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Re: DPN-2012-19 (03)


> 03. Results from Debian's Google Summer of Code


<toc-add-entry name="gsoc">Results from Debian's Google Summer of Code</toc-add-entry>

Ana Guerrero sent a
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/09/msg00011.html";>report
about Debian's Google Summer of Code</a>. Debian has been participating in the
Google Summer of Code since 2006, and sponsored 15 projects this year, of which 12
finished successfully.

Students supervised by Debian mentors worked on various aspects of the
project, including improvements to mentors.debian.net, the development
of multi-arch cross-toolchains, and metrics for team activities, to
name just three. Some of these results have already been included into Debian.

The Debian project thanks those who took part, including especially the
students for their contributions, and invites them to continue being involved
in making Debian better.

<toc-add-entry name="gsoc">Debian の Google Summer of Code の成果</toc-add-entry>

Ana Guerrero さんが
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/09/msg00011.html";>
Debian の Google Summer of Code に関する報告</a>を執筆しました。Debian は 2006
年から Google Summer of Code に参加しており、今年は 15 のプロジェクトのスポン
サーを務め、そのうち 12 のプロジェクトが成功に終わりました。Debian メンターの
指導の下、生徒達は mentors.debian.net の改善、multi-arch cross-toolchain の開
この成果の中には既に Debian にフィードバックされたものもあります。Debian プロ
ジェクトは参加して下さった皆さん、特に生徒達に感謝を表します。 これからも
Debian をより良くする為に協力して下さい。

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