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[ddp] project-history



#: project-history.sgml:1353
msgid ""
"Adrian von Bidder (cmot) died on April 17th. Adrian was one of the "
"founding members and secretary of debian.ch, he sparked many ideas that "
"made Debian Switzerland be what it is today. Adrian also actively "
"maintained software in the Debian package archive, and represented the "
"project at numerous events."
msgstr ""
"Adrian von Bidder (cmot) さんが 4 月 17 日に亡くなりました。Adrian さんは "
"debian.ch の創設メンバーの1人であり書記でした。彼による提案の多くは今の "
"Debian Switzerland の原型となりました。また、Adrian さんは Debian パッケージ"

#: project-history.sgml:1369
msgid ""
"Ray Dassen (jdassen) died on May 18th. Ray was a Debian Developer for "
"incredible 19 years. He joined the project in 1994, and continued to be "
"an active contributor until his passing. Ray was one of the founding "
"members of the Debian GNOME team, his friendliness and willingness to "
"help fostered a spirit of collaboration within the GNOME team. He "
"continued his involvement within Debian as the maintainer of several "
"packages, most notably the Gnumeric spreadsheet."
msgstr ""
"Ray Dassen (jdassen) さんが 5 月 18 日に亡くなりました。Ray さんは19年間、桁"
"外れの Debian 開発者でした。プロジェクトには1994年に参加し、亡くなるまで積極"
"的な貢献者であり続けました。Ray さんは Debian GNOME チームの創設メンバーの1人"
"で、親切に快く支援する行動は GNOME チーム内の協力する精神を育てました。"
"Debian では、複数のパッケージ、特に目立つものとしては Gnumeric スプレッドシー"

#: project-history.sgml:1384
msgid ""
"Peter Miller died on July 27th. Peter was a relative newcomer to the "
"Debian project, but his contributions to Free and Open Source Software go "
"back to the late 1980s. Peter was significant contributor to GNU gettext "
"as well as being the main upstream author and maintainer of other "
"projects that ship as part of Debian, including, but not limited to "
"srecord, aegis and cook. Peter was also the author of the paper "
"<em>Recursive Make Considered Harmful</em>."
msgstr ""
"Peter Miller さんが 7 月 27 日に亡くなりました。Peter さんは Debian プロジェ"
"は 1980 年代後半に遡ります。Peter さんは GNU gettext への多大な貢献者であると"
"同時に、他の上流のプロジェクトでは例えば srecord や aegis、cook 等、Debian に"
"Peter さんは <em>Recursive Make Considered Harmful</em> 紙の著者でもありまし"

#: project-history.sgml:1398
msgid ""
"Clytie Siddall died in February 2015. Clytie was a contributor of "
"Vietnamese translations to Debian and other projects for many years. "
"Within Debian she worked on translations for the installer, dpkg, apt and "
"various documentation. She also contributed translations within the GNOME "
"community and many other projects. Clytie was also a GNOME foundation "
"member between 2005 and 2007."
msgstr ""
"Clytie Siddall さんが 2015 年 2 月に亡くなりました。Clytie さんは Debian その"
"他のプロジェクトで長年ベトナム語翻訳に貢献しました。Debian 内ではインストーラ"
"や dpkg、apt その他様々な文書を翻訳しました。 GNOME コミュニティやその他多数"
"のプロジェクトでも翻訳で貢献しました。Clytie さんは 2005 年から 2007 年まで "
"GNOME Foundation のメンバーでもありました。"

#: project-history.sgml:1420
msgid ""
"Ian Murdock, the founder of the Debian Project and its community, died in "
"December 2015. Ian was introduced to computers early in his life, he "
"started actively programming at nine years of age. With the idea and the "
"opportunity to make something better, he started the Debian Project in "
"August of 1993. At that time, the whole concept of a \"distribution\" of "
"Linux was new. Inspired as he said by Linus Torvalds' own sharing of "
"Linux, he released Debian with the intention that this distribution "
"should be made openly, in the spirit of Linux and GNU. Ian's dream lives "
"on: Debian is made up of a strong community that has fostered "
"development, growth, and wonder. It remains incredibly active with "
"thousands of developers working untold hours to bring the world a "
"reliable and secure operating system. Debian has sparked the interest, "
"curiosity, and passion of those who want to make something better. Then, "
"now, and far into the future."
msgstr ""
"Debian プロジェクト及びそのコミュニティの創設者である Ian Murdock さんが "
"2015 年 12 月に亡くなりました。Ian さんは幼少の頃からコンピュータに触れ、9歳"
"機会を得て、1993 年 8 月、Debian プロジェクトを立ち上げました。当時は、Linux "
"の「ディストリビューション」という概念自体が新しいものでした。Linus Torvalds "
"自身が Linux をシェアしたことに鼓舞された、と彼が言うように、このディストリ"
"ビューションは開かれた、Linux と GNU の精神に則ったものにすべきだという意志を"
"持って Debian を発表しました。Ian さんの夢は Debian が開発を促進し、発展する"
"テムを世界に届け続けています。Debian は何かをより良くしたいと考える人たちの利"

no need to CC me :-)