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[debian-users:13379] Re: [Q]why does resc1440.bin freeze ?
Ken-ichi Seimiya <kseim@xxxxxxxxxxxx> さんは
Subject: [debian-users:13378] Re: [Q]why does resc1440.bin freeze ?
Message-ID: <199903080208.LAA24986@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> 清宮@都立大です。
>> >> > しょうがないので、私は CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN を n に
>> >> > して使っています。
>> >>
>> >> LUNと言うのは、デバイスコントローラを持っていない
>> >> 廉価版のデバイス(現物にお目にかかったことはないです)や、
>> >> CDチェンジャでしか使用されていません。
>> >> ということで、CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN を y にする必要は
>> >> めったに無いでしょう。
>> 必要が無くても、 resc1440.bin の中の kernel が CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN=y
>> で compile されているから boot 時に固まってしまう、というふうに
>> 私は理解しているのですが、違うのでしょうか?
kernel パラメタの
----- ここから(BootPrompt-HOWTO より)
Maximum Probed LUNs (`max_scsi_luns=')
Each SCSI device can have a number of `sub-devices' contained within
itself. The most common example is one of the new SCSI CD-ROMs that
handle more than one disk at a time. Each CD is addressed as a
`Logical Unit Number' (LUN) of that particular device. But most
devices, such as hard disks, tape drives and such are only one device,
and will be assigned to LUN zero.
The problem arises with single LUN devices with bad firmware. Some
poorly designed SCSI devices (old and unfortunately new) can not
handle being probed for LUNs not equal to zero. They will respond by
locking up, and possibly taking the whole SCSI bus down with them.
Newer kernels have the configuration option that allows you to set the
maximum number of probed LUNs. The default is to only probe LUN zero,
to avoid the problem described above.
To specify the number of probed LUNs at boot, one enters
`max_scsi_luns=n' as a boot arg, where n is a number between one and
eight. To avoid problems as described above, one would use n=1 to
avoid upsetting such broken devices
----- ここまで
From Nagoya
ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxx, ishikawa@debian.or.jp,
ishikawa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ( mutsumi@xxxxxxxxxxx for PostPet only )
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