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Re: [d-i doc] post-install 翻訳


 From: KURASAWA Nozomu <nabetaro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 In "debian-doc : 03604"

> 鍋太郎です。
> 訳文のチェックでなくてあれなのですが……
> ja/post-install/kernel-baking.xml
> のコメントの中に -- (オプション?)が入っていてコンパイルエラーになってしまいます。
> たぶん -\- のようにエスケープすればいいと思うのですけど……



--- kernel-baking.xml.ori	2004-03-26 00:28:56.000000000 +0900
+++ kernel-baking.xml	2004-03-26 00:30:29.000000000 +0900
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 encounter kernel problems, you will most likely be asked to recompile
 the kernel using <classname>egcs64</classname> in order to verify your
 problem still exists. After installing <classname>egcs64</classname>
-be sure to run <userinput>update-alternatives --config
+be sure to run <userinput>update-alternatives -\-config
 sparc64-linux-gcc</userinput> as root, and be sure that
 <classname>egcs64</classname> is being used for this program. 
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
 Now, compile the kernel: 
-<userinput>fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image</userinput>. 
+<userinput>fakeroot make-kpkg -\-revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image</userinput>. 
 The version number of ``1.0'' can be changed at will; this is just a
 version number that you will use to track your kernel builds.
 Likewise, you can put any word you like in place of ``custom'' (e.g.,