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CD/free-linux-cd (1.1)



don't include my addresses in mail body...

#use wml::debian::cdimage title="無料の Linux CD" NOHEADER=true BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::toc
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1"

# Translators, I would not bother translating this file. Its sole
# purpose is to prevent stupid "Please send me a free Linux CD" mails
# to debian-cd. Apparently, this is another self-perpetuating Google
# flop: Whenever people from India (or somewhere from that part of the
# world) search for "Free Linux CD" with Google, the archived "free
# Linux CD" mails from lists.d.o turn up at the very top. Without
# bothering to read the replies to the archived mails, people copy the
# mail they found and send it to debian-cd.
# -- Richard Atterer, 2006-04-11

<h1>無料の Linux CD</h1>

<p>Debian プロジェクトでは無料 CD の送付は行って<em>いません</em>。
そういった要望を debian-cd には送らないでください。</p>

<p>自分で CD イメージを<a href="./">ダウンロード</a>するか、CD
ベンダーから<a href="vendors/">買って</a>ください。近くの Linux
ユーザグループ (LUG) を探してみると、LUG のミーティングで
<em>無料の Linux CD</em> を取得することができるかもしれません。</p>