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[debian-users:15902] Re: [Q] ndtpd のインストール


From: 武藤@イソター
Subject: [debian-users:15889] Re: [Q] ndtpd のインストール 
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:32:52 +0900

武藤@イソター> これはndtpd.confで設定しているユーザー(nobody,nogroup)が
武藤@イソター> /var/lib/ndtpd/ に書き込めないからだと思うのですが。直したんでしたっけ?

直してませんでした ^^;; で、ちゃんと動くようになりました。
でも root で走らせてよいのでしょうか。。。


/etc/services に追加した内容

ndtp		2010/tcp

/etc/inetd.conf に追加した内容

ndtp		stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/ndtpd --inetd

# このあたりまでは preinst でやってくれるとうれしい。。。> 大沢さん

/etc/ndtpd.conf の設定例

# Configuration file for NDTPD.
# (Copy this file to `ndtpd.conf', and edit it.)

### Hostname of the server.
### (default: defined automatically)

### Port number `ndtpd' binds.
### (default: ndtp)
# ndtp-port		ndtp

### Owner of the `ndtpd' process.
### (default: none)
user			root

### Group of the `ndtpd' process.
### (default: none)
group			root

### How many clients can be connected to `ndtpd' at the same time.
### (default: 1)
# max-clients		1

### Which hosts can or cannot connect to `ndtpd'.
### (default: none)
hosts                   !?

### Timeout seconds until `ndtpd' disconnects an idle connection.
### (default: 900)
# timeout		900

### Which of hosts Identification Protocol is used to.
### (default: none)
# ident-hosts		!*

### Timeout seconds until `ndtpd' gives up identifying a remote user.
### (default: 30)
# ident-timeout		30

### Path to a working directory.
### Please create the directory and make it be writable for the ndtpd
### processes before executing `ndtpd'.
### (default: /var/lib/ndtpd)
# work-path		/var/lib/ndtpd

### How many hit entries `ndtpd' tries to find at a search.
### (default: 50)
# max-hits		50

### The maximum size of text the server may send as a response to
### a client.
### (default: 32768)
# max-text-size		32768

### Syslog facility
### (default: daemon)
syslog-facility		local0

### Book entry
begin book
    ### Name of the book.
    ### (required)
    name		CHUJITEN

    ### Title of the book.
    ### (required)
    title		研究社 新英和・和英中辞典

    ### Path to a top directory of the book.
    ### (required)
    path		/usr/share/eb

    ### Path to a top directory of the appdendix data of the book.
    ### (default: none)
    appendix-path	/usr/share/eb/appendix

    ### How many clients can access the book at the same time.
    ### (default: 1)
    max-clients		1

    ### Which hosts can or cannot access to the book.
    ### (default: none)
    hosts               !?

    ### Aliases.
    ### (default: none)
    alias-eiwa		CHUJITEN
    alias-waei		CHUJITEN

### Add a book group directive (lines between `begin book' and `end'),
### if you want to read another CD-ROM book through NDTPD.  A book group
### directive is required for each book.


# 英和も引けるようになったし、Bruce から公開承諾もらったし、
# OSD の訳がんばります ^_^;
# つーかもうひとつの OSD も最新に追従させんとなあ。。。

八田 真行 <masayuki-h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>