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Debian JP master SVN www commits (rev.113)

Repository: /org/svn.debian.or.jp/repos
  Revision: 113
  Commiter: kmuto
      Date: 2007-01-04 10:19:41 +0900 (木, 04  1月 2007)

gihyo agreed to release kmuto's quick-install article. And gotom suggested to show 'release' link on top page. Updated the link configuration.


U   www/trunk/include/config

Modified: www/trunk/include/config
--- www/trunk/include/config	2007-01-03 05:29:43 UTC (rev 112)
+++ www/trunk/include/config	2007-01-04 01:19:41 UTC (rev 113)
@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@
    jusing1 = [
      { url => 'using/', title => '始めの一歩' }
+     { url => 'using/release.html', title => 'リリース情報' }
      { url => 'using/book.html', title => '書籍情報' }
      { url => 'using/', title => '»' }
    jusing2 = [
      { url => 'using/', title => '始めの一歩' }
+     { url => 'using/quick/', title => 'クイックインストール解説' }
      { url => 'using/mirror.html', title => 'ミラーサイト' }
      { url => 'using/release.html', title => 'リリース情報' }
      { url => 'using/book.html', title => '書籍情報' }