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[debian-devel:10283] Re: Fw: Debian-JP discussions; lets wrap this up


In article <19990904110224I.xlj06203@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> 私もそれを期待してます。久保田さんのほうで potato の mh へ Bug Report 
> できるようならやってみてください。ただ、severity は wishlist くらいの
> ほうがいいかも。man-db や gs は *-ja パッケージの upload を拒否されたので
>  clitical にしましたが、mh-ja は今のところ存在しているので、強制削除されない

ごめんなさい。"clitical" じゃなくて "important" ですね。
 "important" は make package unsuitable for release なので、
これで充分効果があります。Vincent もこれを推奨していましたから。

なお developers-reference には Source NMU についての手順が説明されて

     During the release freeze (see subsubsection, `Uploading to
     _frozen_'), NMUs which fix important or higher severity bugs are
     encouraged and accepted. Even during this window, however, you should
     endeavor to reach the current maintainer of the package; they might be
     just about to upload a fix for the problem. As with any source NMU,
     the guidelines found in section 7.4, `How to do a source NMU' need to
     be followed.

     Bug fixes to unstable by non-maintainers are also acceptable, but only
     as a last resort or with permission. Try the following steps first,
     and if they don't work, it is probably OK to do an NMU:

        * Make sure that the package bug is in the Debian Bug Tracking
          System (BTS). If not, submit a bug.

        * Email the maintainer, and offer to help fix the package bug. Give
          it a few days.

        * Go ahead and fix the bug, submitting a patch to the right bug in
          the BTS. Build the package and test it as discussed in subsection
          6.2.3, `Checking the package prior to upload'. Use it locally.

        * Wait a couple of weeks for a response.

        * Email the maintainer, asking if it is OK to do an NMU.

        * Double check that your patch doesn't have any unexpected side
          effects. Make sure your patch is as small and as non-disruptive
          as it can be.

        * Wait another week for a response.

        * Go ahead and do the source NMU, as described in Section 7.4, `How
          to do a source NMU'.

# これの日本語訳ってどこかにありましたっけ ?

> 限りは mh の Bug について wishlist でいいと思います。

ところで mh の件ですが "Edward John M. Brocklesby" <ejb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


  I am the debian maintainer of MH.  Rather than having a seperate package for
  mh-jp, would be it possible to merge MH-JP into MH?  I have looked at the 
  source to MH-JP, and it seems that adding something like a JAPAN enviroment
  variable would work, rather than defining -DJAPAN at compile time.  What do
  you think?

という私信が届きました。私からの返事は久保田さんにも cc: しておきましたが

  I will check the source, but maybe Tomohiro knows about the code
  well than me. Anyway, Please wait for a while.

  # Sorry, I am not well to read and write English, and not so well
  # to hack the code itself,,, but I will send you about your idea.
  # If you can, please explain your way more specifically. Thanks.

  I write here again, if you can merge that patch and with your package
  we can use the required features in mh-ja package, I don't object
  to remove mh-ja package from both of Debian and Debian JP.

  I think Tomohiro will agree with me here.



とりあえず、MH-JP の doc-JP/ 以下にある READ-ME.JP と CHANGES.JP を
英訳して ejb に送ってあげようかと思ってんですが、誰か翻訳に協力して

> もちろん Vincent とかがゴリ押しして mh-ja が削除されるようなら、mh に
> ついても clitical にするべきだと思いますが。

方向ですね。撤回します。もし Vincent であろうと、他の知らないメンバーで
あろうと、たとえ merged JP Packages に clitical な Report を送ってきたと
しても、我々はあくまで「正当な手順」に従って JP Merge Operation を進める

    <xlj06203@xxxxxxxxxxx> : Taketoshi Sano (佐野 武俊)