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Packaging Manual の abstract と copyright

早瀬です。Packaging Manual の abstract と copyright の部分



早瀬 茂規 (shayase@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

<!doctype debiandoc system[
<!-- include version information so we don't have to hard code it
     within the document -->
<!entity % versiondata SYSTEM "version-ja.ent"> %versiondata;

 Debian GNU/Linux Packaging Manual.
 Copyright (C)1996 Ian Jackson; released under the terms of the GNU
 General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later.
 Revised: David A. Morris (bweaver@debian.org)
 Maintainer since 1998, Christian Schwarz <schwarz@debian.org>

 Debian GNU/Linux Packaging Manual 日本語版.
 日本語版メンテナー, 早瀬 茂規 <shayase@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 日本語版校正: Debian JP Documentation ML <debian-doc@debian.or.jp>


<!-- ORIG
    <titlepag><title>Debian Packaging Manual</title>
	<name>Ian Jackson </name>
	<name>Revised: David A. Morris</name>
	<name>Maintainer: Christian Schwarz </name>
	<name>Maintainer: Manoj Srivastava </name>
	<name>Maintainer: The Debian Policy group </name>
      <version>version &version;, &date;</version>
 ORIG -->

    <titlepag><title>Debian Packaging Manual 日本語版</title>
	<name>Ian Jackson </name>
	<name>校正: David A. Morris</name>
	<name>メンテナー: Christian Schwarz </name>
	<name>メンテナー: Manoj Srivastava </name>
	<name>メンテナー: The Debian Policy group </name>
	<name>日本語版メンテナー: 早瀬 茂規 </name>
	<name>日本語版校正: Debian JP Documentation ML </name>
      <version>version &version;, &date;</version>

<!-- ORIG
	This manual describes the technical aspects of creating Debian
	binary and source packages.  It also documents the interface
	between <prgn>dselect</prgn> and its access method scripts.
	It does not deal with the Debian Project policy requirements,
	and it assumes familiarity with <prgn>dpkg</prgn>'s functions
	from the system administrator's perspective.  This
        package itself is maintained by a group of maintainers
        that have no editorial powers. At the moment, the list of
        maintainers is:
 ORIG -->
	このマニュアルには、Debian のバイナリーパッケージと
	Debian プロジェクトから要求される方針については触れず、
	読者がシステム管理者の立場からの <prgn>dpkg</prgn>の機能について
            <p>Michael Alan Dorman <email>mdorman@debian.org</email></p>
            <p>Richard Braakman <email>dark@xxxxxxxxx</email></p>
            <p>Philip Hands <email>phil@xxxxxxxxx</email></p>
            <p>Manoj Srivastava <email>srivasta@debian.org</email></p>
<!-- vvv ADD vvv -->
            <p>早瀬 茂規(日本語版) <email>shayase@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</email></p>
<!-- ^^^ ADD ^^^ -->

	<copyrightsummary>Copyright &copy; 1996 Ian Jackson.</copyrightsummary>
<!-- ORIG
	  This manual is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
	  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
	  2, or (at your option) any later version.
 ORIG -->
	  Free Software Foundation によって発行された

<!-- ORIG
	  This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
	  <em>without any warranty</em>; without even the implied
	  warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
	  purpose.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 ORIG -->
	  行ないません。詳細は「GNU一般公有使用許諾書」(GNU GPL) を

<!-- ORIG
	  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
	  <tt>/usr/doc/copyright/GPL</tt> in the Debian GNU/Linux
	  distribution or on the World Wide Web at
	  <tt>http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html</tt>. You can also
	  obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
	  59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 ORIG -->
	  GNU General Public License のコピーは、 
	  Debian GNU/Linux ディストリビューション内の
	  <tt>http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html</tt> の
	  the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
	  59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

    <toc detail="sect">

    <!-- Describes the technical interface between a package and dpkg.

    How to safely put shared libraries in a package.  Details of
    dpkg's handling of individual files.  Sections on when to use
    which feature (eg Replaces vs. Replaces/Conflicts
    vs. update-alternatives vs. diversions) Cross-references to the
    policy document (see below) where appropriate.  Description of the
    interface between dselect and its access methods.  Hints on where
    to start with a new package (ie, the hello package).  What to do
    about file aliasing.
    file aliasing
    Manpages are required for: update-rc.d, diversions,
    update-alternatives, install-info in a package.
