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[debian-devel:11406] Unanswered problem reports by maintainer and package


パッケージの Maintainer 欄から取られています。また、パッケージを引き継

実質的にパッケージの保守担当者が同じでも、Maintainer 欄が変更されたバー


 Package     Ref    Subject

Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop@debian.or.jp> (Debian) (1 bugs):

 libjcode-p    333  lintian errors

Kaz Sasayama <Kaz.Sasayama@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (1 bugs):

 ircd-jp       217  ircd-jp: Empty copyright. [orphaned]

Akira Yoshiyama <yosshy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (1 bugs):

 libonew2-c    218  libonew2-canna: postrm is wrong [orphaned]

Yasuhiro Take <ytake@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):

 esecanna-v   1129  esecanna-vje should be contrib (Re: Re: ITP: esecanna-vje)

Yoshiaki Yanagiahra <yochi@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):

 bug-ja        722  bug-ja: japanese message catalog is available

Susumu OSAWA <susumu-o@debian.or.jp> (Debian) (1 bugs):

 nvi-m17n     1101  nvi-m17n on long-one-line with kanji

Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop@xxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):

 ish           342  lintian errors

Kenshi Muto <kmuto@debian.org> (1 bugs):

 apt-mirror   1131  man page OPTIONS section

Shyouzou Sugitani <shy@master.debian.or.jp> (orpahned) (1 bugs):

 wavtool       380  lintian error [orphaned]

Hayao Nakahara <nakahara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (1 bugs):

 nemacs-el     271  unnecessary dependency to libc5 [orphaned]

(Debian Project: Takuo KITAME (kitame@xxxxxxxxxxxx)) (1 bugs):

 wmppxp       1122  wmppxp makes zombie process

Masahiro TANAKA <tanaka@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):

 sxsame        952  copyright is written in Japanese, and README.Debian is null

Ishida Takashi <tahsi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (1 bugs):

 xfig-ja       174  xfig-ja Segmentation fault [orphaned]

KONDOU Mitihiko <shortcut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):

 townsutils    747  townsutils: package-installs-into-etc-rc.boot etc/rc.boot/0

ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx> (Debian) (1 bugs):

 canna         707  can't mount iroha dic.

Yoshiaki Yanagihara <yochi@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):

 man-db-ja     949  man-db-ja: Symlink attack

(Debian Project: Jim Lynch (jwl@debian.org)) (1 bugs):

 cgiwrap       536  cgiwrap: I can't build package on Sparc

<webadmin@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):

 www.debian   1063  www.debian.or.jp: debian-devel-changes@jp ML archive

Araki Yasuhiro <yasu@debian.or.jp>, Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> (Debian) (1 bugs):

 skkinput      841  skkinput sigsegvs langdrill

(Debian Project: teTeX maintainers (tetex-maint@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)) (1 bugs):

 tetex-bin     868  tetex-bin, failed at install

UNO Takeshi <uno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):

 netscape-b    902  assertion error in libnsfix-ja.so

Araki Yasuhiro <yasuhi-a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (1 bugs):

 fff          1069  fff: wrong Replaces

<admin@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):

 master.deb    591  source of wmaker is old

Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop@debian.or.jp> (1 bugs):

 fvwm2-ja      519  fvwm2-ja: Can't compile at Alpha architecture

Masahiro TANAKA <tanaka@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):

 emiclock     1046  emiclock: Missing Depends line
 xjokes2       370  lintian errors

Masayuki Hatta <mhatta@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):

 dvipsk-ja    1098  Please add Debian package corresponding fontdata-j
 xgdvi        1126  xgdvi should depend on dvilib2

negishi satoshi <naganegi@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):

 tgif-ja       844  Unable to printout on XEROX Laser Press 4300 from tgif
 tgif-ja      1066  tgif-ja: tgif supports Japanese

takeshi <mtakeshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (2 bugs):

 xperfmon      417  lintian error [orphaned]
 xperfmon      454  xperfmon depend on xlib6 [orphaned]

Masahumi Okada <okada@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (2 bugs):

 dyna2         883  dyna2: dyna2 has x86 specific compile options.
 dyna2         884  -486 option for Dyna2

takeshi <takeshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (2 bugs):

 ftpmirror    1074  ftpmirror failed.
 xperfmon++   1064  xperfmon++: incorrect copyright

Shuichi OONO <jr5pdx@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):

 xmascot       864  xmascot: xmascot dies when I clicked the right button
 xmulti        987  xmulti: incomplete copyright file

Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop@xxxxxxxxx> (orphaned) (2 bugs):

 xbatstat      168  xbatstatが動かない [orphaend]
 xbatstat      222  xbatstat doesn't work [orphaned]

Tomohisa MIYAJI <miyaji@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):

 xmms-ja      1054  xmms-ja overwrite /usr/X11R6/bin/xmms of xmms package
 xmms-ja      1130  xmms-ja: 'LC_MESSAGES=C' selects wrong fonts.

Takuro KITAME <kitame@debian.or.jp> (orphaned) (2 bugs):

 webmin        392  lintian errors [orphaned]
 webmin        670  [QA lintian] webmin_0.22-1 [orphaned]

Mitsuru Oka <oka@debian.or.jp> (2 bugs):

 fttools       986  fttools: wrong dependency
 libft-perl    985  libft-perl: wrong dependency

Akira Yoshiyama <yosshy@debian.or.jp> (3 bugs):

 boot-flopp    989  Official Debian JP 2.0 i386 インストーラについて
 grub98        563  grub98 : non-existent file path specified.
 grub98        896  grub98 Install error

ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx> (3 bugs):

 emacs20-dl   1072  liblockfile0 not found
 pd-ttfonts    843  pdnetscape font causes segmentation fault
 xtt-fonts    1105  xtt-fonts: please upload xfonts-xtt-ja

Takuro KITAME <kitame@debian.or.jp> (Debian) (3 bugs):

 namazu        880  bnamazu in potato
 tknamazu      835  tknamazu: Pathnames are wrong
 tknamazu      836  tknamazu: tknamazu should depend on lynx-ja, info, jgroff

Shyouzou Sugitani <shy@master.debian.or.jp> (orphaned) (3 bugs):

 mtools-tow    322  copyright problem. [orphaned]
 nas-towns     379  lintian error [orphaned]
 xtownscd      382  lintian error [orphaned]

Araki Yasuhiro <yasu@debian.or.jp> (4 bugs):

 irchat-jp     913  irchat-jp overwrites /usr/bin/dcc and /usr/man/man1/dcc.1.g
 libjcode1-    903  libjcode1-dev: libjcode1's files are included [orphaned]
 libjcode1-    956  libjcode1-dev [orphaned]
 replay-jp    1065  replay-jp: license problem

Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> (5 bugs):

 debbugs-jp    128  debbugs-jp messages are in English
 debbugs-jp    193  summary page
 debbugs-jp    717  new severity: important, fixed
 debbugs-jp    787  multipart mail
 delegate     1100  delegate is horrible insecure in general, and impossible to

Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (5 bugs):

 easypr       1111  easypr(-lprng) not consistent with gs
 gs-aladdin    783  gs-aladin-vflib で -q  が 一部無効
 gs-aladdin    784  gs-aladin-vflib で -q  が 一部無効(再送)
 gs-aladdin    785  gs と conflict  しない gs-ja(要望)
 mnews        1125  mnews-1.22 (Y2K compliant) has been released

Shyouzou Sugitani <shy@master.debian.or.jp> (6 bugs):

 kernel-sou    386  lintian error
 lilo-towns    381  lintian error
 twsndkit      387  lintian errors
 xfreshtv      385  lintian error
 xpadtrans     384  lintian error
 xtowns        383  lintian errors

Hatta Shuzo <hattas@debian.or.jp> (6 bugs):

 doc-debian    346  lintian errors
 doc-debian    569  doc-debian-ja: too old documents about debian-jp mailling l
 gs-ja         345  lintian errors
 gs-ja         899  gs-ja isn't compiled with the pnmraw device
 gs-ja         906  gs-ja bj600 draft mode
 linuxdoc-s   1097  Please add dvi2ps to suggests

Koichi Honda <honda@xxxxxxxxx> (6 bugs):

 lyx-ja        971  lyx-ja still suggests perl
 lyx-ja       1099  Please add dvi2ps to Recommends
 prom-mew     1070  prom-mew: wrong copyright
 xpbiff       1038  xpbiff: xpm*.h are not used
 xpbiff       1039  xpbiff: too japanese specific
 xpbiff       1040  xpbiff: not info files

Hiroshi KISE <fuyuneko@xxxxxxxxxxxx> (6 bugs):

 platex       1043  platex: pLaTeX <1999/08/09> is available
 platex       1082  platex: overwrite problem, /usr/share/texmf/web2c is symlin
 ptex-bin     1081  ptex-bin: overwrite problem, /usr/share/texmf/web2c is syml
 ptex-jtex    1080  ptex-jtex: overwrite problem, /usr/share/texmf/web2c is sym
 ptex-jtex    1127  ptex-jtex: missing copyright.ja
 ptex-jtex    1128  ptex-jtex: missing copyright.ja

毎週火曜日, パッケージ保守担当者ごとの一覧がポストされます。
毎週金曜日, 報告されてからの日数ごとの一覧がポストされます。

Please see the documentation for more information about how to
use the bug tracking system.  It is available on the WWW at
and also in the Debian JP FTP archive's doc-jp/bug-*.txt files.