386 のインストールシステムで ReiserFS をサポートしたものは、

#E <p>One version is from John H. Robinson, IV, and is available with
#E some instructions at <a
#E href="http://chao.ucsd.edu/debian/boot-floppies/";>
#E http://chao.ucsd.edu/debian/boot-floppies/</a>.</p>
<p>ひとつは John H. Robinson, IV によるもので、
<a href="http://chao.ucsd.edu/debian/boot-floppies/";>

#E <p>The other is from Marc A. Volovic and is available at <a
#E href="http://www.bard.org.il/~marc/linux/rfs/";>
#E http://www.bard.org.il/~marc/linux/rfs/</a>.</p>
<p>もう一つは Marc A. Volovic によるもので、
<a href="http://www.bard.org.il/~marc/linux/rfs/";>

#E <h2>Unofficial Linux Kernel 2.4 Support</h2>
<h2>非公式版の Linux Kernel 2.4 サポート</h2>

#E <p>
#E Adrian Bunk has provided a set of packages for i386 Potato systems
#E which provide compatibility for Linux Kernel 2.4.x.  Please read <a
#E href="http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/kernel-24.html";>
#E http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/kernel-24.html</a> for instructions,
#E warnings, and lines to add to <code>/etc/apt/sources.list</code>.</p>
<p>Adrian Bunk が i386 potato システム向けに、
Linux カーネル 2.4.x に対応するための一連のパッケージを提供しています。
説明や注意、<code>/etc/apt/sources.list</code> に追加する行などは
<a href="http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/kernel-24.html";>
http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/kernel-24.html</a> を読んでください。</p>