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Debian JPのIRC会議で、nori1さん経由で田村さんのものをひきついで仕上げた




KURASHIKI Satoru <lurdan@xxxxxxxxx>
#use wml::debian::template title="The Debian Description Translation Project &mdash; DDTP"
#use wml::debian::toc
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.4"
<!-- translation-checkλȤ狼ޤŬڤ˽ꤤޤ-->

The <a href="http://ddtp.debian.net";>Debian Description Translation Project</a>
(which was implemented by
<a href="mailto:Michael%20Bramer%20%3Cgrisu@debian.org%3E";>Michael Bramer</a>)
aims to provide translated
package descriptions and the infrastructure to support their translation. Even
though it exists already for a few years it was deactivated after a break-in
of a
Debian host and has currently only basic functionality compared to the past.
The <a href="http://ddtp.debian.net";>Debian Description Translation Project</a>
(<a href="mailto:Michael%20Bramer%20%3Cgrisu@debian.org%3E";>Michael Bramer</a>

The project supports:
  <li>Fetching of current (sid) and older (etch) package descriptions.</li>
  <li>Adding of new translations via an email interface.</li>
  <li>Reusing of already translated paragraphs from one description in other
      package descriptions.</li>
  <li>Providing of <tt>Translation-*</tt> files for mirrors and APT.</li>
  <li>ǿ (sid) ӸŤ (etch) ѥåʸ롣</li>
  <li>ߥ顼 APT  <tt>Translation-*</tt> ե󶡤롣</li>

The review process as known from the past is not yet activated. Also the
non-free section in the Debian archive is not translatable at the moment
because there could exist license
<!-- I thought that even for non-free projects the debian packaging stuff
     (debian/) is free but it seems it''s not required!? -->
issues which forbid e.g. translation and need to be checked carefully.
non-free ⡢ǤǤޤʤɤػߤ褦
<!--  non-free ΥץȤˤƤ⡢debian ѥåطΤ(debian/)
 free ȹͤƤɬפϤʤ餷 -->

Translating more than 20000 package transcriptions is a big challenge. Please
help us to fulfill our goal. See also our <a href="#todo">todo</a> list for
remaining issues.
20000 ʾ ѥåʸΤϡѤʺȤǤŪã
ϤߤƤã<a href="#todo">Todo</a>ꥹȤ⸫ƤС


<toc-add-entry>Interfaces to the DDTP</toc-add-entry>
<toc-add-entry>DDTP ȤΥ󥿡ե</toc-add-entry>
There exist various ways to fetch descriptions and commit translations. The original
interface uses email for communication but there are also other ones.

Since all interfaces use the DDTP backend, you first need to ensure that your
language is already supported. This should be the case for most
languages. If there does not exist such support write to
<email debian-i18n@lists.debian.org>
so that your language can be activated. Also many rules for the email interface
are true for other as well, so be sure to read them properly.
ƤΥ󥿡ե DDTP ΥХåɤȤƤޤΤǡǽ˼ʬ
<email debian-i18n@lists.debian.org> ˥᡼ФƤ

<h3 id="email">The email interface</h3>
<h3 id="email">᡼륤󥿡ե</h3>
To obtain a new untranslated package description
from <a href="$(HOME)/releases/sid/">sid</a> just send an email to
pdesc@ddtp.debian.net with the subject <tt>GET <var>n</var>
<var>lang</var></tt>, where <var>n</var> is the number of descriptions
you want to fetch (the upper limit is 9) and <var>lang</var> is your language
code (e.g. <q>de</q> or <q>pt_BR</q>). You can also append a dot followed by
the encoding to the language code to notify the server that your translations
will use the specified encoding. To obtain the description of a special package
<var>package</var> use <tt>GET <var>package</var> <var>lang</var></tt>.
̤Υѥåʸ <a href="$(HOME)/releases/sid/">sid</a> 
ˤϡñpdesc@ddtp.debian.net Ƥˡ̾
<tt>GET <var>n</var> <var>lang</var></tt> Ȥƥ᡼Ƥ
<var>n</var> ϼʸο( 9 Ĥޤ)ǡ<var>lang</var> 
ʤθ쥳(<q>de</q>  <q>pt_BR</q> ʤ)ǤǻȤ
<var>package</var> ʸϡ
<tt>GET <var>package</var> <var>lang</var></tt> ȤƤ

A short time later you should receive an email containing the requested number of
descriptions. These are now reserved for you and will not be requestable by
other interested persons until your lock times out. Now translate the
untranslated parts of each attachment which are marked &lt;trans&gt;.
Ǥϡźեե &lt;trans&gt; ȥޡƤ̤ʬƤ


Please note that the server assumes a fixed encoding for your translation.
# Translators: Adapt this to your language!
The German language uses for example latin1.

If you prefer another encoding such as UTF-8 you can specify it by changing
<tt>Description-<var>lang</var></tt>: into

UTF-8 ʤ̤Υ󥳡ǥ󥰤ȤС

Once you finished your task, you should send the translated files back to
pdesc@ddtp.debian.net. The subject and the body of the email do not matter and
can by empty. It's suggested that you mark each single attachment file as
binary (e.g. base64), since in general the translation consists of two
encodings: The English part is always UTF-8 encoded, but the translated part
is not. If you send the attachment as text, the DDTP server may use
files with a mismatched encoding. It is strongly suggested that you check your
translation in the DDTP the first time you translated a description
for this kind of errors!
Ȥλ顢ե pdesc@ddtp.debian.net Ƥ
(㤨Сbase64) Ȼꤹ뤳Ȥ򤪴ᤷޤȤΤ⡢̾ʸˤ
2 Υ󥳡ǥ󥰤ޤޤ뤫Ǥ  ѸʬϾ UTF-8 ǥ󥳡
źեեƥȤȤȡDDTP Фϥեְä
ˤϡDDTP Τʤå뤳Ȥ򶯤ᤷޤ

Once you send your translation back you will get a notification email. If your
subject contains <q>noguide</q> this will not happen. Another command understood
by the server is <q>nothing</q> which could be used as subject to send emails
to the server.
ȡΥ᡼뤬Ƥޤ̾ <q>noguide</q> ޤ
СΤϤޤ¾˥Ф򤹤륳ޥɤ <q>nothing</q> ꡢ

<h3 id="DDTSS">The web frontend</h3>
<h3 id="DDTSS">֥եȥ</h3>
Beside the official email interface there also exists a nice web frontend
called <a href="http://kleptog.org/cgi-bin/ddtss2-cgi/xx";>DDTSS</a> written by
<a href="mailto:Martijn%20van%20Oosterhout%20%3Ckleptog@xxxxxxxxx%3E";>Martijn van
Oosterhout</a> which tries to simplify the task of translation and review.
<a href="http://kleptog.org/cgi-bin/ddtss2-cgi/xx";>DDTSS</a>ȸƤФͥ줿
<a href="mailto:Martijn%20van%20Oosterhout%20%3Ckleptog@xxxxxxxxx%3E";>Martijn van

It supports all features of the email interface and additionally allows
proofreading. It supports a custom configuration for each language team so that
each team can decide how many reviews are necessary until the description
is transferred to the DDTP. It's also possible to request user authorisation,
so that only a restricted group of people can perform certain actions. You also don't
have to care about the encoding, the DDTSS handles this for you.
DDTP ʸϿɬפʥӥ塼˷뤳ȤǤޤ

桼ǧڤ׵᤹뤳ȤǤޤDDTSS ƤΤǡ󥳡ǥ

Current default properties:
  <dt>number of reviews:</dt><dd>3</dd>
  <dt>supported languages:</dt><dd>all of the DDTP, except cs</dd>
  <dt>user authorisation:</dt><dd>no, it's open for all</dd>
  <dt>ݡȺѤθ졧</dt><dd>cs  DDTP </dd>

The Czech language is not supported as this team prefers the email interface.
Czech 줬ݡȤƤʤΤϡΥब᡼륤󥿡ե

It is possible to specify a default word list for a language. This is used to
provide default translations via tooltips. This list is available via a link
at the bottom of the language page.

The DDTSS provides the following items for all languages:

<h5>Pending translation</h5>
<h5>Ԥ (Pending translation)</h5>
A list of pending translations. These are descriptions freely selectable for
translation by the user. It looks like:
exim4 (priority 52)
exim4-config (priority 52)
ibrazilian (priority 47, busy)
postgresql-client (priority 47)
postgresql-contrib (priority 47)
grap (priority 45)
exim4 (priority 52)
exim4-config (priority 52)
ibrazilian (priority 47, busy)
postgresql-client (priority 47)
postgresql-contrib (priority 47)
grap (priority 45)

A language team should try to translate packages with a high priority (this is
calculated using the category, e.g. essential, base, ...) first. The packages
are sorted to accomplish this.
ϡͥ/priority (ϥƥȤäƷ׻ޤ㡧essential,
base, ...) ι⤤ѥåޤ٤Ǥѥåͥ٤ι⤤

Descriptions marked with busy are already reserved by a user and cannot be
selected for at most 15 minutes. If there is no commit during this time it's again
marked as freely available.
busy ȥޡ줿ʸϡ̤Υ桼ͽ󤷤Ƥꡢ15ʬ򤹤

A description needs to be completely translated before the frontend accepts it.
So please ensure that you are able to translate the entire text before
you start. Select <q>Submit</q> to add your translation and <q>Abandon</q>
if you decide not to translate it. It's also possible that you are lucky and that
there is already a translation for a previous version of the English template 
together with a diff of the changes in the English translation which you have
to integrate into your translation.
You could copy and paste this old translation from the bottom part of the page
and update it appropriately.
ɲäʤ <q>Submit</q> ʤʤ <q>Abandon</q>
ѹ diff ɽ졢ǤȤä˷äޤ뤳Ȥ
ޤڡκDzˤŤ򥳥ԡ & ڡȤơŬڤ˹Ǥ

# Does not yet work as expected
To avoid ugly fluctuation of the text width it is suggested that you do not
enter newlines manually unless necessary (such as for list items). The lines
break automatically. Remember that an user could add or remove minor parts
during proofreading which could otherwise result in an inconsistent line
length. Fixing this too makes the diff created by the review hard to read.
# ޤ̤ư򤷤Ƥޤ

äƺ diff ɤߤŤ餯ʤޤ

It's also possible to select preferred packages by name. This is useful to
translate a set of similar packages, such as manpages-de, manpages-es, in order
and to be able to copy and paste previous translations.
˾ѥå̾򤹤뤳ȤǤޤmanpages-de  manpages-es
Ȥäѥå켰֤ݤˡ򥳥ԡ & ڡȤǤ

Even already translated packages can be fetched this way again, to improve them
(please note that the current DDTP functionality for this is buggy, so please
avoid it if possible for now).
(ߤ DDTP εǽǤϡϥХ¿ȤդƤ

<h5>Pending review</h5>
<h5>ӥ塼Ԥ (Pending review)</h5>
A list of translated descriptions which still need to be reviewed. This list
might look like the following:

 1. aspell-es (needs review, had 1)
 2. bookmarks (needs initial review)
 3. doc-linux-ja-html (needs initial review)
 4. doc-linux-ja-text (needs initial review)
 5. gnome-menus (needs initial review)
 6. geany (needs review, had 2)
 7. initramfs-tools (needs initial review)
 8. inn2 (needs initial review)

The following flags exist:</p>
    <dt lang="en">needs initial review:</dt>
    <dd>The current version of this translation has not
        yet passed a single review.</dd>

    <dt lang="en">needs review:</dt>
    <dd>The current version of this translation needs further
        reviews, but passed already at least one.</dd>

    <dt lang="en">reviewed:</dt>
    <dd>This description was reviewed without change by the user.
        Other users needs to proofread it.</dd>

    <dt lang="en">owner:</dt>
    <dd>This description was translated or changed during a proofread by the
        user. Other users needs to proofread it.</dd>
    <dt lang="en">needs initial review:</dt>

    <dt lang="en">needs review:</dt>
    <dd>κǿǤϾʤȤ 1 ٤Υӥ塼Ƥޤ

    <dt lang="en">reviewed:</dt>

    <dt lang="en">owner:</dt>

If a review with corrections has already happened you will get a nice color
diff which shows all changes of the last review once you select the package.
ѹɽ䤫˿Ť줿 diff ɽޤ

<h5>Recently translated</h5>
<h5>Ƕ줿 (Recently translated)</h5>

A list of transferred description to the DDTP. At most ten packages together
with the date of the transfer are listed.
DDTP Ͽ줿ʸΰǤ 10 ĤΥѥåϿȶ

<h3 id="Pootle">The internationalisation frontend</h3>
<h3 id="Pootle">ݲեȥ</h3>
There exists plans to implement a new framework to aid translation of various
documents in Debian, such as PO files and Debconf templates. This should also
support package descriptions at some time. Once this is active and works as
expected, the current DDTP and it's frontends will be shut down.
PO ե Debconf ƥץ졼ȤȤä Debian ͡ʸٱ礹롢

This framework will be based on
<a href="http://pootle.wordforge.org/";>Pootle</a>. It's a Google Summer of
Code project.
Υե졼ϡ<a href="http://pootle.wordforge.org/";>Pootle</a> 
ˤͽǤPootle  Google Summer of Code ΥץȤǤ

<toc-add-entry name="rules">Common translation rules</toc-add-entry>
<toc-add-entry name="rules">̤롼</toc-add-entry>
It's important that you do not change English descriptions during translation.
If you recognise errors in them you should file a bug report against the
corresponding package, see <a href="$(HOME)/Bugs/Reporting">How to report a bug
in Debian</a> for details.
<a href="$(HOME)/Bugs/Reporting">Debian ˥Х𤹤ˡ</a>򻲾Ȥ


Translate the untranslated parts of each attachment which are marked
&lt;trans&gt;. It's important that you do not change lines containing only a
period in the first column. These are paragraph separators and will not be
visible in APT frontends.
źեեǡ&lt;trans&gt; ΥޡդƤ̤սƤ
APT ΥեȥɤǤɽޤ

Paragraphs which are already translated are either reused from other descriptions
or from an older translation (and thus indicate that this original English
paragraph was not changed since that time). Once you change such a paragraph, it
will not change all other descriptions with the same paragraph as well.
Ѥϡ¾ʸŤ (αѸѹƤʤ
ȤǤ) ѤƤޤѹ顢Ʊ

Also note that each language team has it's own preferences such as word lists
or quotation style. Please follow these standards as close as possible. The
# Translators: create a link to your rules from "published"
most important rules are published. It is suggested that you start reviewing
existing translations, either via <a href="#DDTSS">DDTSS</a> or by browsing
descriptions in package management systems such as
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/aptitude";>aptitude</a>, first to get a
# Translators: create a link to your language team (mailing list, ...)
feeling for the translation preferences. If you are unsure contact your language team.
<a href="http://www.debian.or.jp/community/translate/description-ja.html";>
<a href="#DDTSS">DDTSS</a>ͳǤ⤤Ǥ
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/aptitude";>aptitude</a>ʤɤΥѥå
԰¤ʤ顢θ<a href="http://www.debian.or.jp/community/translate";>
<!-- ܸϢ褬狼ʤΤǽꤤޤ -->

<toc-add-entry>Proofreading and error fixing</toc-add-entry>
# General proofread suggestions, not DDTSS specific
<!-- ̣ա(DDTSSͭƤƤ) -->
Only the DDTSS currently implements a review mode and only sends those
translations to the DDTP which passed a fixed number of proofreads.
DDTSS ˤϡܲӥ塼⡼ɤΤ߼Ƥꡢޤäιѥ
ʸ DDTP 뤳Ȥޤ

Once you notice common typos or other easy to correct errors such as encoding
problems, it is possible to bypass any review process and to fix this for all
packages at once using a script. It is suggested that only one trusted
translation coordinator collects all these issues and applies the script.

Since the proofreading can take a long time (especially if only
minor issues are fixed all the time), it may be an option to just ignore
simple typos and inconsistencies during the review and to start a check
for all of these (hopefully collected) issues later. This speeds up the review and
allows to apply these corrections later in all descriptions.
ˤĹ (äˡäȤ꤬줿) 礬Τǡ
ӥ塼Ǥñʤ԰פ̵뤷ꡢä (줿Ϥ) 

<toc-add-entry>Usage of the translations</toc-add-entry>
There is no proper support for translated package descriptions in
the sarge or etch distribution yet available. Nevertheless the APT
package in
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/testing/admin/apt";>testing</a>
fulfills this task. Using this package every user can read the
descriptions in his preferred language in all programs which use APT.  This
includes <tt>apt-cache</tt>, <tt>aptitude</tt>, <tt>synaptic</tt>, and various
other. Lenny will use this apt by default.
sarge  etch Υǥȥӥ塼Ǥϡ줿ѥåʸŬڤ
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/testing/admin/apt";>testing</a>ˤ APT
桼ϤΥѥåȤäơAPT ȤƤΥץˤơʸ
ˤϡ<tt>apt-cache</tt>  <tt>aptitude</tt><tt>synaptic</tt> 䤽¾
ʥץबޤޤޤLenny Ǥϡ apt ǥեȤˤʤޤ

This version of APT downloads <tt>Translation-<var>lang</var></tt> files from
Debian mirrors. These are only available for sid at the moment and may be
missing on some mirrors. The location of these files on mirrors is
# Translators: use a proper mirror and test it!
<a href="http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/main/i18n/";>dists/main/sid/i18n/</a>.
ΥС APT ϡDebian ߥ顼<tt>Translation-<var>lang</var></tt>
եɤޤߤ sid ǤȤޤ󤷡ߥ顼ˤäƤ
<a href="http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/main/i18n/";>dists/main/sid/i18n/</a>

The DDTP provides up-to-date translations for
<a href="http://ddtp.debian.net/debian/dists/sid/main/i18n/";>sid</a>,
<a href="http://ddtp.debian.net/debian/dists/lenny/main/i18n/";>lenny</a> and
<a href="http://ddtp.debian.net/debian/dists/etch/main/i18n/";>etch</a>. Just add
  deb http://ddtp.debian.net/debian sid main
to your <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> file (replace sid with the preferred
distribution) and update the package list via
<tt>apt-get update</tt>.
<a href="http://ddtp.debian.net/debian/dists/sid/main/i18n/";>sid</a> 
<a href="http://ddtp.debian.net/debian/dists/lenny/main/i18n/";>lenny</a>줫
<a href="http://ddtp.debian.net/debian/dists/etch/main/i18n/";>etch</a>
  deb http://ddtp.debian.net/debian sid main
򤢤ʤ <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> եɲä(sid Ϲ
<tt>apt-get update</tt> ǹƤ

FIXME: I need to test this script from me again against the new Translation-<lang>
files. Ignore this for now:<br />
There is also a small script available which just replaces English descriptions
in the local <tt>Packages</tt> files (<tt>/var/lib/apt/lists/</tt>) with
translations. This could be used if the new APT version cannot be installed for
whatever reasons.
FIXME:  Translation-<lang> եФơ⤦٤ΥץȤƥ
ɬפޤ̵뤷ƤƤ<br />
 <tt>Packages</tt> ե (<tt>/var/lib/apt/lists/</tt>) ˤ
ͳǿС APT 򥤥󥹥ȡǤʤ˻Ȥޤ

<toc-add-entry name="todo">Todo</toc-add-entry>

Even though there is some progress for the DDTP there is still a lot to do:
  <li>All translation teams currently search new translators and reviewers
      which help to process the really large package list.</li>
  <li>Add support for improving English package descriptions during the
      translation/review process. Maybe this could be archived by adding a
      new English pseudo language containing the improved description as
      translation and automatic filing of a bug after a successful review.</li>
  <li>The new internationalisation framework based on Pootle needs a lot of
      work until it fulfills all of our ideas.</li>
  <li>Pootle ١οݲե졼ãΥǥޤ