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Debian JP master SVN www commits (rev.1001)

Repository: /org/svn.debian.or.jp/repos
  Revision: 1001
  Commiter: yasu
      Date: 2010-02-11 15:12:04 +0900 (木, 11  2月 2010)

jaist preference is no1 in Japan.


U   cdn/trunk/DNS-Balance/ChangeLog
U   cdn/trunk/DNS-Balance/dns_balance.rb
U   cdn/trunk/country/JPN_deb_cdn_araki_net.rb
U   cdn/trunk/country/JPN_jp_cdn_araki_net.rb
U   cdn/trunk/country_by_hand/JPN_deb_cdn_araki_net.rb
U   cdn/trunk/country_by_hand/JPN_jp_cdn_araki_net.rb
U   cdn/trunk/keepd/keepd.rb
U   cdn/trunk/keepd/test-keepd.rb

Modified: cdn/trunk/DNS-Balance/ChangeLog
--- cdn/trunk/DNS-Balance/ChangeLog	2010-02-06 14:48:21 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ cdn/trunk/DNS-Balance/ChangeLog	2010-02-11 06:12:04 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2009-08-08  ARAKI Yasuhiro  <ar@debian.org>
+	* dns_balance.rb (#run): Fix to apply JRuby. At JRuby, Type is important for UDPSocket::new.bind(Sting a, Fixnum b).
 2009-04-13  ARAKI Yasuhiro  <araki@xxxxxx>
 	* dns_balance.rb (srun): Support SIGHUP. When SIGHUP is received, /var/log/dns_balance.log is renewed. Please set owner and group of "/var/log/dns_balance.log" to "nobody (65534)".

Modified: cdn/trunk/DNS-Balance/dns_balance.rb
--- cdn/trunk/DNS-Balance/dns_balance.rb	2010-02-06 14:48:21 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ cdn/trunk/DNS-Balance/dns_balance.rb	2010-02-11 06:12:04 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+# -*- coding: euc-jp -*-
 # DNS Balance --- 動的負荷分散を行なう DNS サーバ
@@ -273,8 +274,10 @@
     $gs = UDPSocket::new()
     sockaddr = (if OPT["i"] == nil then Socket::INADDR_ANY else OPT["i"] end)
+    sockaddr = '' if sockaddr == 0
     if OPT["port"]
-      $gs.bind(sockaddr, OPT["port"])
+      $gs.bind(sockaddr, OPT["port"].to_i)
       $gs.bind(sockaddr, Service::Domain)

Modified: cdn/trunk/country/JPN_deb_cdn_araki_net.rb
--- cdn/trunk/country/JPN_deb_cdn_araki_net.rb	2010-02-06 14:48:21 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ cdn/trunk/country/JPN_deb_cdn_araki_net.rb	2010-02-11 06:12:04 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 $first_surrogate = ''
 $surrogates = {
-  '' => '9000', # naist
-  '' => '9', # jaist
+#  '' => '9000', # naist
+  '' => '10', # jaist
   '' => '1000', # hanzubon 2007apr5
-  '' => '9900', # plat
+#  '' => '9900', # plat
   '' => '50', # topstudio
-  '' => '10', # dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org
-  '' => '10', # dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org
-  '' => '10', # dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '20', # dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '20', # dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '40', # dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org
   '' => '20', # oyu-net.jp
   '' => '20', # mirrors.nemui.org
 ##  '' => '1000', # tagoh

Modified: cdn/trunk/country/JPN_jp_cdn_araki_net.rb
--- cdn/trunk/country/JPN_jp_cdn_araki_net.rb	2010-02-06 14:48:21 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ cdn/trunk/country/JPN_jp_cdn_araki_net.rb	2010-02-11 06:12:04 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 $first_surrogate = ''
 $surrogates = {
-  '' => '9000', # naist
-  '' => '9', # jaist
+#  '' => '9000', # naist
+  '' => '10', # jaist
   '' => '1000', # hanzubon 2007apr5
-  '' => '9900', # plat
+#  '' => '9900', # plat
   '' => '50', # topstudio
-  '' => '10', # dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org
-  '' => '10', # dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org
-  '' => '10', # dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '20', # dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '20', # dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '40', # dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org
   '' => '20', # oyu-net.jp
   '' => '20', # mirrors.nemui.org
 ##  '' => '1000', # tagoh

Modified: cdn/trunk/country_by_hand/JPN_deb_cdn_araki_net.rb
--- cdn/trunk/country_by_hand/JPN_deb_cdn_araki_net.rb	2010-02-06 14:48:21 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ cdn/trunk/country_by_hand/JPN_deb_cdn_araki_net.rb	2010-02-11 06:12:04 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 $surrogates = {
 #  '' => '9000', # naist
-  '' => '40', # jaist
+  '' => '10', # jaist
   '' => '1000', # hanzubon 2007apr5
 #  '' => '9900', # plat
   '' => '50', # topstudio
-  '' => '10', # dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org
-  '' => '10', # dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org
-  '' => '10', # dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '20', # dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '20', # dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '40', # dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org
   '' => '20', # oyu-net.jp
   '' => '20', # mirrors.nemui.org
 ##  '' => '1000', # tagoh

Modified: cdn/trunk/country_by_hand/JPN_jp_cdn_araki_net.rb
--- cdn/trunk/country_by_hand/JPN_jp_cdn_araki_net.rb	2010-02-06 14:48:21 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ cdn/trunk/country_by_hand/JPN_jp_cdn_araki_net.rb	2010-02-11 06:12:04 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 $surrogates = {
 #  '' => '9000', # naist
-  '' => '40', # jaist
+  '' => '10', # jaist
   '' => '1000', # hanzubon 2007apr5
 #  '' => '9900', # plat
   '' => '50', # topstudio
-  '' => '10', # dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org
-  '' => '10', # dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org
-  '' => '10', # dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '20', # dennou-q.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '20', # dennou-k.gfd-dennou.org
+  '' => '40', # dennou-h.gfd-dennou.org
   '' => '20', # oyu-net.jp
   '' => '20', # mirrors.nemui.org
 ##  '' => '1000', # tagoh

Modified: cdn/trunk/keepd/keepd.rb
--- cdn/trunk/keepd/keepd.rb	2010-02-06 14:48:21 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ cdn/trunk/keepd/keepd.rb	2010-02-11 06:12:04 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -1,17 +1,62 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'drb/drb'
+require 'drb'
+require 'drb/ssl'
 require 'time'
+require 'optparse'
-$process_file = '/var/run/dns_balance_keepd.pid'
-$uri = "druby://localhost:38100"
+forceProcess = false
+configFile = ''
+pidFile = ''
+sslURI = ''
+dURI = ''
+verBose = false
+OptionParser.new do |opt|
+  opt.on("-f", "--force", "When some process is existed, kill and start"){|v| forceProcess = true}
+  opt.on("-v", "--verbose", "Verbose output"){|v| verBose = true}
+  opt.on("-c configFile", "--conf configFile", "Set config file. (default: $HOME/.cdn-keepd/cdn-keepd.conf)"){|v| configFile = v}
+  opt.on("-p PIDfile", "--pid-file PIDFile", "Set PID file. (default: /var/run/dns_balance_keepd.ped)"){|v| pidFile = v}
+  opt.on("-s sslURI", "--ssl-URI sslURI", "Set URI for drbssl (no default)"){|v| sslURI = v}
+  opt.on("-u URI", "Set URI for drb (default: druby://localhost:38100)"){|v| dURI = v}
+  opt.parse!(ARGV)
+if configFile && configFile.size > 0
+  if File.exist? configFile
+    load configFile
+  else
+    puts "configFile is not existed."
+    exit 1
+  end
+elsif File.exist? File.expand_path(ENV['HOME'] + "/.cdn-keepd/cdn-keepd.conf")
+  load File.expand_path(ENV['HOME'] + "/.cdn-keepd/cdn-keepd.conf")
+  puts "Please set ~/.cdn-keepd/cdn-keepd.conf"
+  $process_file = '/var/run/dns_balance_keepd.pid' unless $process_file
+  $uri = "druby://localhost:38100"
+$process_file = pidFile if (pidFile && pidFile.size > 0)
+$sslURI = sslURI if (sslURI && sslURI.size > 0)
+$uri = dURI if (dURI && dURI.size > 0)
 class StoreSurrogates
   def initialize
     @ss = Hash.new
-  def dstatus(host, code)
+  def dstatus(host, code, ctime=Time.now)
+    if host =~ /\A(?:25[0-5]|(?:2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|(?:2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d)){3}\z/
+    else
+      puts "no IPv4 address: #{host}"
+      return nil
+    end
+    if @ss[host] && @ss[host][1] && @ss[host][1] < ctime
+      @ss[host][1] = ctime
+    end
     if @ss[host] && @ss[host][2]
       failCount = @ss[host][2]
@@ -22,20 +67,53 @@
     elsif code >= 200 && code < 300
       failCount = 0
-    @ss[host] = [code.to_i, Time.now, failCount]
+    @ss[host] = [code.to_i, ctime, failCount]
   def dcode(host)
     return @ss[host]
+  def bulk_status(hostset)
+    puts "## bulk_status"
+    hostset.each do |k,v|
+      dstatus(k, v.to_i)
+    end
+  end
+  def bulk_get
+    return @ss
+  end
+  # dstatus(host, code, ctime=Time.now)
+  def bulk_put(statusset) # XXX
+    puts "## bulk_put"
+    statusset.each do |k,v|
+      begin
+        if v[1] > @ss[k][1]
+          puts "### put: " + k
+          @ss[k] = v
+        end 
+      rescue
+        p $!
+      end
+    end
+  end
 if File.exist?($process_file)
   print "Other daemon running. pidfile is #{$process_file}\n"
   old_pid = File.open($process_file).read.chomp.to_i
-  exit 1
-  fail
+  if forceProcess
+    puts "kill old process"
+    Process.kill(15, old_pid)
+    sleep 1
+  else
+    exit 1
+    fail
+  end
@@ -55,11 +133,23 @@
     STDIN.reopen("/dev/null", "r+")
-    STDOUT.reopen("/dev/null", "w")
-    STDERR.reopen("/dev/null", "w")
+    STDOUT.reopen("/dev/null", "w") unless verBose
+    STDERR.reopen("/dev/null", "w") unless verBose
-    DRb.start_service($uri,StoreSurrogates.new)
-    DRb.thread.join
+    ss = StoreSurrogates.new
+    if $uri
+      Thread.new do
+        DRb.start_service($uri,ss)
+        DRb.thread.join
+      end
+    end
+    if $sslUri && $drb_config
+      DRb.start_service $sslUri, ss, $drb_config
+      DRb.thread.join
+    end

Modified: cdn/trunk/keepd/test-keepd.rb
--- cdn/trunk/keepd/test-keepd.rb	2010-02-06 14:48:21 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ cdn/trunk/keepd/test-keepd.rb	2010-02-11 06:12:04 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     @ss = Hash.new
-  def dstatus(host, code)
+  def dstatus(host, code, ctime=Time.now)
     if @ss[host] && @ss[host][2]
       failCount = @ss[host][2]
@@ -27,23 +27,27 @@
+## normal drb test
   there = DRbObject.new_with_uri('druby://localhost:38100') 
+  puts "** druby test **"
   there.dstatus("", 100)
-  there = StoreSurogateLocal.new
+  p $!
+  puts "** localtest **"
+  there = StoreSurrogateLocal.new
   there.dstatus("", 100)
 there.dstatus("", 402)
 there.dstatus("", 404)
 p there.dcode("")
 there.dstatus("", 402)
 p there.dcode("")
+p there.dstatus("", 402, Time.now - 5)
 there.dstatus("", 200)
 p there.dcode("")
@@ -51,17 +55,54 @@
 p there.dcode("") #=>nil
 h4 = there.dcode("")
+hoge = {
+  '' => 201,
+  '' => 202,
+  '300.100.0.2' => 404,
+  'no ip' => 404,
+p hoge
+p there.dcode("") #=>201
+p there.dcode("") #=>202
+p there.dcode("300.100.0.2") #=>nil
+p there.dcode("no ip") #=>nil
+p bg1 = there.bulk_get
 if h4[1] + 1 < Time.now
   puts "must check"
-  puts "no need to check"
+  puts "no need to check" # ok
 sleep 1
 if h4[1] + 1 < Time.now
-  puts "must check"
+  puts "must check" # ok
   puts "no need to check"
+#drbssl test
+puts "** drbssl test **"
+require 'drb/ssl'
+there2 = "drbssl://localhost:38201"
+config = {
+  :SSLVerifyMode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER,
+  :SSLCACertificateFile => "/Users/yaar/.cdn-keepd/CA/cacert.pem",
+  :SSLPrivateKey =>
+    OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read("test/test_keypair.pem")),
+  :SSLCertificate =>
+    OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read("test/cert_test.pem")),
+DRb.start_service nil, nil, config
+h = DRbObject.new nil, there2
+p h.dcode("")