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http:// www.debian.org/reports/patent-faq の訳を未完成ながらひとまず
# #use wml::debian::template title="Community Distribution Patent Policy FAQ" BARETITLE="true"
#use wml::debian::template title="コミュニティディストリビューション特許ポリシー FAQ" BARETITLE="true"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1"

# <pre><code>Version: 1.0
# Published: 8 July 2011
<pre><code>バージョン: 1.0
発行: 2011年7月8日

# <h1>Introduction</h1>

# <h2>For whom is this document intended?</h2>

# <p>This document presents information about patents and patent liability useful
# for developers working on community distributions of Free and Open Source
# Software (FOSS).  By community distributions, we mean collections of free
# software packages maintained and distributed by organizations composed of
# volunteers, where neither the organization nor the volunteers seek to make a
# profit from the activity.  Such community-based distributions may sell as well
# as give away their work product, possibly on CDs or USB storage media or by
# paid-for downloads as well as by gratis distribution.</p>
<p>この文書は、特許および特許責任◆→liability? -kmuto←◆についての有用な情報を、フリーまたはオープンソースソフトウェア (FOSS) のコミュニティディストリビューションに従事する開発者のために提供します。
この文脈でのコミュニティディストリビューションとは、ボランティアで構成された組織 (いずれも営利目的では活動していない) によって保守・配布される、フリーソフトウェアのパッケージのコレクションを指します。
そのようなコミュニティベースのディストリビューションはその成果物を、配布と同様に、たとえば CD や USB ストレージメディア、あるいは無料配布物で見られるようなダウンロード課金といった形で販売できます◆→訳怪しい -kmuto←◆。</p>

# <p>This document has been prepared by lawyers at the <a href="http://www.softwarefreedom.org";>Software Freedom Law
# Center</a> (SFLC) at the request of the <a href="http://www.debian.org/";>Debian
# project</a>, and may be helpful to similar community FOSS
# distributions.  Its statements about legal matters are accurate as of the date
# of composition regarding US law, and may be applicable to other legal systems.
# But this document does not constitute legal advice.  It has not been based on
# analysis of any particular factual situation, and any lawyer providing an
# opinion on the questions presented below would need to ascertain the particular
# facts and circumstances that might vary this information in a particular
# setting.  You should not rely upon this document to make decisions affecting
# your project's legal rights or responsibilities in a real-life situation
# without consulting SFLC or other lawyers.</p>
<p>この文書は、<a href="http://www.debian.org/";>Debian プロジェクト</a>の要請に基づいて <a href="http://www.softwarefreedom.org";>Software Freedom Law Center</a> (SFLC) の法律家によって準備がなされてきましたが、類似のコミュニティ FOSS ディストリビューションにとっても役立つことでしょう。
法的な事柄についてのこの声明は、厳密には米国法◆→accurate as of the date of composition regarding が訳せてない -kmuto←◆ですが、その他の法的機構にも適用できるでしょう。
何か特定の事実関係や、以下に提示した、ある種の環境においてこの情報が変化するかもしれない特定の事実や状況を確認する必要がある問題に意見を述べた法律家の誰かの分析に基づいているわけではありません。◆→訳だいぶ怪しい。wouldはどこにかかるんだろう -kmuto←◆
実社会の状況において、あなたのプロジェクトの法的権利や責任に作用する決定を行うに際し、SFLC やその他の法律家に相談することなくこの文書を無条件に頼るべきではありません。</p>

# <h1>Background on Patents</h1>

# <h2>What is a patent?</h2>

# <p>A patent is a state-granted monopoly granting an inventor exclusive rights to
# make, sell, offer for sale, have made, or import the claimed invention for the
# limited term of the patent.  The patent holder may then license, on an
# exclusive or non-exclusive basis, one or more of the rights granted.</p>
<p>特許 (patent) とは、その特許に対して限定された期間、主張される発明の製造・販売・値付け◆→offer for sale -kmuto←◆・製造委託・輸入についての独占的な権利を発明家に与える、国家によって許可された独占権です。
特許保有者は、独占的あるいは非独占的な基準で、1つ以上の認可権利を許可できます。◆→文怪しい -kmuto←◆</p>

# <h2>How long is a patent's term?</h2>

# <p>Generally, patents issued in the last 15 years by most governments expire 20
# years from the filing date of the patent application.  US patents with a filing
# date before June 8, 1995, provide protection for up to 17 years counting from
# the date of grant, or 20 years from the filing date, whichever occurs later.</p>
<p>一般に、大半の政府によって過去 15 年に発行された特許は特許出願申請日から 20 年で失効します。1995 年 6 月 8 日よりも前に申請された米国特許は、認可日から数えて 17 年、または申請日から 20 年のどちらか遅いほうまで保護されます。</p>

# <p>There are exceptions.  Patents may have their terms extended by the issuing
# office or a court, but this rarely happens for patents on software.  Patent
# terms may also be shortened by agreement with the applicant during
# <q>prosecution</q>, that is, during the patent office procedure leading to issuance.
# If a patent's terms has been shortened during prosecution, a <q>terminal
# disclaimer</q> statement will appear on the patent's front page.</p>
特許期間は、<q>出願手続き</q> (prosecution) 中、つまり発行役である◆→? -kmuto←◆特許局の手続き中に、申請者との同意によって短縮されることもあり得ます◆→? -kmuto←◆。
特許期間が出願手続き中に短縮されていた場合、<q>端末放棄書</q> (terminal disclaimer) 声明が特許の前付ページに付けられます。◆→? -kmuto←◆</p>

# <h2>How does patent protection differ from copyright protection?</h2>

# <p>A copyright owner has the right to prevent others from making unauthorized
# copies of the copyrighted program, but not from independently creating a
# program with the same features.  Independent creation is therefore a complete
# defense to an allegation of copyright infringement.  In addition, <q>fair use</q> is
# a defense against copyright infringement, or is a substantive limitation of
# copyright, in every copyright system.  Patent law lacks any fair use exemption,
# so independent creation, use for research, or reverse engineering for
# interoperation or educational purposes are not defenses against allegations of
# patent infringement.</p>

# <h2>Is there a world-wide patent on anything?</h2>
<h2>何か世界共通特許というものはありますか?◆→on anythingはこれでよい? -kmuto←◆</h2>

# <p>At present, no world-wide patents exist.  Outside the European Union, where
# applications may be consolidated, patents generally must be applied for in each
# country in which patent protection is sought.</p>
<p>今のところ、世界共通特許は存在しません。出願が統合され得る EU を除き、特許は一般に、特許保護を求めようとする◆→in which 〜soughtの適切な配置場所はどこだ -kmuto←◆各国ごとに出願されなければなりません。</p>

# <h2>What are patent claims?</h2>
<h2>特許請求範囲◆→patent claim -kmuto←◆とは何ですか?</h2>

# <p>Claims, which are the most important part of the patent, determine the actual
# scope of the invention to which the patent applies.  Only the claims define
# what exclusive rights cover, that is, practicing the claims without license is
# infringement.  Reading and understanding the claims of a patent is the key to
# determining if a given product or process infringes.</p>
<p>特許の最も重要な部分である<q>請求範囲</q> (claim) は、特許が適用される発明の実際の範囲を決定します。請求範囲のみが、独占的な権利で保護するものは何かを定義し、認可なしに請求範囲を実践することをその侵害と見なします。
特許請求範囲を読んで理解するということは、提供された製品または手続きが特許を侵害しているときの判断基準となります◆→key to determining if -kmuto←◆。</p>

# <p>Each claim is a single sentence. Claims begin with a <q>preamble</q> followed by one
# or more <q>limitations</q>.</p>
<p>各請求範囲は、単一の文です。請求範囲は、1 つ以上の<q>制約</q> (limitation) が続く<q>前書き◆→? -kmuto←◆</q> (preamble) で始まります。</p>

# <p>For software to infringe a patent, the software (or system with embedded
# software) must implement everything recited in one of the patent's claims. If
# you do not practice one or more of the elements of a claim, then you cannot
# directly infringe that claim.</p>
<p>ソフトウェアにおける特許侵害という点では◆→for software to infringe patent -kmuto←◆、ソフトウェア (または組み込みソフトウェアのシステム) は、特許の請求範囲の 1 つに記述◆→recite -kmuto←◆されたすべてを実装しなければなりません。
請求範囲の要素を 1 つ以上実践していなければ、あなたは直接には特許を侵害しているとは言えません。</p>

# <h2>What are independent claims?</h2>
<h2>独立請求範囲◆→independent claim -kmuto←◆とは何ですか?</h2>

# <p>A patent claim is called <q>independent</q>, if it makes no reference to any other
# claim in the patent.</p>
<p>特許請求範囲は、それが他のどの特許の請求範囲にも関連していない場合、<q>独立</q> (independent) と呼ばれます。</p>

# <h2>What are dependent claims?</h2>
<h2>従属請求範囲◆→dependent claim -kmuto←◆とは何ですか?</h2>

# <p>Dependent claims explicitly incorporate the contents of other claims in the
# patent. A dependent claim is necessarily narrower in scope than the claim on
# which it depends, because it includes one or more additional limitations. In
# Venn diagram terms, the area of coverage for a dependent claim is fully
# contained within the coverage of the claim it references.</p>
<p>従属請求範囲 (dependent claim) は、その特許内で明示的に他の請求範囲の内容に結合します。
従属請求範囲は、1 つ以上の追加の制約を含むので、それが依存する請求範囲よりも必然的に範囲がより狭くなります。

# <h2>How are software-related patent claims written?</h2>

# <p>Software-related patent claims in recently-issued patents often take the form
# of <q>system</q> or <q>apparatus</q> claims, <q>method</q> claims, and <q>computer program
# product</q> or <q>computer-readable medium</q> claims. System claims recite the
# elements of a system (which might include one or more computers) as a kind of
# machine or static object. Method claims are algorithmic in
# form. Computer-readable medium claims typically duplicate the limitations found
# in corresponding system or method claims in the patent, but are intended to
# cover software embodied in a storage or distribution medium. Computer-readable
# medium claims are also often used when claiming inventions that focus on data
# structures and user interfaces.</p>
システムの請求範囲は、ある種のマシンまたは静的な物体として、システムの要素 (1 つ以上のコンピュータを含むことがあります) を列挙しています。

# <h1>Infringing a patent</h1>

# <h2>What does <q>patent liability</q> mean?</h2>
<h2><q>特許責任◆→liability? -kmuto←◆</q>とはどのような意味ですか?</h2>

# <p>Liability is a legal responsibility that is enforceable by a court.  In this
# document we use term <q>patent liability</q> to encompass orders that a court can
# give if a party is found to infringe a patent.  For example, once a party is
# found to infringe, a court can order that party to pay money to the patent
# holder, called <q>damages</q>, and/or an order to stop the infringing conduct, which
# is called an <q>injunction</q>.</p>
<p><q>責任</q> (liability) は、裁判所によって執行◆→強制? -kmuto←◆可能な法的な責任です。
たとえば、当事者に特許侵害が発覚すると、裁判所はその者に、特許保有者への<q>賠償</q> (damage) と呼ばれる金銭支払い、あるいは<q>差し止め命令</q> (injunction) と呼ばれる侵害行為の停止を命令できます。</p>

# <h2>What does it mean to <q>infringe</q> a patent?</h2>

# <p>Infringing a patent means practicing one or more of its claims without license.
# If someone uses, makes, sells, has made, offers for sale, or imports software
# that practices every element taught by a claim in a patent, that patent is
# infringed by the software.</p>
<p>特許侵害 (infringe) とは、その請求範囲の 1 つ以上を認可を受けずに実践することを意味します。

# <p>It is possible to be liable for infringement without directly infringing.
# <q>Contributing to</q> or <q>inducing</q> infringement also give rise to patent
# liability.</p>

# <h2>What is inducing infringement?</h2>

# <p><q>Inducing infringement</q> means actively encouraging someone else to infringe a
# patent.  Liability requires proving that the party charged intended to cause a
# third party to infringe.  Additionally, the inducer must either know the patent
# exists, or strongly suspect its existence and make efforts not to know.  If,
# for example, documentation is written by someone with knowledge of a patent's
# claims, and that documentation explains how to use the program in an infringing
# fashion, the instructions might be held to induce infringement.  Where a
# community of volunteers maintains a software package, and associated
# documentation, unless the volunteers who produce the documentation know of the
# patent supposedly infringed, they cannot induce infringement.</p>
<p><q>侵害の誘発</q> (inducing infringement) とは、他の誰かが特許を侵害するのを積極的に奨励するという意味です。
責任は、第三者が侵害するよう仕向ける目的を、告発された当事者が提供していることが条件です。◆→文全体、かかりうけなど含めてかなり怪しい -kmuto←◆

# <h2>What is contributory infringement?</h2>

# <p><q>Contributory infringement</q> means providing material assistance to the
# infringement of a patent.  In the context of software, this would mean
# providing non-infringing software that could be combined with other software or
# hardware to produce an infringing system.  Contributory infringement also
# requires knowledge of the patent infringed.  Moreover, if the software has
# substantial non-infringing uses, it is not contributory infringement to provide
# it, even if it is subsequently used in an infringing combination.</p>
<p><q>寄与侵害</q> (contributory infringement) とは、特許侵害を手助けする材料を提供することを意味します。

# <h2>What are the consequences of infringing a patent?</h2>

# <p>If a party is found to be infringing a patent, courts may order a stop to the
# infringing conduct, the payment of damages for past infringement, or both.  In
# this document we use term <q>patent liability</q> to encompass all of these
# consequences.</p>
<p>当事者に特許侵害が発覚した場合、裁判所は侵害行為の停止、あるいは過去の侵害についての賠償の支払い (またはその両方) を命令するかもしれません。
この文書では、私たちは、これらの結果すべてを含んで <q>特許責任</q> (patent liability) という言葉を使います。</p>

# <h2>What is an injunction?</h2>
<h2>差し止め命令◆→injunctionで差し止めまで入れるのはやりすぎか? -kmuto←◆とは何ですか?</h2>

# <p>An injunction is a court order to a person or persons to do something or to
# refrain from doing something.  Violating an injunction leads to being held in
# contempt of court.  Injunctions may be <q>preliminary</q>, to prevent change of
# state while litigation is occurring, or <q>permanent</q>, to order or prohibit
# conduct as remedy at the end of a lawsuit, once liability has been found.  A
# preliminary injunction to prevent infringing conduct during litigation may be
# issued if the court finds damages at the end of the case would be insufficient
# to protect the patent holder's rights, and if success in the case is held to be
# likely, and the public interest would not be harmed by the injunction.  A
# permanent injunction to prevent infringing conduct may result from a finding of
# infringement liability.</p>
<p>差し止め命令 (injunction) は、裁判所が個人 (または複数人) に何か行うよう、または何か行うのを控えるよう命令することです。
差し止め命令は、係争中の状況の変化を防ぐための<q>予備行為</q> (preliminary)、あるいは責任が認められたときに訴訟の最後の救済策として行為を命令あるいは禁止するための<q>永続化</q> (permanent) と言えます◆→文全体怪しい -kmuto←◆。
特許保有者の権利を保護するには不十分な状況であることでの損害◆→ちょっと怪しい -kmuto←◆を裁判所が認定し、差し止めが妥当に思われ、そして公共の利益が差し止め命令によって損われない場合に、係争中の侵害行為を防ぐための予備行為として、差し止め命令が発行されることがあります。

# <h2>Can injunctions be issued against FOSS distributions?</h2>
<h2>差し止め命令は、FOSS ディストリビューションに対して発行されることがありますか?</h2>

# <p>Yes.  If a FOSS distribution was found to infringe someone's valid patent, a
# permanent injunction against continued distribution of the infringing program
# or feature might well occur.</p>
FOSS ディストリビューションに誰かの有効な特許の侵害が発覚した場合、侵害するプログラムまたは機能の配布を継続することに対して永続的な差し止め命令が発生する可能性は十分あります。</p>

# <p>It is not likely, however, that such an injunction would prevent distribution
# of the whole distro, or even of an entire package.  More likely, a feature or
# set of features, would have to be disabled, modified so that the software no
# longer infringes, or removed entirely, in the country where the finding of
# patent infringement was made.</p>

# <p>Further, designing around the patent claims at stake can prevent even a feature
# or features from being removed.  Once even one element of a patent claim is no
# longer being practiced, as we have said, the patent claim is no longer
# infringed.  In US patent litigation, the crucial moment of definition occurs in
# what is called a <q><em>Markman</em> hearing</q>, after which the trial court gives a
# definitive ruling on what the patent claims at issue mean for the purposes of
# that lawsuit.  Once a <em>Markman</em> hearing has happened, and the scope of the
# asserted claims have been narrowly and conclusively defined, it becomes much
# easier to design around.</p>
<p>さらに、危険のある特許請求範囲を避けた設計は、削除されてからも機能を妨げることになります◆→? -kmuto←◆。
特許請求範囲の要素が 1 つでも実践されていなくなれば、すでに述べたとおり特許請求範囲を侵害しているとはもはや言えません。
米国の特許訴訟において、定義の決定的瞬間は、訴訟の目的にしようとしている論点の特許請求範囲が何かを第一審で最終的な裁定を行った後の◆→? -kmuto←◆、<q><em>Markman</em> 公聴会</q>と呼ばれる中で起きます。
<em>Markman</em> 公聴会が開催され、主張された請求範囲の領域が狭められ決定的な形で定義されれば、それを避けて設計することはずっと容易になります。</p>

# <h2>What are damages?</h2>

# <p>In patent law, damages are money awarded by the court to the plaintiff when the
# defendant has been found liable for patent infringement. While the law provides
# no maximum damages for patent infringement, it does provide a minimum--the
# reasonable royalty for the use made of the invention by the
# infringer. Additionally, the court may increase the damages, up to three times
# the actual damages, in cases of willful infringement.</p>

# <h2>What is willful infringement?</h2>

# <p>Infringement is willful if the infringer knew of the patent, unless the
# infringer had a good faith belief that the patent was invalid, or that his
# conduct did not infringe.  The patent holder must show all the elements of
# willfulness, and in the US courts must do so at a higher standard of proof,
# which is called <q>clear and convincing evidence</q>.</p>
特許保有者は故意であるとするすべての構成要素を示さなければならず、米国裁判所においては<q>明確かつ説得力のある証拠</q> (clear and convincing evidence) と呼ばれる、より高い水準の証拠が必要です。</p>

# <h2>I had no prior knowledge of a patent, can I still be held liable?</h2>

# <p>Knowledge of a patent is not in general required if the party is charged with
# direct infringement.  To be found liable for inducing or contributing to
# infringement, as we have said, knowledge of the patent or specific efforts to
# avoid learning of the patent is required.</p>
侵害の誘発または寄与の責を負うと見なされるには、前述したように、特許の認識または特許の傾向◆→learning -kmuto←◆を避けるための特定の作用が必要条件です。</p>

# <p>In practice, patent holders usually request those they believe infringe to take
# licenses.  If the party takes the license offered, the holder gets royalties
# without suing for them.  If the party declines the license, the patent holder
# has put them on notice, and is therefore in a position to claim intentional
# infringement, which results in higher damages and the possibility of recovering
# attorney's fees.  It is likely but not certain that before any community-based
# distribution is sued for patent infringement, it will receive at least one
# letter demanding that a license be taken.</p>
おそらく (確実ではありませんが)、コミュニティベースのディストリビューションは特許侵害で告訴される前に、認可を受けるよう要求する書簡を少なくとも 1 通は受け取るはずです。</p>

# <h2>What if the infringement was accidental, inadvertent and unintentional?</h2>
<h2>侵害が故意◆→accidental、inadvertent、unintentionalを使い分けるべきか? -kmuto←◆でなかった、あるいは不注意であった場合にはどうなりますか?</h2>

# <p>An unintentional or inadvertent infringement cannot be willful, as we said
# above.  Nor can one contribute to or induce an infringement accidentally, as
# knowledge and intention are both required.  But one could be liable for direct
# infringement, without knowledge or intention, by using or selling or making or
# having made infringing software without more.</p>
<p>前述のとおり、故意でない、または不注意による侵害は故意 (willful) にはなりません。

# <h2>How do I become aware of the existence of a patent?</h2>

# <p>There are innumerable ways by which you may become aware of the existence of a
# specific patent.  Aside from being directly contacted by a patent holder, you
# may learn about a particular patent through a web search or mailing list, or in
# connection with your employment, etc.  If you do become aware of a patent that
# concerns you, it is best that you speak to an attorney, rather than share such
# knowledge or speculation in a public forum.</p>
特許保有者から直接連絡を受けることは別として、Web の検索やメーリングリスト、あなたの職務でのつながりなどを通して、特定の特許について知る可能性があります。

# <h2>What are the defenses available in a patent infringement action?</h2>

# <p>First, there may be many defenses specific to the facts and circumstances of a
# particular situation, and it is the lawyer's job to spot and develop those
# defenses.  Some defenses are or may be present in most cases, and they include:</p>
いくつかの防御策はほとんどの場合に提示され、◆→? -kmuto←◆以下を含んでいます:</p>

# <p>Permission: You are not liable for infringement if you have permission to use
# the claims.  Such permission could be explicit.  An explicit permission is
# called a <q>license</q>.  Permission can also be implicit: it can result from
# conduct or statements by the patent holder which appeared to constitute
# permission and on which you relied.  (Lawyers call this <q>estoppel</q>.)  It can
# also result from sheer inaction by the patent holder, who can effectively
# permit infringing conduct by <q>going to sleep on its rights</q>, which lawyers call
# <q>laches</q>.</p>
明示的な許可は<q>ライセンス</q> (license) と呼ばれます。
これは、特許保有者が◆→constituteは? -kmuto←◆許可を表明し、あなたが信頼に足ると思う◆→? -kmuto←◆、特許保有者の行為または声明に起因します (法律家はこれを<q>禁反言</q> (estoppel) と呼んでいます)。
法律家が<q>懈怠</q> (laches) と呼ぶ、<q>その権利の上で寝ようとする◆→? -kmuto←◆</q>ことで事実上侵害行為を許可してしまっている、特許保有者の完全な◆→sheer -kmuto←◆怠慢に起因することもあります。</p>

# <p>Non-Infringement: A non-infringement determination is a showing that none of
# the patent claims actually <q>read on</q> the software charged. In other words, the
# software does not actually implement every element of what is recited in any
# claim.</p>
<p>非侵害: 非侵害の決定◆→determination -kmuto←◆は、どの特許請求範囲も実際に告発対象のソフトウェアを<q>read on◆→? -kmuto←◆</q> しないことを示すことです。

# <p>Invalidity: If the patent is invalid, it cannot be infringed.  Invalidity can
# be shown by proving that the subject matter of the patent is outside the scope
# of patent law.  It can also be shown by demonstrating, under US law, that the
# patent is <q>non-novel</q> or <q>obvious</q>.  Under patent law, in order for a patent to
# be valid, the claimed invention must have been useful, reducible to practice,
# novel, and non-obvious to a <q>person having ordinary skill in the art</q> at the
# time that the invention was made. An invalidity defense, therefore, shows that
# the patent failed to meet one of these requirements.</p>
<p>無効: 特許が無効であるなら、それが侵害されることもありません。
米国法下では、特許に<q>新規性がない</q> (non-novel) あるいは<q>自明</q> (obvious) であると論証することでも示せます。
特許法においては、特許を有効なものにするために、主張される発明が、それが発明された時点で<q>当業者◆→? -kmuto←◆</q> (person having ordinary skill in the art) に有用で、実践を再現でき、新規性があって、自明ではないものでなければなりません。
そのため、無効答弁◆→invalidity defense -kmuto←◆では、特許がこれらの要件のどれかに適合していないことをを示すことになります。</p>

# <h1>The patent risk to a community distribution</h1>

# <h2>Can you provide examples of patent infringement suits against FOSS communities?</h2>
<h2>FOSS コミュニティに対しての特許侵害訴訟の例を挙げられますか?</h2>

# <p>No.  Fortunately, few such cases exist, and none has yet developed to final
# judgment.  To date, no court has ever addressed most of the issues unique to
# free software distribution. We believe that this is because FOSS communities do
# not have <q>deep pockets</q> from which to pay royalties, and suing individual
# developers who do not have large revenues makes bad press for patent holders
# without achieving any useful outcome.</p>
私たちは、これは FOSS コミュニティが特許権使用料を払うだけの<q>十分な資力</q>を持たず、大きな収入を得ているわけではない個々の開発者を告訴することは、何ら有用な成果の達成なく特許保有者に悪評をもたらすだけだからと考えています。</p>

# <h2>We are a FOSS distribution and we don't make any money.  How will we pay damages if they are awarded against us?</h2>
<h2>私たちは FOSS ディストリビューションであり、収益は何もありません。もし裁判所が賠償を認めた場合、どのように私たちはそれを支払うのでしょうか?</h2>
# <p>This question, like all other similar questions about the legal risks and
# responsibilities of projects, depends very much on the details of their legal
# structure and commercial relations.  There is no general answer about how
# projects deal with their legal risks, including the risks of damages judgments
# for patent infringement or other liabilities.
# <a href="http://www.softwarefreedom.org";>SFLC</a>, the <a href="http://sfconservancy.org/";>Software Freedom
# Conservancy</a>, the <a href="http://www.apache.org/";>Apache Software
# Foundation</a>, the <a href="http://www.fsf.org";>Free Software
# Foundation</a>, <a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/";>Software in the Public
# Interest</a> and other organizations help projects to fit
# within legal contexts and organizations that can usefully address these
# questions at a general level.  If your distribution or a project within your
# distribution believes that it faces potential legal liability, you should
# consult us or one of the other organizations named.</p>
法的リスクやプロジェクトの責任についての他のすべての類似の問題と同様に、この問題は◆→theirは何? -kmuto←◆の法的構成や取引関係といった細部に強く依存します。
<a href="http://www.softwarefreedom.org";>SFLC</a>、<a href="http://sfconservancy.org/";>Software Freedom Conservancy</a>、<a href="http://www.apache.org/";>Apache Software Foundation</a>、<a href="http://www.fsf.org";>Free Software Foundation</a>、<a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/";>Software in the Public Interest</a>、その他の組織は、一般的な水準◆→general level -kmuto←◆でこれらの問題に有効に取り組めるよう、法的な文脈と組織に適合させることでプロジェクトを支援しています。

# <h2>We are a FOSS distribution and we make money. Does that make us more susceptible to a patent infringement suit?</h2>
<h2>私たちは FOSS ディストリビューションであり、収益があります。このことで、特許侵害訴訟をより受けやすくなりますか?</h2>

# <p>Anyone making revenue is a more attractive target for a patent holder to sue
# than someone who makes no money out of which damages could be paid.  A
# community distribution that has absolutely no revenue is not an attractive
# target.  But even if you make a few hundred thousand dollars a year in sales,
# compared to a profit-making enterprise the size of Microsoft, or even Red Hat,
# you are not worth the expenses of litigation to a patent troll or other
# rational plaintiff.</p>
とはいえ、仮にあなたが年間数十万ドルの売上を得ていたとしても、Microsoft (あるいは Red Hat) の営利企業の規模に比較すれば、いわゆる特許ゴロにとってもまっとうな原告にとっても、訴訟費用を使う価値があなたにあるとは思えません。</p>

# <h2>I have heard that distributing source code is safer than distributing object code. Is that true?</h2>

まず、ソースコードは、特許公開自体がそうであるように、発明品がそこにある◆→being -kmuto←◆というよりむしろ、どのように発明が作動するかを教示します。
ソースコード単体で特許を侵害できたのであれば、どのように侵害なしに特許自体のコピーを渡せたのか理解し難いです。◆→? -kmuto←◆
次に、米国において裁判所はソースコードを言論と捉える<em>可能性があり</em> (私たちはそう捉えるべきだと確信していますが)、そうであればソースコードの作成は、米国憲法修正第 1 項 (すなわち言論の自由) に基づくことになります。
私たち SFLC はこれらの論点を申し入れた摘要書数通を最高裁判所に送ってきましたが、裁判所には未だ届いていないか、決定はされていないようです。
なお、前述したように、別の誰かが特許侵害することを可能にするか助長した場合に特許侵害の責任を課される可能性はありますが、認識および意図の要件は、そのような副次的◆→secondary -kmuto←◆責任という立場においてはより厳正となります◆→? -kmuto←◆。

# <h2>As part of a community distribution project, who is most likely to get sued for patent infringement?</h2>

# <p>This is a problem for the potential patent aggressor, more than for the
# distribution.  A community distribution comprised by volunteers, without any
# hierarchical structure of employment or supervision, cannot be sued by suing
# <q>the head</q>.  If infringement requires intent and knowledge or specific efforts
# not to know, as it does in cases of inducing or contributing to infringement,
# the individual with such intent and knowledge must probably be found and sued
# in his own person.  If people who write code and documentation don't read
# patents, and the volunteers who develop code for a package do not maintain the
# same package or a related package, the aggressor may find it difficult to sue
# anybody at all.</p>
コミュニティディストリビューションは、雇用や監督といった階層構造のないボランティアで構成されているので、<q>トップ◆→head -kmuto←◆</q>を告訴する、という告訴はできません。
侵害が意図と認識、あるいは知られていない特定の作用を必要とし、そのような侵害の誘発または寄与が行われた場合、おそらくはそのような意図や認識を持つ個人を見つけて彼/彼女個人を告訴する必要があります◆→かかり受けを逆にした -kmuto←◆。
コードや文書を書く人が特許を読んでおらず、パッケージのためのコードを開発するボランティアが同じパッケージ◆→a packageとsame packageの関係は? -kmuto←◆や関連パッケージを保守していないのであれば、侵略者は結局、誰かを告訴するのは困難だと気付くでしょう。</p>

<p>The specifics of any given situation, however, will undoubtedly be crucial.  As
with all other matters of the kind, if you believe a patent is likely to be
asserted against your distribution or its volunteers, you should contact SFLC
or another lawyer immediately.</p>

# <h2>Are you suggesting that it is better for developers and contributors not to read patents? If yes, why?</h2>
<h2>あなたは開発者や貢献者に特許を読まないほうがましと示唆しているのですか? もしそうなら、それはなぜですか?</h2>

# <p>Yes. Unfortunately, U.S. patent law creates disincentives for searching through
# patents, even though one of the main justifications given for the patent system
# is that the patent teaches the public how to practice an invention that might
# otherwise be secret.  <q>Willful</q> infringement subjects the infringer to enhanced
# damages when they are aware of the patent and intend to infringe, and reading
# patents increases the probability that subsequent infringement will be found to
# be willful. Moreover, we find that developers often assume that the patents
# they discover are broader in scope than they actually are, and thus such
# developers become overly or needlessly worried. If, despite this, you do intend
# to conduct a patent search, you should seek legal advice first.</p>
<p>はい。残念ながら米国の特許法は、特許をくまなく調査することに負のインセンティブを作ってしまいました。特許機構に与えられた主たる根拠の 1 つが、特許はそのままでは秘密のままだったかもしれない発明をどのように実践するかを公衆に教示するものである、ということにもかかわらずです。
特許に気付いていながら侵害を目論んでいたとき、<q>故意</q> (willful) の侵害行為は侵害者の損害賠償を引き上げることになります。つまり、特許を読むということは、その後の侵害行為を故意と見なされる確率を上げることに他なりません。

# <h2>I am outside the United States. Do I have anything to worry about?</h2>

# <p>Although most countries are members of the World Intellectual Property
# Organization (WIPO) as well as signatories to the Patent Cooperation Treaty
# (PCT), large corporations generally restrict their patent acquisition
# activities to the <q>Big Three</q>: the US, EU, and Japan. This is considered
# sufficient protection for most companies, although companies are increasingly
# filing patent applications in China with the hope that patent rights will
# eventually be adequately respected by the government and business
# communities. In addition, large multi-national corporations in other
# jurisdictions, such as Korea and Canada, will usually file patent applications
# in their own countries before filing patent applications internationally.  In
# India, some software has been patented despite the clear statutory declaration
# that software <em>per se</em> is unpatentable.  SFLC in India has begun challenging
# such patents.</p>
<p>ほとんどの国は世界知的所有権機関 (WIPO; World Intellectual Property Organization) に加盟しており、特許協力条約 (PCT; Patent Cooperation Treaty) に調印していますが、大企業は一般にその特許取得活動を<q>ビッグスリー</q>、すなわち 米国、EU、そして日本に限定しています。
これはほとんどの企業にとっては十分な保護と考えられています (やがては特許権が政府およびビジネスコミュニティによってまずまず尊重されるであろうという期待を込めて、中国において企業の特許出願の提出が増加してはいますが)。
インドの SFLC は、そのような特許に対して異議申し立てを始めています。</p>

# <p>But regardless of where you work, software that infringes patents cannot be
# imported into countries where those patents have issued, which means that you
# must at least be concerned about the ability to reach your intended users.</p>

# <p>As always, consultation with a local lawyer is a good step if you have any
# questions about your situation or liabilities.</p>

# <h2>Are there any guidelines to limit our risk of patent infringement?</h2>

# <p>Yes.  This document is meant to educate about patent risk, and while it is
# difficult to give advice regarding every reader's specific situation, there are
# a few guidelines that may be extracted.</p>

# <li><p>Reading patents, especially when researching how to design a contribution to
# your free software project, may expose communities to liability that they
# would not otherwise have.</p></li>
# <li><p>Parts of a free software community that distribute source code and not object
# code probably have slightly less patent risk.</p></li>
# <li><p>Distributing free software commercially is probably more risky than
# distributing software gratis.</p></li>
# <li><p>Having the ability to remove features and packages quickly and easily from
# distribution will help mitigate any damages the community could incur.</p></li>
# <li><p>Patent litigation is not an amateur sport.  If you are contacted by anyone
# threatening to assert a patent against you, contact the Software Freedom Law
# Center or another qualified attorney as soon as possible.</p></li>
<li><p>特許訴訟はアマチュアスポーツではありません。もしあなたに対して特許を主張する恐れがある誰かからの連絡を受けたら、Software Freedom Law Center か、その他の有資格の弁護士にできる限り速やかに相談してください。</p></li>

<hr />

# <p><strong>Acknowledgements.</strong> This document has been prepared by lawyers at SFLC, with
# inputs from Stefano Zacchiroli, on behalf of the Debian Project.</p>
<p><strong>謝辞:</strong> この文書は、Debian プロジェクトのために、Stefano Zacchiroli からの意見提供と併せて SFLC の法律家によって用意されました。</p>
武藤 健志@ kmuto @ kmuto.jp
           Debian/JPプロジェクト   (kmuto@debian.org, kmuto@debian.or.jp)
           株式会社トップスタジオ  (kmuto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
URI: http://kmuto.jp/ (Debianな話題など)