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devel/join/nm-step3 1.23 -> 1.24


--- nm-step3.wml.old
+++ nm-step3.wml.new
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
 #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/join/nm-steps.inc"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.23"
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.24"
-主に未来の Debian 開発者を対象としています。</P>
+主に未来の Debian 開発者を対象としています。</p>
-<H2>ステップ 3: 哲学と手順</H2>
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</A>は、
-<A HREF="../../social_contract">Debian の社会契約</A>と
-<A HREF="../../social_contract#guidelines">Debian フリーソフトウェアガイドライン</A>
-として表現された Debian の哲学に同意することが要求されます。
+<h2>ステップ 3: 哲学と手順</h2>
+<a href="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</a>は、フリーソフトウェアの哲学を中心に形成された
+Debian コミュニティに適合できることが要求されます。
+Debian の「フリー」の解釈およびこれを適用する方法については、
+<a href="../../social_contract">Debian の社会契約</a>と
+<a href="../../social_contract#guidelines">Debian フリーソフトウェアガイドライン</a>
@@ -23,143 +24,131 @@
-注:「Debian の哲学に同意することが要求される」という条項は、応募者が
-Debian のためにするつもりの作業だけに、また Debian の作業をしているとき
-Debian Project のためだけに打ち立てられたものです。</P>
+<p>注: Debian の哲学の承諾を要求していますが、これは Debian に対する作業に限定されます。
-<P>Debian は応募者がこれらの内容について何を考えるかを管理しようとはし
+<p>Debian は応募者がこれらの内容について何を考えるかを管理しようとはし
-<A HREF="./newmaint#AppMan">応募管理者 (AM)</A>は各ステップの基準がいつ
-す。応募管理者と<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</A>はここに示した
+<p><a href="./newmaint#AppMan">応募管理者</a>(AM)は各ステップの基準がいつ
+応募管理者と<a href="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</a>はここに示した
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Committee">NM 委員会</A>に所属する他のメンバーのた
+<a href="./newmaint#DAM">Debian アカウント管理者</a>への最終報告では
-    <DT>1. <A HREF="../../social_contract">Debian の社会契約</A></DT>
-    <DD><P>
-    Debian の社会契約は Debian の目標と抱負を宣言しています。それはま
-    た、コミュニティの他の人々に対する、私達が自ら課した責任を表現しよ
-    うとしています。これらの様々な責任は何よりも優先すべきものであると
-    私達が考えていることです。これらを適切に理解し、同意することは、応
-    募者全員の必須条件です。</P>
-    <DL>
-       <DT>a. </DT>
-         <DD>
-       Debian の社会契約のなかの様々な「条項」について、応募管理者との
-       議論の記録、特に Debian 組織内におけるそれらの適切な関係に対する
-       理解を表現しているものは、応募者のこれらの事柄への理解について
-       の、十分な情報を提供するでしょう。
-         </DD>
-      <DT>b. </DT>
-         <DD>
-       応募者のプロジェクトに対する個人的な目標と、それらがどのように
-       Debian の社会契約に合致するかということについての議論の記録も、
-       応募者の理解の十分な証明を提供するでしょう。
-         </DD>
-    </DL>
-    </DD>
-    <DT>2. <A HREF="../../social_contract#guidelines">Debian フリーソフトウェアガイドライン</A></DT>
-    <DD>
-    <P>
-    弁護士になる必要はありませんが、各応募者はこれらのガイドラインで述
-    べられている基本原理への理解を表現できなければいけません。これらの原理は、
-    ある特定のライセンスにより与えられる自由を決定するための、ガイドライ
-    ンとして作用する一方で、与えられたライセンスがその基準を満たすかど
-    うかを決定するのに困る人々もいます。
-    </P>
-    <DL>
-       <DT>a. </DT>
-         <DD>
-       DFSG は GPL 以外にも明確にいくつかのライセンスをフリーライセン
-       スとして呼んでいます。AM と応募者の間での議論のうち、応募者がなぜこ
-       れらのライセンスが「反対すべき」条項を含んでいるにも
-       関らず、ガイドラインに適合していると考えるかについて、詳しく説明
-       したものは、このことについての応募者の理解が十分なことを証明をするでしょう。
-       3つの自由: 改変する自由、それらの改変を頒布する自由、そしてソー
-       スコードにアクセスし配布する自由は、私達が全てのライセンスに、
-       それがフリーであると見なされるために求める基本的なことです。
-       これらの基本原則に関して、あるライセンスをフリーであると宣言する
-       能力は、応募者がこれらの原則を理解したという明確な表れになりま
-       す。
-         </DD>
-       <DT>b. </DT>
-         <DD>
-       上記の原則についての記述、および、私たちが望む自由を守るにあたって
-       その原則が果たす重要性についての記述もまた、応募者がこれらの原則を
-       理解していることを十分に示すものとなります。
-         </DD>
-   </DL>
-   </DD>
+ <dt>1. <a href="../../social_contract">Debian の社会契約</a></dt>
+ <dd><p>
+  Debian の社会契約は Debian の目標と抱負を宣言しています。それはまた、
+  コミュニティの他の人々に対する、私達が自ら課した責任を表現しようとしています。<br>
+  これらの様々な責任は何よりも優先すべきものであると私達が考えていることです。
+  これらを適切に理解し、同意することは、応募者全員の必須条件です。</p>
+  <p>理解を立証する方法はいくつかあります:</p>
+  <ul>
+   <li>Debian 社会契約の各条項について応募管理者と議論し、それぞれが互いに、そして
+   Debian の組織にどのように関連し合うか表現する。</li>
+   <li>応募者個人の Debian での目標やある状況下でどのように Debian
+    の社会契約に十分に適応するか議論する。</li>
+   <li>The 応募者 can put the Debian の社会契約を自分の言葉にして、
+    より複雑な部分や Debian がどのようにそれに対応する努力をしてきたか説明する。<br>
+    注: これはよく選択される方法です
+   </li>
+  </ul>
+  <br>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>2. <a href="$(HOME)/social_contract#guidelines">Debian
+ フリーソフトウェアガイドライン (DFSG)</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+  <p>これらの原則は特定のライセンスで述べられる自由の解釈についての指針となります。</p>
+  <p>ほとんどの応募者は法律家ではありませんが、
+  だれもがこれらガイドラインで述べられている基本原理を理解し、
+  その表現や使用ができるべきです。</p>
+  <p>理解を立証する方法はいくつかあります:</p>
+  <ul>
+   <li>複数のライセンスについて議論し、それがフリーかそうでないか示してみる。
+    この過程では、応募管理者は特別な状況を提示して、
+    DFSG に関する、突っ込んだ質問をすることができます。<br>
+    注: これはよく選択される方法です
+   </li>
+   <li>Debian フリーソフトウェアガイドライン
+    を他のフリーソフトウェアについて述べたものと比較し、
+    似ている点と異なる点を示す。
+   </li>
+  </ul>
+ </dd>
-<H3>B. 手順</H3>
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</A>
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</A>はまた、
-<A HREF="../dmup">the Debian Machine Usage Policy (DMUP)</A>
-<A HREF="./newmaint#AppMan">応募管理者 (AM)</A> 
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</A>
-<A HREF="./newmaint#AppMan">応募管理者 (AM)</A>
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Committee">NM 委員会</A>
- <A HREF="./newmaint#Committee">NM 委員会</A>
- <A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</A> 
-<A HREF="./newmaint#AppMan">応募管理者</A>
-NM 委員会はこのステップが完了する前に、応募者から更なる情報を求めるか
+<p>Debian システムの開発の中で発展してきた標準の手順およびポリシーは
+それらにより Debian 全体の品質が確保され、
+<p><a href="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</a>は自分の理解を示さなければならないわけですが、
+その方法は<a href="./newmaint#AppMan">応募管理者</a>の責任で決定することができます。
+ <li><h4>バグ追跡システムでの作業</h4>
+  Debian では<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/";>バグ追跡システム</a>
+  (BTS) をパッケージのバグ追跡だけでなく、新しいメンテナを必要としているパッケージや
+  期待されているパッケージの基盤と管理に関するリクエストにも使用しています。
+  <br>
+  Prospective Developers need to be able to control the BTS and explain
+  how it can be used to represent all available data about problems.
+ </li>
+ <li><h4>Debian のリリースプロセス</h4>
+  Debian のリリースプロセスは安定度と安全度を元にしているので、
+  so prospective Developers need to understand how it works, why it
+  is structured as it is and what exceptions are possible.
+ </li>
+ <li><h4>Debian の国際化と地域化の努力</h4>
+  世界のごく一部だけで英語がネイティブに話されていることを鑑み、開発者および翻訳者は
+  Debian を誰でも使えるようにするために莫大な時間を使っています。
+  開発者になろうとする人が知っておくべき特定のツールやルールが多くあります。
+ </li>
+<p><a href="./newmaint#Applicant">応募者</a>は
+<a href="$(DEVEL)/dmup">Debian Machine Usage Policy (DMUP)</a>
 #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/join/nm-steps.inc"

Index: english/devel/join/nm-step3.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/devel/join/nm-step3.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.23 -r1.24
--- english/devel/join/nm-step3.wml   15 Sep 2005 19:28:25 -0000   1.23
+++ english/devel/join/nm-step3.wml   27 Sep 2005 19:51:15 -0000   1.24
@@ -1,164 +1,166 @@
 #use wml::debian::template title="Step 3: Philosophy and Procedures" NOHEADER="true"
 #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/join/nm-steps.inc"
-<P>The information on this page, while public, will primarily
-be of interest to future Debian developers.</P>
+<p>The information on this page, while public, will primarily
+be of interest to future Debian developers.</p>
-<H2>Step 3: Philosophy and Procedures</H2>
+<h2>Step 3: Philosophy and Procedures</h2>
-<H3>A. Philosophy</H3>
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">The applicant</A> is expected 
-to agree with the Debian philosophy as expressed in the
-<A HREF="../../social_contract">Social Contract</A> and the
-<A HREF="../../social_contract#guidelines">Debian Free Software Guidelines</A>.
-The applicant needs to understand these documents well enough to
-express these ideas and ideals in their own words.  Just exactly how this
-understanding is accomplished and communicated is left up to the applicant
-and their manager to determine.  The following methods are only intended as
-a suggestion, not as a requirement, but they are examples of ways to resolve
-this step of the process.  Several opportunities will be provided for the
-applicant to show understanding in these areas.
-Note: The term "is expected to agree with the Debian philosophy" only
-applies to the work the applicant will do for Debian, and the ideals they
-will use when doing Debian work. These principles and guidelines are
-established expressly for the Debian Project.</P>
+The <a href="./newmaint#Applicant">Applicant</a> is expected to fit
+into the Debian community, which is built around the philosophy of
+Free Software. What Debian understands as "free" and how this is
+applied is explained in the <a href="$(HOME)/social_contract">Social 
+Contract</a> and the <a href="$(HOME)/social_contract#guidelines">Debian
+Free Software Guidelines</a>.
+Prospective Developers need to understand these documents well enough to
+express the ideas and ideals described there in their own words.  Just 
+exactly how this understanding is accomplished and communicated is left
+up to the Applicant and their manager to determine.  The following methods
+are only intended as a suggestion, not as a requirement, but they are
+examples of ways to complete this step of the process.  Several 
+opportunities will be provided for the Applicant to show understanding in
+these areas.
+<p>Note: Though we require Applicants to agree with the Debian philosophy,
+this is limited to work done for Debian. We understand that people need
+to earn their living and are sometimes required to work on non-free
+projects for their employer or customer.</p>
-<P>Debian makes no attempt to control what the applicant thinks about these
+<p>Debian makes no attempt to control what the Applicant thinks about these
 subjects, but it is important to the stability of such a large and amorphous
 project that all participants work within the same set of basic principles
-and beliefs.</P>
+and beliefs.</p>
-<A HREF="./newmaint#AppMan">The Application Manager (AM)</A> 
-will decide when the criterion for each step have 
-been satisfied. These guidelines only provide useful examples. 
-The AM and <A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">the Applicant</A> 
-may decide on other tasks than the ones specified here. 
-Those tasks must be documented clearly for the rest of 
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Committee">the NM-Committee</A>.</P>
-    <DT>1. <A HREF="../../social_contract">The Social Contract</A></DT>
-    <DD><P>
-    The Social Contract declares Debian's goals and aspirations. 
-    It also tries to express our self-imposed responsibilities to 
-    the rest of the community. 
-    A proper understanding of the priorities we give to these various
-    responsibilities and agreement with them is essential for any
-    applicant.</P>
-    <DL>
-       <DT>a. </DT>
-         <DD>
-       Recorded discussions with the AM about the various "terms" in 
-       The Social Contract, expressing an understanding of their proper 
-       relationship within the Debian organization, may provide enough
-       information about the applicants understanding of these issues.
-         </DD>
-      <DT>b. </DT>
-         <DD>
-       A recorded discussion about the applicant's personal goals for 
-       the project, and how they fit in with The Social Contract, could 
-       also provide adequate proof of the applicant's understanding.
-         </DD>
-    </DL>
-    </DD>
-    <DT>2. <A HREF="../../social_contract#guidelines">The Debian Free Software Guidelines</A></DT>
-    <DD>
-    <P>
-    Without being a lawyer, each applicant should be able to express an
-    understanding of the basic principles set forth in these guidelines.
-    While these principles act as guidelines for determining the freedom
-    delivered by a particular license, some people have trouble determining 
-    whether any given license fits the criterion.
-    </P>
-    <DL>
-       <DT>a. </DT>
-         <DD>
-       The DFSG clearly "calls out" several licenses, other than the GPL
-       as free licenses. A discussion between the AM and the applicant
-       detailing why the applicant feels these licenses fit the guidelines
-       even though they have "objectionable" clauses. 
-       The three freedoms: the freedom to modify, 
-       the freedom to distribute those modifications, 
-       and the freedom to access and distribute source code;
-       are fundamental ones we require of any license
-       in order for it to be considered free.
-       An ability to declare a license free according to these fundamental
-       principles is a clear indication that the applicant understands these
-       principles.
-         </DD>
-       <DT>b. </DT>
-         <DD>
-       A simple description of the principles cited above and their
-       importance in securing the freedoms we desire, would also go a long
-       way toward identifying the applicants understanding of these
-       principles.
-         </DD>
-   </DL>
-   </DD>
-Whatever method is used, the applicant must agree with these
-principles, as well as show an understanding of their meaning and content.
+<p>The <a href="./newmaint#AppMan">Application Manager</a> (AM) will 
+decide when the criteria for each step have been satisfied. The following
+guidelines only try to provide useful examples. In most cases, a mix
+of all of them will be used.
+The AM and the <a href="./newmaint#Applicant">Applicant</a> may decide
+on other tasks than the ones specified here. Those tasks must be 
+documented clearly in the final report to the <a href="./newmaint#DAM">
+Debian Account Manager</a>.</p>
+ <dt>1. The <a href="$(HOME)/social_contract">Social Contract</a></dt>
+ <dd><p>
+  The Social Contract declares Debian's goals and aspirations. It
+  also tries to express our self-imposed responsibilities to the rest
+  of the community.
+  <br>
+  A proper understanding of the priorities we give to these various
+  responsibilities and agreement with them is essential for any
+  Applicant.
+  </p>
+  <p>The understanding can be documented in various ways:</p>
+  <ul>
+   <li>A discussion with the AM about the various terms in the Social
+   Contract, expressing how they relate to each other and Debian's 
+   organization.</li>
+   <li>A discussion about the Applicant's personal goals for Debian,
+    how they fit in with the Social Contract can in some cases
+    be enough.</li>
+   <li>The Applicant can put the Social Contract in his own words,
+    explaining some of the more complex parts and how Debian
+    strives to comply to them.<br>
+    Note: This is the usually chosen way.
+   </li>
+  </ul>
+  <br>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>2. The <a href="$(HOME)/social_contract#guidelines">Debian Free 
+  Software Guidelines</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+  <p>These principles act as guidelines for determining the freedom
+  delivered by a particular license.</p>
+  <p>Although most Applicants aren't lawyers, every one should be 
+  able to express and use the understanding of the basic principles
+  set forth in these guidelines.</p>
+  <p>The understanding can be documented in various ways:</p>
+  <ul>
+   <li>The Applicant discusses several licenses and tries to show
+    if they're free or not. In this process, the AM can point out
+    special cases and ask further questions regarding the DFSG.<br>
+    Note: This is the usually chosen way.
+   </li>
+   <li>The Applicant compares the Debian Free Software Guidelines
+#FIXME: "statements" is so wrong, but I already used guidelines...
+    to other statements about Free Software and points out
+    similarities and differences.
+   </li>
+  </ul>
+ </dd>
+<p>Whatever method is used, the Applicant must agree with these 
+principles, as well as show an understanding of their meaning and
 Failure to agree with these terms will terminate the application process.
-<H3>B. Procedures</H3>
-The Procedures and Policies important to any particular applicant will vary
-depending on the tasks that the applicant is volunteering to do.
-However, every 
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">applicant</A> 
-will be required to know where the general policy
-is recorded, how it is arrived at, as well as how to carry out their
-individual responsibilities within the structure of the project.
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">Applicants</A> should also read
-<A HREF="../dmup">the Debian Machine Usage Policy (DMUP)</A>
-and agree to abide by it.</P>
-The procedures check is more of a communication of information from 
-<A HREF="./newmaint#AppMan">the Application Manager (AM)</A> 
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">the applicant</A>. 
-This should be done with some "stock" form documents that outline 
-the general structure of our policies and procedures.
-The form of this document will be maintained by the Application Managers
-and will be delivered to and discussed with the applicant to verify that 
-they know where to look for information and how to proceed with their jobs.
-When <A HREF="./newmaint#AppMan">the Application Manager (AM)</A> 
-considers these questions properly answered, a report of the
-details of this discussion will be delivered to
-<A HREF="./newmaint#Committee">The NM-Committee</A>.
- <A HREF="./newmaint#Committee">The NM-Committee</A>
-will determine when 
- <A HREF="./newmaint#Applicant">the applicant</A> 
-has demonstrated both
-understanding and acceptance of these terms, by examining the material in the
-report delivered by 
- <A HREF="./newmaint#AppMan">the AM</A>. 
-The NM-Committee may ask for additional information from the applicant 
-before this step can be completed.
+<p>The standard procedures and policies that have evolved in the creation
+of the Debian system are very important to manage the distributed work
+of volunteers. They ensure the overall quality of Debian and often help
+to prevent problems between Developers by providing a set of guidelines
+for the interaction in special cases.</p>
+<p>How the <a href="./newmaint#Applicant">Applicant</a> has to show
+his understanding his up to the <a href="./newmaint#AppMan">Application
+Manager</a>, but there are some essentials that should always be covered.
+The following list documents what is a must for the Procedures checks:</p>
+ <li><h4>Working with the Bug Tracking System</h4>
+  Debian uses the <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/";>Bug Tracking System</a>
+  (BTS) not only to keep track of bugs in packages, but also to gather
+  requests about the infrastructure and manage the work-needing and
+  prospective packages.
+  <br>
+  Prospective Developers need to be able to control the BTS and explain
+  how it can be used to represent all available data about problems.
+ </li>
+ <li><h4>The Debian release process</h4>
+  Debian's release process is the base for its stability and security,
+  so prospective Developers need to understand how it works, why it
+  is structured as it is and what exceptions are possible.
+ </li>
+ <li><h4>Debian's internationalisation and localisation efforts</h4>
+  Considering that only a small part of the world speaks English
+  natively, Developers and Translators invest a significant amount
+  of time to make Debian useable for everybody. There are a lot of
+  specific tools and rules and prospective Developers should be aware
+  of them.
+ </li>
+<p>There are of course a many other topics that can be covered by
+the New Maintainer checks, but the AM should only choose those
+that are relevant for the area the Applicants wants to work in.
+The most important quality is that prospective Developers know
+where to look for information concerning them.</p>
+<p><a href="./newmaint#Applicant">Applicants</a> should also read
+<a href="$(DEVEL)/dmup">the Debian Machine Usage Policy (DMUP)</a>
+and agree to abide by it.</p>
 #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/join/nm-steps.inc"

don't include my addresses in mail body...