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[debian-users:02150] multimouse in gpm ? (Re: Can I use mouse-pointer)


Sat, Oct 04, 1997 at 03:09:39AM +0900 $B$K$*$$$F(B
$BLp?a!!9,<#(B $B$5$s[)$/(B:

> yosshy> $B!!K\Bj$+$i$:$l$^$9$,!"(Bgpm $B$O(B X $B%5!<%P$HAj@-$,0-$$$N$G!"$G$-$l$P(B
> yosshy> $B$I$A$i$+JRJ}$@$1$N;HMQ$K$7$F$*$$$?J}$,NI$$$G$7$g$&!#(B
> $B!!$O$$!"(Bgpm$B$O;H$o$J$$$h$&$K$7$^$9!#(B


man gpm $B$9$k$H(B

       -M     Enable multiple mode. The daemon will read two dif-
              ferent mouse devices.  Any subsequent  option  will
              refer  to  the  second  device, while any preceding
              option will be used  for  the  first  device.  This
              option  automatically  forces the `repeater'' (-R)
              option on.

       -R     Causes gpm to act as a  repeater:  any  mouse  data
              received  while in graphic mode will be produced on
              the fifo  /dev/gpmdata  in  mouse-system  protocol.
              This  means  that you can configure the X server to
              use that fifo as a mouse  device.  This  option  is
              useful for bus-mouse owners to override the single-
              open limitation. It is also an easy way  to  manage
              those stupid dual-mode mice which force you to keep
              the middle button down while changing  video  mode.
              The option is forced on by the -M option.


gpm  -m /dev/gpmdata -t msc -M

$B$H$+$d$l$PNI$5$=$&$@$1$I!"(B/dev/gpmdata $B$J$s$FC/$,:n$k$N!)(B


$B5FC+(B $B@?(B(Kikutani Makoto)  kikutani@xxxxxxxxx kikutani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hgf03701@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    http://www.eis.or.jp/muse/kikutani/