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[final] devel/constitution.wml


>  喜瀬さんのコメントの通り、「〜を行う」あたりは
> 冗長なのが多かったので、だいぶ直しました。
> http://surf.ap.seikei.ac.jp/~nakano/diary/misc/constitution.wml
> http://surf.ap.seikei.ac.jp/~nakano/diary/misc/constitution.ja.html
> に置いてありますので、よろしけば見てみてください。
> 問題なさそうなら週末あたりに最終版として投げます。

 ということで最終版を末尾に。 原文の誤りと思われる
部分を差分で付けます。 でも修正するの大変なのかな…

Index: constitution.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/devel/constitution.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -r1.14 constitution.wml
--- constitution.wml	1 Nov 2003 04:46:21 -0000	1.14
+++ constitution.wml	13 Feb 2004 16:48:17 -0000
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
       <LI>If the decision is put on hold, an immediate vote is held to
       determine whether the decision will stand until the full vote on
       the decision is made or whether the implementation of the
-      original decision will be be delayed until then.  There is no
+      original decision will be delayed until then.  There is no
       quorum for this immediate procedural vote.</LI>
       <LI>If the Project Leader (or the Delegate) withdraws the
@@ -720,6 +720,7 @@
 sponsored, as required.</P>
 <H3>A.1. Discussion and Amendment</H3>
+# There are two A.1s...
   <LI>Following the proposal, the resolution may be discussed.
@@ -795,7 +796,7 @@
-       The votes are counted according to the the rules in A.6.  The
+       The votes are counted according to the rules in A.6.  The
        default option is "Further Discussion", unless specified


#use wml::debian::template title="Debian 憲章"  BARETITLE="true"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.14"

#E <H1>Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.0)</H1>
<H1>Debian プロジェクト憲章 (v1.2)</H1>

#E <H2>1. Introduction</H2>
<H2>1. はじめに</H2>

#E <P>Version 1.2 ratified on October 29<sup>th</sup>, 2003. Supersedes
#E    <a href="constitution.1.1">Version 1.1</a> ratified on June 21<sup>st</sup>, 2003,
#E   which itself supersedes <a href="constitution.1.0">Version 1.0</a> ratified on December 2<sup>nd</sup>, 1998.
#E </P>
<P>Version 1.2 は 2003 年 10 月 29 日に批准され、Version 1.1 を更新した。
<a href="constitution.1.1">Version 1.1</a> は 2003 年 6 月 21 日に批准され、
Version 1.0 を更新した。
<a href="constitution.1.0">Version 1.0</a> は 1998 年 12 月 2 日に批准された。

#E <P><CITE>The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have
#E made common cause to create a free operating system.</CITE></P>
<P><CITE>Debian プロジェクトは、

#E <P>This document describes the organisational structure for formal
#E decision-making in the Project.  It does not describe the goals of the
#E Project or how it achieves them, or contain any policies except those
#E directly related to the decision-making process.</P>
<P>この文書は、Debian プロジェクトの公式な意思決定に関わる
Debian プロジェクトの目的やその実現方法については記述しない。
方針 (policy) についても記述しない。</P>

#E <H2>2. Decision-making bodies and individuals</H2>
<H2>2. 意思決定機関と個人</H2>

#E <P>Each decision in the Project is made by one or more of the
#E following:</P>

#E   <LI>The Developers, by way of General Resolution or an election;</LI>
  <li>開発者 (Developer) の集団
  (一般決議 (General Resolution) および選挙による)</LI>

#E   <LI>The Project Leader;</LI>

#E   <LI>The Technical Committee and/or its Chairman;</LI>
  <LI>技術委員会 (Technical Committee) およびその議長</LI>

#E   <LI>The individual Developer working on a particular task;</LI>

#E   <LI>Delegates appointed by the Project Leader for specific
#E   tasks.</LI>
  <LI>プロジェクトリーダから特定の作業を委任された代行者 (Delegate)</LI>

#E   <LI>The Project Secretary;</LI>
  <LI>プロジェクト書記 (Project Secretary)</LI>

#E <P>Most of the remainder of this document will outline the powers of
#E these bodies, their composition and appointment, and the procedure for
#E their decision-making.  The powers of a person or body may be subject to
#E review and/or limitation by others; in this case the reviewing body or
#E person's entry will state this.  <CITE>In the list above, a person or
#E body is usually listed before any people or bodies whose decisions they
#E can overrule or who they (help) appoint - but not everyone listed
#E earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</CITE></P>

#E <H3>2.1. General rules</H3>
<H3>2.1. 総則</H3>

#E     <P>Nothing in this constitution imposes an obligation on anyone to
#E     do work for the Project.  A person who does not want to do a task
#E     which has been delegated or assigned to them does not need to do
#E     it.  However, they must not actively work against these rules and
#E     decisions properly made under them.</P>

#E     <P>A person may hold several posts, except that the Project Leader,
#E     Project Secretary and the Chairman of the Technical Committee must
#E     be distinct, and that the Leader cannot appoint themselves as their
#E     own Delegate.</P>

#E     <P>A person may leave the Project or resign from a particular post
#E     they hold, at any time, by stating so publicly.</P>

#E <H2>3. Individual Developers</H2>
<H2>3. 個々の開発者</H2>

#E <H3>3.1. Powers</H3>
<H3>3.1. 権限</H3>

#E <P>An individual Developer may</P>

#E   <LI>make any technical or nontechnical decision with regard to their
#E   own work;</LI>

#E   <LI>propose or sponsor draft General Resolutions;</LI>

#E   <LI>propose themselves as a Project Leader candidate in
#E   elections;</LI>

#E   <LI>vote on General Resolutions and in Leadership elections.</LI>

#E <H3>3.2. Composition and appointment</H3>
<H3>3.2. 構成と任命</H3>

#E     <P>Developers are volunteers who agree to further the aims of the
#E     Project insofar as they participate in it, and who maintain
#E     package(s) for the Project or do other work which the Project
#E     Leader's Delegate(s) consider worthwhile.</P>

#E     <P>The Project Leader's Delegate(s) may choose not to admit new
#E     Developers, or expel existing Developers.  <CITE>If the Developers
#E     feel that the Delegates are abusing their authority they can of
#E     course override the decision by way of General Resolution - see
#E     &sect;4.1(3), &sect;4.2.</CITE></P>
    4.1節(3) および 4.2節を見よ。</CITE></P>

#E <H3>3.3. Procedure</H3>
<H3>3.3. 意思決定手順</H3>

#E <P>Developers may make these decisions as they see fit.</P>

#E <H2>4. The Developers by way of General Resolution or election</H2>
<H2>4. 開発者の集団 (一般決議および選挙による)</H2>

#E <H3>4.1. Powers</H3>
<H3>4.1. 権限</H3>

#E <P>Together, the Developers may:</P>

#E     <P>Appoint or recall the Project Leader.</P>

#E     <P>Amend this constitution, provided they agree with a 3:1
#E     majority.</P>
    <P>3:1 の賛成多数をもって、この憲章を修正できる。</P>

#E     <P>Override any decision by the Project Leader or a Delegate.</P>

#E     <P>Override any decision by the Technical Committee, provided they
#E     agree with a 2:1 majority.</P>
    <P>2:1 の賛成多数をもって、技術委員会の判断を覆すことができる。</P>

#E    <P>Issue, supersede and withdraw nontechnical policy documents and
#E      statements.</P>
     (policy) 文書や宣言を公表・更新・撤回できる。</P>

#E     <P>These include documents describing the goals of the project, its
#E        relationship with other free software entities, and nontechnical
#E        policies such as the free software licence terms that Debian
#E        software must meet.</P>
    (たとえば Debian のソフトウェアの満たすべきフリーソフトウェアの許諾条件)

#E     <P>They may also include position statements about issues of the
#E     day.</P>

      <OL style="list-style: decimal;">
#E     <LI>A Foundation Document is a document or statement regarded as
#E      critical to the Project's mission and purposes.</LI>
#E     <LI>The Foundation Documents are the works entitled <q>Debian
#E      Social Contract</q> and <q>Debian Free Software Guidelines</q>.</LI>
#E     <LI>A Foundation Document requires a 3:1 majority for its
#E      supersession.  New Foundation Documents are issued and
#E      existing ones withdrawn by amending the list of Foundation
#E      Documents in this constitution.</LI>
       <LI>「基本文書 (Foundation Document)」とは、
        Debian プロジェクトの使命や目的にとって
        <q>「Debian 社会契約 (Debian Social Contract)」</q>
        および <q>「Debian フリーソフトウェアガイドライン
         (Debian Free Software Guidelines)」</q>
       <LI>「基本文書」を更新するためには、3:1 の多数決を必要とする。
#J-TODO このへんの固有名詞の訳語要 check (or regist)


#E     <P>Together with the Project Leader and SPI, make decisions about
#E     property held in trust for purposes related to Debian.  (See
#E     &sect;9.1.)</P>
    <P>プロジェクトリーダおよび SPI と協力して、
    Debian に関連する目的のために保有されている
    資産に関する決定をする。 (9.1節を見よ。)</P>

#E <H3>4.2. Procedure</H3>
<H3>4.2. 意思決定手順</H3>

#E     <P>The Developers follow the Standard Resolution Procedure, below.
#E     A resolution or amendment is introduced if proposed by any
#E     Developer and sponsored by at least K other Developers, or if
#E     proposed by the Project Leader or the Technical Committee.</P>
    「標準議事手順 (Standard Resolution Procedure)」に従う。
    K 人以上の開発者がその賛同者となれば、議事の対象となる。

#E     <P>Delaying a decision by the Project Leader or their Delegate:</P>

#E       <LI>If the Project Leader or their Delegate, or the Technical
#E       Committee, has made a decision, then Developers can override them
#E       by passing a resolution to do so; see s4.1(3).</LI>
      4.1節(3) を見よ。</LI>

#E       <LI>If such a resolution is sponsored by at least 2K Developers,
#E       or if it is proposed by the Technical Committee, the resolution
#E       puts the decision immediately on hold (provided that resolution
#E       itself says so).</LI>
      <LI>そのような決議文が、2*K 人以上の開発者が賛同者となっているか、

#E       <LI>If the original decision was to change a discussion period or
#E       a voting period, or the resolution is to override the Technical
#E       Committee, then only K Developers need to sponsor the resolution
#E       to be able to put the decision immediately on hold.</LI>
      K 人の開発者が賛同者となることにより、

#E       <LI>If the decision is put on hold, an immediate vote is held to
#E       determine whether the decision will stand until the full vote on
#E       the decision is made or whether the implementation of the
#E       original decision will be be delayed until then.  There is no
#E       quorum for this immediate procedural vote.</LI>

#E       <LI>If the Project Leader (or the Delegate) withdraws the
#E       original decision, the vote becomes moot, and is no longer
#E       conducted.</LI>
      <LI>もしプロジェクトリーダ (または代行者) が

#E   <P>
#E      Votes are taken by the Project Secretary. Votes, tallies, and
#E      results are not revealed during the voting period; after the
#E      vote the Project Secretary lists all the votes cast. The voting
#E      period is 2 weeks, but may be varied by up to 1 week by the
#E      Project Leader.
#E   </P>

#E     <P>The minimum discussion period is 2 weeks, but may be varied by
#E     up to 1 week by the Project Leader.  The Project Leader has a
#E     casting vote.  There is a quorum of 3Q.</P>
    プロジェクトリーダは決定票 (casting vote) を持つ。
    必要最低得票数は 3*Q である。</P>

#E     <P>Proposals, sponsors, amendments, calls for votes and other
#E     formal actions are made by announcement on a publicly-readable
#E     electronic mailing list designated by the Project Leader's
#E     Delegate(s); any Developer may post there.</P>

#E     <P>Votes are cast by email in a manner suitable to the Secretary.
#E     The Secretary determines for each poll whether voters can change
#E     their votes.</P>

#E     <P>Q is half of the square root of the number of current
#E     Developers.  K is Q or 5, whichever is the smaller.  Q and K need not
#E     be integers and are not rounded.</P>
    <P>Q は現在の開発者数の平方根の半分である。
    K は Q と 5 のいずれか小さいほうである。
    Q と K は整数である必要はないため、丸めはしない。</P>

#E <H2>5. Project Leader</H2>
<H2>5. プロジェクトリーダ</H2>

#E <H3>5.1. Powers</H3>
<H3>5.1. 権限</H3>

#E<P>The <a href="leader">Project Leader</a> may:</P>
<P><a href="leader">プロジェクトリーダ</a>は以下の権限を持つ。</P>

#E     <P>Appoint Delegates or delegate decisions to the Technical
#E     Committee.</P>

#E     <P>The Leader may define an area of ongoing responsibility or a
#E     specific decision and hand it over to another Developer or to the
#E     Technical Committee.</P>

#E     <P>Once a particular decision has been delegated and made the
#E     Project Leader may not withdraw that delegation; however, they may
#E     withdraw an ongoing delegation of particular area of
#E     responsibility.</P>

#E     <P>Lend authority to other Developers.</P>

#E     <P>The Project Leader may make statements of support for points of
#E     view or for other members of the project, when asked or otherwise;
#E     these statements have force if and only if the Leader would be
#E     empowered to make the decision in question.</P>
    <P>プロジェクトリーダは、求められた場合 (あるいは求められなくても)、

#E     <P>Make any decision which requires urgent action.</P>

#E     <P>This does not apply to decisions which have only become
#E     gradually urgent through lack of relevant action, unless there is a
#E     fixed deadline.</P>
    <P>その決定の緊急性が (適切な対応がとられなかったために)

#E     <P>Make any decision for whom noone else has responsibility.</P>

#E     <P>Propose draft General Resolutions and amendments.</P>

#E     <P>Together with the Technical Committee, appoint new members to
#E     the Committee.  (See &sect;6.2.)</P>
    <P>技術委員会とともに、委員会の新メンバーを任命する (6.2節を見よ。)</P>

#E     <P>Use a casting vote when Developers vote.</P>

#E     <P>The Project Leader also has a normal vote in such ballots.</P>

#E     <P>Vary the discussion period for Developers' votes (as above).</P>
    <P>開発者投票において、討論期間を変更する (上記参照)。</P>

#E     <P>Lead discussions amongst Developers.</P>

#E     <P>The Project Leader should attempt to participate in discussions
#E     amongst the Developers in a helpful way which seeks to bring the
#E     discussion to bear on the key issues at hand.  The Project Leader
#E     should not use the Leadership position to promote their own
#E     personal views.</P>

#E     <P>Together with SPI, make decisions affecting property held in
#E     trust for purposes related to Debian.  (See &sect;9.1.)</P>
    <P>SPI と共に、Debian に関連した目的のために
    信託されている財産に関わる決定をする (9.1節を見よ)。</P>

#E <H3>5.2. Appointment</H3>
<H3>5.2. 任命</H3>

#E   <LI>The Project Leader is elected by the Developers.</LI>

#E   <LI>The election begins nine weeks before the leadership post becomes
#E   vacant, or (if it is too late already) immediately.</LI>

#E   <LI>For the following three weeks any Developer may nominate
#E   themselves as a candidate Project Leader.</LI>

#E   <LI>For three weeks after that no more candidates may be nominated;
#E   candidates should use this time for campaigning (to make their
#E   identities and positions known).  If there are no candidates at the
#E   end of the nomination period then the nomination period is extended
#E   for three further weeks, repeatedly if necessary.</LI>
  受付期間は三週間単位で (必要に応じて繰り返し) 延長される。</LI>

#E   <LI>The next three weeks are the polling period during which
#E   Developers may cast their votes.  Votes in leadership elections are
#E   kept secret, even after the election is finished.</LI>

#E   <LI>The options on the ballot will be those candidates who have
#E   nominated themselves and have not yet withdrawn, plus None Of The
#E   Above.  If None Of The Above wins the election then the election
#E   procedure is repeated, many times if necessary.</LI>
  選挙手続きが (必要なだけ何度でも) 繰り返される。</LI>

#E       The decision will be made using the method specified in section
#E       &sect;A.6 of the Standard Resolution Procedure.  The quorum is the
#E       same as for a General Resolution (&sect;4.2) and the default
#E       option is "None Of The Above".
    決定は「標準議事手順 (Standard Resolution Procedure)」の
    必要最低得票数は一般決議 (4.2節) の場合と同じで、

#E   <LI>The Project Leader serves for one year from their election.</LI>

#E <H3>5.3. Procedure</H3>
<H3>5.3. 意思決定手順</H3>

#E <P>The Project Leader should attempt to make decisions which are
#E consistent with the consensus of the opinions of the Developers.</P>

#E <P>Where practical the Project Leader should informally solicit the
#E views of the Developers.</P>

#E <P>The Project Leader should avoid overemphasizing their own point of
#E view when making decisions in their capacity as Leader.</P>

#E <H2>6. Technical committee</H2>
<H2>6. 技術委員会</H2>

#E <H3>6.1. Powers</H3>
<H3>6.1. 権限</H3>

#E<P>The <a href="tech-ctte">Technical Committee</a> may:</P>
<P><a href="tech-ctte">技術委員会</a>は以下の権限を持つ。</P>

#E     <P>Decide on any matter of technical policy.</P>

#E     <P>This includes the contents of the technical policy manuals,
#E     developers' reference materials, example packages and the behaviour
#E     of non-experimental package building tools.  (In each case the usual
#E     maintainer of the relevant software or documentation makes
#E     decisions initially, however; see 6.3(5).)</P>
    まずそのソフトウェアや文書のメンテナが行う。6.3節(5) を見よ)。</P>

#E     <P>Decide any technical matter where Developers' jurisdictions
#E     overlap.</P>

#E     <P>In cases where Developers need to implement compatible
#E     technical policies or stances (for example, if they disagree about
#E     the priorities of conflicting packages, or about ownership of a
#E     command name, or about which package is responsible for a bug that
#E     both maintainers agree is a bug, or about who should be the
#E     maintainer for a package) the technical committee may decide the
#E     matter.</P>
    あるバグが (バグであることは関係者全員が認めているとして)

#E     <P>Make a decision when asked to do so.</P>

#E     <P>Any person or body may delegate a decision of their own to the
#E     Technical Committee, or seek advice from it.</P>

#E     <P>Overrule a Developer (requires a 3:1 majority).</P>
    <P>開発者の決定を覆す (3:1 の賛成多数が必要)。</P>

#E     <P>The Technical Committee may ask a Developer to take a
#E     particular technical course of action even if the Developer does
#E     not wish to; this requires a 3:1 majority.  For example, the
#E     Committee may determine that a complaint made by the submitter of a
#E     bug is justified and that the submitter's proposed solution should
#E     be implemented.</P>
    (その開発者が望まない場合でも) するよう要求できる。
    これには 3:1 の賛成多数を必要とする。

#E     <P>Offer advice.</P>

#E     <P>The Technical Committee may make formal announcements about its
#E     views on any matter.  <CITE>Individual members may of course make
#E     informal statements about their views and about the likely views of
#E     the committee.</CITE></P>
    もちろん自分の見解や技術委員会の見解 (とそのメンバーが考えるもの)

#E     <P>Together with the Project Leader, appoint new members to itself
#E     or remove existing members.  (See &sect;6.2.)</P>
    また現在のメンバーを解任する (6.2節を見よ)。</P>

#E     <P>Appoint the Chairman of the Technical Committee.</P>

#E       The Chairman is elected by the Committee from its members. All
#E       members of the committee are automatically nominated; the
#E       committee votes starting one week before the post will become
#E       vacant (or immediately, if it is already too late). The members
#E       may vote by public acclamation for any fellow committee member,
#E       including themselves; there is no default option. The vote
#E       finishes when all the members have voted, or when the voting
#E       period has ended. The result is determined using the method
#E       specified in section A.6 of the Standard Resolution Procedure.
     結果は「標準議事手順 (Standard Resolution Procedure)」の

#E     <P>The Chairman can stand in for the Leader, together with the
#E     Secretary</P>

#E     <P>As detailed in &sect;7.1(2), the Chairman of the Technical
#E     Committee and the Project Secretary may together stand in for the
#E     Leader if there is no Leader.</P>
    <P>7.1節(2) に述べる通り、技術委員会の議長とプロジェクト書記とは、

#E <H3>6.2. Composition</H3>
<H3>6.2. 構成</H3>

#E     <P>The Technical Committee consists of up to 8 Developers, and
#E     should usually have at least 4 members.</P>
    <P>技術委員会は 8 名以下の開発者から構成される。
    また通常は少なくとも 4 名のメンバーを持つべきである。</P>

#E     <P>When there are fewer than 8 members the Technical Committee may
#E     recommend new member(s) to the Project Leader, who may choose
#E     (individually) to appoint them or not.</P>
    <P>技術委員会のメンバー数が 8 名未満である場合、
    プロジェクトリーダは (各人ごとに) 任命の採否を決定できる。</P>

#E     <P>When there are 5 members or fewer the Technical Committee may
#E     appoint new member(s) until the number of members reaches 6.</P>
    <P>技術委員会のメンバー数が 5 名以下である場合、
    技術委員会は新メンバーを総メンバー数が 6 名に達するまで任命できる。</P>

#E     <P>When there have been 5 members or fewer for at least one week
#E     the Project Leader may appoint new member(s) until the number of
#E     members reaches 6, at intervals of at least one week per
#E     appointment.</P>
    <P>技術委員会のメンバー数が 5 名以下である状態が一週間以上続いた場合、
    プロジェクトリーダは新メンバーを総メンバー数が 6 名に達するまで任命できる。

#E     <P>If the Technical Committee and the Project Leader agree they
#E     may remove or replace an existing member of the Technical
#E     Committee.</P>

#E <H3>6.3. Procedure</H3>
<H3>6.3. 意思決定手順</H3>

#E     <P>The Technical Committee uses the Standard Resolution
#E     Procedure.</P>
    <P>技術委員会は「標準議事手順 (Standard Resolution Procedure)」

#E     <P>A draft resolution or amendment may be proposed by any member
#E     of the Technical Committee.  There is no minimum discussion period;
#E     the voting period lasts for up to one week, or until the outcome is
#E     no longer in doubt.  Members may change their votes.  There is a
#E     quorum of two.</P>
    メンバーは自分の投票を変更できる。必要最低得票数は 2 である。</P>

#E     <P>Details regarding voting</P>

#E     <P>The Chairman has a casting vote.  When the Technical Committee
#E     votes whether to override a Developer who also happens to be a
#E     member of the Committee, that member may not vote (unless they are
#E     the Chairman, in which case they may use only their casting
#E     vote).</P>

#E     <P>Public discussion and decision-making.</P>

#E     <P>Discussion, draft resolutions and amendments, and votes by
#E     members of the committee, are made public on the Technical
#E     Committee public discussion list.  There is no separate secretary
#E     for the Committee.</P>

#E     <P>Confidentiality of appointments.</P>

#E     <P>The Technical Committee may hold confidential discussions via
#E     private email or a private mailing list or other means to discuss
#E     appointments to the Committee.  However, votes on appointments must
#E     be public.</P>

#E     <P>No detailed design work.</P>

#E     <P>The Technical Committee does not engage in design of new
#E     proposals and policies.  Such design work should be carried out by
#E     individuals privately or together and discussed in ordinary
#E     technical policy and design forums.</P>

#E     <P>The Technical Committee restricts itself to choosing from or
#E     adopting compromises between solutions and decisions which have
#E     been proposed and reasonably thoroughly discussed elsewhere.</P>

#E     <P><CITE>Individual members of the technical committee may of
#E     course participate on their own behalf in any aspect of design and
#E     policy work.</CITE></P>

#E     <P>Technical Committee makes decisions only as last resort.</P>

#E     <P>The Technical Committee does not make a technical decision
#E     until efforts to resolve it via consensus have been tried and
#E     failed, unless it has been asked to make a decision by the person
#E     or body who would normally be responsible for it.</P>

#E <H2>7. The Project Secretary</H2>
<H2>7. プロジェクト書記</H2>

#E <H3>7.1. Powers</H3>
<H3>7.1. 権限</H3>

#E <P>The <a href="secretary">Secretary</a>:</P>
<P><a href="secretary">書記</a>は以下の権限を持つ:</P>

#E     <P>Takes votes amongst the Developers, and determines the number
#E     and identity of Developers, whenever this is required by the
#E     constitution.</P>

#E     <P>Can stand in for the Leader, together with the Chairman of the
#E     Technical Committee.</P>

#E     <P>If there is no Project Leader then the Chairman of the
#E     Technical Committee and the Project Secretary may by joint
#E     agreement make decisions if they consider it imperative to do
#E     so.</P>

#E     <P>Adjudicates any disputes about interpretation of the
#E     constitution.</P>

#E     <P>May delegate part or all of their authority to someone else, or
#E     withdraw such a delegation at any time.</P>

#E <H3>7.2. Appointment</H3>
<H3>7.2. 任命 </H3>

#E <P>The Project Secretary is appointed by the Project Leader and the
#E current Project Secretary.</P>

#E <P>If the Project Leader and the current Project Secretary cannot
#E agree on a new appointment they must ask the board of SPI (see &sect;9.1.)
#E to appoint a Secretary.</P>
両名は SPI の役員会 (9.1節を見よ) に書記の指名を依頼しなければならない。</P>

#E <P>If there is no Project Secretary or the current Secretary is
#E unavailable and has not delegated authority for a decision then the
#E decision may be made or delegated by the Chairman of the Technical
#E Committee, as Acting Secretary.</P>

#E <P>The Project Secretary's term of office is 1 year, at which point
#E they or another Secretary must be (re)appointed.</P>
(再) 指名しなければならない。</P>

#E <H3>7.3. Procedure</H3>
<H3>7.3. 意思決定手順</H3>

#E <P>The Project Secretary should make decisions which are fair and
#E reasonable, and preferably consistent with the consensus of the
#E Developers.</P>

#E <P>When acting together to stand in for an absent Project Leader the
#E Chairman of the Technical Committee and the Project Secretary should
#E make decisions only when absolutely necessary and only when consistent
#E with the consensus of the Developers.</P>

#E <H2>8. The Project Leader's Delegates</H2>
<H2>8. プロジェクトリーダ代行</H2>

#E <H3>8.1. Powers</H3>
<H3>8.1. 権限</H3>

#E <P>The Project Leader's Delegates:</P>

#E   <LI>have powers delegated to them by the Project Leader;</LI>

#E   <LI>may make certain decisions which the Leader may not make
#E   directly, including approving or expelling Developers or designating
#E   people as Developers who do not maintain packages.  <CITE>This is to
#E   avoid concentration of power, particularly over membership as a
#E   Developer, in the hands of the Project Leader.</CITE></LI>

#E <H3>8.2. Appointment</H3>
<H3>8.2. 任命</H3>

#E <P>The Delegates are appointed by the Project Leader and may be
#E replaced by the Leader at the Leader's discretion.  The Project Leader
#E may not make the position as a Delegate conditional on particular
#E decisions by the Delegate, nor may they override a decision made by a
#E Delegate once made.</P>

#E <H3>8.3. Procedure</H3>
<H3>8.3. 意思決定手順</H3>

#E <P>Delegates may make decisions as they see fit, but should attempt to
#E implement good technical decisions and/or follow consensus opinion.</P>

<H2>9. Software in the Public Interest</H2>

#E <p><a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/";>SPI</a> and Debian are separate
#E organisations who share some goals.
#E Debian is grateful for the legal support framework offered by SPI.
#E <CITE>Debian's Developers are currently members of SPI by virtue of
#E their status as Developers.</CITE></P>
<P><a href="http://www.spi-inc.org";>SPI</a>
と Debian は、いくつかの目的を共有する、別々の組織である。
Debian は SPI によって提供される法的支援の枠組みに感謝する。</P>
<CITE>現在のところ Debian の開発者は、
開発者であることをもって同時に SPI のメンバーとなる。</CITE>

#E <H3>9.1. Authority</H3>
<H3>9.1. 権限</H3>

#E   <LI>SPI has no authority regarding Debian's technical or nontechnical
#E   decisions, except that no decision by Debian with respect to any
#E   property held by SPI shall require SPI to act outside its legal
#E   authority, and that Debian's constitution may occasionally use SPI as
#E   a decision body of last resort.</LI>
  <LI>SPI は Debian の技術的・非技術的な決定に関連する権限は一切持たない。
  ただし SPI が保有する資産に関連する Debian の決定は、
  SPI に法的権限を外れて行動することを求めてはならない。
  また Debian の組織は、臨時に SPI を (他に手段がない場合の)

#E   <LI>Debian claims no authority over SPI other than that over the use
#E   of certain of SPI's property, as described below, though Debian
#E   Developers may be granted authority within SPI by SPI's rules.</LI>
  <LI>Debian は SPI に対して、SPI の特定の資産を利用する権利 (後述)
  以外の権利を有しないが、Debian の各開発者は
  SPI の規則のもとに SPI 内部での権限を与えられる。</LI>

#E   <LI>Debian Developers are not agents or employees of SPI, or of each
#E   other or of persons in authority in the Debian Project.  A person
#E   acting as a Developer does so as an individual, on their own
#E   behalf.</LI>
  <LI>Debian の開発者は SPI の代理人でも雇用者でもない。
  また開発者は集団としても個人としても Debian プロジェクトの代表者ではない。
  Debian 開発者として行動する個人は、

#E <H3>9.2. Management of property for purposes related to Debian</H3>
<H3>9.2. Debian に関係した目的のための資産の管理</H3>

#E <P>Since Debian has no authority to hold money or property, any
#E donations for the Debian Project must be made to SPI, which manages such
#E affairs.</P>
<P>Debian は金銭や財産を保有する権限を有しないため、
Debian プロジェクトに対する寄付は、
そのような事柄を管理する SPI に対してなされなければならない。</P>

#E <P>SPI have made the following undertakings:</P>
<P>SPI は以下を委託されている。</P>

#E   <LI>SPI will hold money, trademarks and other tangible and intangible
#E   property and manage other affairs for purposes related to
#E   Debian.</LI>
  <LI>SPI は、金銭・商標およびその他の有形または無形の資産を保有し、
   その他 Debian に関連する目的のための事柄を管理する。</LI>

#E   <LI>Such property will be accounted for separately and held in trust
#E   for those purposes, decided on by Debian and SPI according to this
#E   section.</LI>
  この節の記述に則って Debian と SPI とによって決定される

#E   <LI>SPI will not dispose of or use property held in trust for Debian
#E   without approval from Debian, which may be granted by the Project
#E   Leader or by General Resolution of the Developers.</LI>
  <LI>SPI は Debian からの承認がない限り、

#E   <LI>SPI will consider using or disposing of property held in trust
#E   for Debian when asked to do so by the Project Leader.</LI>
  <LI>SPI は、プロジェクトリーダからその旨の要請があった場合、
  Debian より信託された資産の利用ないし処理を検討する。</LI>

#E   <LI>SPI will use or dispose of property held in trust for Debian when
#E   asked to do so by a General Resolution of the Developers, provided
#E   that this is compatible with SPI's legal authority.</LI>
  <LI>SPI は、開発者の一般決議によりその旨の要請があった場合、
  それが SPI の法的権限の及ぶ範囲であるならば、
  Debian より信託された資産を利用ないし処理する。</LI>

#E   <LI>SPI will notify the Developers by electronic mail to a Debian
#E   Project mailing list when it uses or disposes of property held in
#E   trust for Debian.</LI>
  <LI>Debian より信託された資産を利用ないし処理する際には、
  SPI は Debian プロジェクトのメーリングリストに電子メールを送り、

#E <H2>A. Standard Resolution Procedure</H2>
<H2>A. 標準議事手順 (Standard Resolution Procedure)</H2>

#E <P>These rules apply to communal decision-making by committees and
#E plebiscites, where stated above.</P>

#E <H3>A.1. Proposal</H3>
<H3>A.1. 提案</H3>

#E <P>The formal procedure begins when a draft resolution is proposed and
#E sponsored, as required.</P>

#E <H3>A.1. Discussion and Amendment</H3>
<H3>A.1. 議事と修正動議</H3>
#nakano A.1 がふたつある〜

#E   <LI>Following the proposal, the resolution may be discussed.
#E   Amendments may be made formal by being proposed and sponsored
#E   according to the requirements for a new resolution, or directly by
#E   the proposer of the original resolution.</LI>

#E   <LI>A formal amendment may be accepted by the resolution's proposer,
#E   in which case the formal resolution draft is immediately changed to
#E   match.</LI>

#E   <LI>If a formal amendment is not accepted, or one of the sponsors of
#E   the resolution does not agree with the acceptance by the proposer of
#E   a formal amendment, the amendment remains as an amendment and will be
#E   voted on.</LI>

#E   <LI>If an amendment accepted by the original proposer is not to the
#E   liking of others, they may propose another amendment to reverse the
#E   earlier change (again, they must meet the requirements for proposer
#E   and sponsor(s).)</LI>
  (賛同者以外) は、その修正を元に戻す新たな修正案を提案できる

#E   <LI>The proposer or a resolution may suggest changes to the wordings
#E   of amendments; these take effect if the proposer of the amendment
#E   agrees and none of the sponsors object.  In this case the changed
#E   amendments will be voted on instead of the originals.</LI>
#nakano propser of a resolution の typo?

#E <H3>A.2. Calling for a vote</H3>
<H3>A.2. 投票動議</H3>

#E   <LI>The proposer or a sponsor of a motion or an amendment may call
#E   for a vote, providing that the minimum discussion period (if any) has
#E   elapsed.</LI>

#E    The proposer or any sponsor of a resolution may call for a vote on that
#E    resolution and all related amendments.

#E   <LI>The person who calls for a vote states what they believe the
#E   wordings of the resolution and any relevant amendments are, and
#E   consequently what form the ballot should take.  However, the final
#E   decision on the form of ballot(s) is the Secretary's - see 7.1(1),
#E   7.1(3) and A.3(4).</LI>
  (自らの見解に沿うかたちで) 明らかにし、
  (7.1節(1), 7.1節(3), A.3節(4) を見よ)。</LI>

#E       The minimum discussion period is counted from the time the last
#E       formal amendment was accepted, or since the whole resolution
#E       was proposed if no amendments have been proposed and accepted.

#E <H3>A.3. Voting procedure</H3>
<H3>A.3. 投票手続き</H3>

#E       Each resolution and its related amendments is voted on in a
#E       single ballot that includes an option for the original
#E       resolution, each amendment, and the default option (where
#E       applicable).
    (適切な場合には) デフォルトの選択肢、が含まれる。

#E       The default option must not have any supermajority requirements.
#E       Options which do not have an explicit supermajority requirement
#E       have a 1:1 majority requirement.
    デフォルトの選択肢には超過半数 (supermajority) の要請を科してはならない。
    1:1 の多数が要請される。

#E       The votes are counted according to the the rules in A.6.  The
#E       default option is "Further Discussion", unless specified
#E       otherwise.
    投票は A.6 に定める規則にしたがって集計される。
    デフォルトの選択肢は「更に議論する "Further Discussion"」となる。

#E   <LI>In cases of doubt the Project Secretary shall decide on matters
#E   of procedure.</LI>

#E <H3>A.4. Withdrawing resolutions or unaccepted amendments</H3>
<H3>A.4. 決議文および不採択修正案の取り下げ</H3>

#E <P>The proposer of a resolution or unaccepted amendment may withdraw
#E it.  In this case new proposers may come forward keep it alive, in which
#E case the first person to do so becomes the new proposer and any others
#E become sponsors if they aren't sponsors already.</P>
それ以外の人は (まだ賛同者がいない場合は) 賛同者になる。</P>

#E <P>A sponsor of a resolution or amendment (unless it has been
#E accepted) may withdraw.</P>

#E <P>If the withdrawal of the proposer and/or sponsors means that a
#E resolution has no proposer or not enough sponsors it will not be voted
#E on unless this is rectified before the resolution expires.</P>

#E <H3>A.5. Expiry</H3>
<H3>A.5. 期限切れ</H3>

#E   If a proposed resolution has not been discussed, amended, voted on or
#E   otherwise dealt with for 4 weeks the secretary may issue a statement
#E   that the issue is being withdrawn.  If none of the sponsors of any
#E   of the proposals object within a week, the issue is withdrawn.

#E   The secretary may also include suggestions on how to proceed,
#E   if appropriate.

#E <H3>A.6. Vote Counting</H3>
<H3>A.6. 投票の集計</H3>

#E   <li> Each voter's ballot ranks the options being voted on.  Not all
#E        options need be ranked.  Ranked options are considered
#E        preferred to all unranked options.  Voters may rank options
#E        equally.  Unranked options are considered to be ranked equally
#E        with one another.  Details of how ballots may be filled out
#E        will be included in the Call For Votes.
#E   <li> If the ballot has a quorum requirement R any options other
#E        than the default option which do not receive at least R votes
#E        ranking that option above the default option are dropped from
#E        consideration.
   <li>投票用紙に必要最低得票数の要請 R が存在する場合、
    デフォルトの選択肢よりもそれを上位とする投票を R 票以上集めなければ、
#E   <li> Any (non-default) option which does not defeat the default option
#E        by its required majority ratio is dropped from consideration.
   (デフォルト以外の) 選択肢は、以降の処理から排除される。
#E                  Given two options A and B, V(A,B) is the number of voters
#E                  who prefer option A over option B.
		選択肢 A と B に対し、V(A,B) は A よりも B を優先する
#E                  An option A defeats the default option D by a majority
#E                  ratio N, if V(A,D) is strictly greater than N * V(D,A).
		ある選択肢 A がデフォルトの選択肢 D に多数比 N で勝つには、
		V(A,D) が N * V(D,A) よりも多くなければいけない
#E                  If a supermajority of S:1 is required for A, its majority ratio
#E                  is S; otherwise, its majority ratio is 1.
		超過半数 S:1 が A に要請されている場合、
		A の多数比は S となる。それ以外の場合は多数比は 1 となる。
#E   <li> From the list of undropped options, we generate a list of
#E        pairwise defeats.
     1 対 1 勝敗表を作成する。
#E                  An option A defeats an option B, if V(A,B) is strictly greater
#E                  than V(B,A).
		V(A,B) が V(B,A) よりも多ければ (同数は含まない)、
		選択肢 A は選択肢 B に勝利する。
#E   <li> From the list of [undropped] pairwise defeats, we generate a
#E        set of transitive defeats.
   <li>(排除されなかった) 選択肢同士の勝敗表より、
#E                  An option A transitively defeats an option C if A defeats
#E                  C or if there is some other option B where A defeats B AND
#E                  B transitively defeats C.
		(1) 選択肢 A が選択肢 C に勝利しているか、あるいは
		(2) A が別の選択肢 B に勝利
		かつ B が C に推移的に勝利している場合、
		A は C に推移的に勝利する。
#E   <li> We construct the Schwartz set from the set of transitive defeats.
   <li>この推移的勝敗の組から、Schwartz 集合を構成する。
#E                  An option A is in the Schwartz set if for all options B,
#E                  either A transitively defeats B, or B does not transitively
#E                 defeat A.
		選択肢 A は、すべての選択肢 B に対して推移的に勝利しているか、
		Schwartz 集合に入る。
#E   <li> If there are defeats between options in the Schwartz set,
#E        we drop the weakest such defeats from the list of pairwise
#E        defeats, and return to step 5.
   <li>Schwartz 集合の内部にある選択肢同士に勝敗があれば、
    その勝敗における最弱のものを先ほどの 1 対 1 勝敗表からを排除し、
    ステップ 5 に戻る。
#E                  A defeat (A,X) is weaker than a defeat (B,Y) if V(A,X)
#E                  is less than V(B,Y).  Also, (A,X) is weaker than (B,Y) if
#E                  V(A,X) is equal to V(B,Y) and V(X,A) is greater than V(Y,B).
		V(A,X) が V(B,Y) より少ない場合、
		勝敗 (A,X) は、勝敗 (B,Y) より弱い。
		また V(A,X) が V(B,Y) と等しく、
		かつ V(X,A) が V(Y,B) より多い場合、
		勝敗 (A,X) は、勝敗 (B,Y) より弱い。
#E                  A weakest defeat is a defeat that has no other defeat weaker
#E                  than it.  There may be more than one such defeat.
#E   <li> If there are no defeats within the Schwartz set, then the winner
#E        is chosen from the options in the Schwartz set.  If there is
#E        only one such option, it is the winner. If there are multiple
#E        options, the elector with the casting vote chooses which of those
#E        options wins.  
   <li>Schwartz 集合に勝敗がなくなったら、その集合から勝者を選ぶ。
    残った選択肢が 1 つだけだったら、それが勝者となる。

#E <strong>Note:</strong> Options which the voters rank above the default option
#E are options they find acceptable.  Options ranked below the default
#E options are options they find unacceptable.

#E <P><CITE>When the Standard Resolution Procedure is to be used, the text
#E which refers to it must specify what is sufficient to have a draft
#E resolution proposed and/or sponsored, what the minimum discussion
#E period is, and what the voting period is.  It must also specify any
#E supermajority and/or the quorum (and default option) to be
#E used.</CITE></P>
必要最低得票数 (およびデフォルトの選択肢) を用いるかどうか

#E <H2>B. Use of language and typography</H2>
<H2>B. 語法および表示について</H2>

#E <P>The present indicative (`is', for example) means that the statement
#E is a rule in this constitution.  `May' or `can' indicates that the
#E person or body has discretion.  `Should' means that it would be
#E considered a good thing if the sentence were obeyed, but it is not
#E binding.  <CITE>Text marked as a citation, such as this, is rationale
#E and does not form part of the constitution.  It may be used only to aid
#E interpretation in cases of doubt.</CITE></P>
<CITE>引用としてマーキングされた文 (こんな風に) は注釈を示し、