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Re: News/weekly/2003/27/index.wml

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 19:19:54 +0900,
Nobuhiro IMAI <nov@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> * Debian for non-profit Organisations. (非営利組織のための Debian。)
> "Unlike many groups of users where advocacy is an uphill battle," は
> 意味がよく分かりませんでした。
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003 13:25:37 +0200,
"Benj. Mako Hill" <mako@debian.org> wrote
to debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org:
| We see non-profits as a particularly important area to launch a
| subproject because many of these non-profits are already familiar with
| free and open source software, philosophies and development
| methodologies. If they are large and technically involved enough to
| need their own server, they probably already use GNU/Linux. However in
| day-to-day operations most use proprietary operating systems. Unlike
| many groups of users where advocacy is an uphill battle, many
| non-profits *want* to use GNU/Linux on their workstations but are
| waiting for someone to "make it easy for them." We want to do just
| this.
"フリーソフトウェアの精神を理解してもらうことが GNU/Linux 導入に
大いにけっこうだが使い方がわからない" くらいの意味だと思います。

> * But which Distribution? (しかしどのディストリビューションを選ぶ?)
> "...because the penguin on the box looked friendly," ここでいう box
> って、いわゆる "Debian box" のことでしょうか? リンク先の記事が読めな
> いような・・・

大原雄馬 <oohara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Debian developer
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--- shinichiro.h、日記 2003/3/24 「議会制弾幕回避機関」