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Re: distrib/packages.wml
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 01:01:57 +0900,
KISE Hiroshi <fuyuneko@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> + <dt><em>Non-US/Non-Free</em></dt>
> + <dd>Packages in this area have some onerous license condition
> + restricting use or redistribution of the software. They cannot
> + be exported from the U.S. because they are encryption software
> + packages that are not handled by the export control procedure
> + that is used for the packages in Main or they cannot be stored
> + on a server in the U.S because they are encumbered by patent
> + issues.</dd>
> “They cannot be exported”で始まる部分がわかりません。
> 暗号化がらみで輸出規制にかかっている…ときて、
> “that is used for the packages in Main”も意味が取れないです。
> なぜここでMain? Contribの説明ならまだわかりますが。
contrib のほうは知りませんが、いまの main は incoming から
unstable に移すときに米国政府に自動通知しているはずなので、
大原雄馬 <oohara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Debian developer
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