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[DRAFT] releases/potato/releasenotes.wml
#E #use wml::debian::template title="Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 -- Release Notes" BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::template title="Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 -- リリースノート" BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::release
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/potato/release.data"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1"
#E <p>To find out what's new in Debian 2.2, see the Release Notes for your
#E architecture:</p>
<p>Debian 2.2 での更新点を知りたい場合は、
<:= &permute_as_list('release-notes/', 'Release Notes'); :>
#E <p>The Release Notes for architectures that were previously released
#E also contain instructions for users who are upgrading from prior
#E releases.</p>
#E <p>If you have set your browser's localization
#E properly, you can use the above link to get the right HTML version
#E automatically -- see <a href="$(HOME)/intro/cn"><setlang></a>.
#E Otherwise, pick the exact architecture, language, and format you want
#E from the table below.</p>
このリンクから適切な HTML 版を正しく入手できるはずです。
-- <a href="$(HOME)/intro/cn"><setlang></a>を見てください。
<div align="center">
<table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 bgcolor="#DDDDDD">
<tr bgcolor="#44CCCC">
<th align="left"><strong>Architecture</strong></th>
<th align="left"><strong>Format</strong></th>
<th align="left"><strong>Languages</strong></th>
<: &permute_as_matrix('release-notes', keys %langsrelnotes); :>
#E <p>A <a href="http://master.debian.org/~lapeyre/reports/">detailed
#E report</a> is available which describes packages which have changed
#E for the <:= $arches{'i386'} :>, <:= $arches{'alpha'} :>,
#E <:= $arches{'sparc'} :>, and <:= $arches{'m68k'} :> architectures
#E during the last two releases.</p>
<:= $arches{'i386'} :>, <:= $arches{'alpha'} :>,
<:= $arches{'sparc'} :>, <:= $arches{'m68k'} :> 各アーキテクチャ向けの
<a href="http://master.debian.org/~lapeyre/reports/">詳細なレポート</a>