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#use wml::debian::template title="応募者用のチェックリスト"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.19"

主に未来の Debian 開発者を対象としています。</p>

<p>The current registration process of New Maintainers is divided 
into 4 parts:</p>

<h3>1. 応募者および支持者</h3>
<h3>1. Application and Advocation</h3>
<a href="http://nm.debian.org/newnm.php";>New Maintainer Application
<p>Normally, the process is started with an application through the 
<a href="http://nm.debian.org/newnm.php";>New Maintainer Application
web interface</a>.
After this step, the Applicant is known to the system and the Debian
New Maintainer Front Desk is the primary contact for questions
concerning the Application. The Front Desk manages or supervises
all other steps and will try to help with all upcoming issues.
Debian 開発者が支持します。
通常、このメールには応募者の経歴、Debian に対して行ったこと、
<p>After the application is submitted to the system, an official Debian
Developer who has worked with the Applicant advocates them. This is
done with a signed email, containing a short text about the Applicant.
Normally, this mail covers topics like the background of the Applicant,
what (s)he has done for Debian and a few bits about future plans.</p>

<p><a href="./nm-step1">さらに ...</a></p>
<p><a href="./nm-step1">More ...</a></p>

<h3>2. 応募管理者によるチェック</h3>
<h3>2. AM checks</h3>
Debian アカウント管理者が判断の土台として必要な情報を集めることです。
<p>As soon as an Application Manager is available, the Front Desk
assigns one to the Applicant. The Application Manager's task is to
collect the information needed as a foundation for the decision
of the Debian Account Manager. This is divided into 4 parts:</p>

<h4>ID check</h4>
<p>Debian 開発者すべてがつながっている強い信頼の和を維持するためには、
応募者は少なくとも一人以上の正式な開発者により署名された OpenPGP
身分証明を一層確実にするため、他人による署名(Debian 開発者である必要はありませんが、
<p>To maintain the strong Web of Trust that connects all Debian
Developers, Applicants need to identify themselves by providing an
OpenPGP key that is signed by at least one official Developer. To
further ensure their identity, signatures by other people (who do not
need to be DDs, but should be well connected in the overall Web of
Trust) are strongly recommended.</p>

<p><a href="./nm-step2">さらに ...</a></p>
<p><a href="./nm-step2">More ...</a></p>

<h4>Philosophy and Procedures checks</h4>
<p>Debian はその強い倫理観と哲学的な経歴で知られているので、
応募者は Free Software について自分の見解を説明しなければなりません。
Debian は大きな集団での問題の標準的な処理方法が複雑になっているので、
<p>As Debian is known for its strong ethical and philosophical
background, Applicants have to explain their own view about the
topic of Free Software. Debian has also evolved quite complicated
standard procedures to handle the problems of working in a large
group, so Applicants need to show that they know them and are
able to apply them to concrete situations.</p>

<p><a href="./nm-step3">さらに ...</a></p>
<p><a href="./nm-step3">More ...</a></p>

<h4>Tasks and Skills checks</h4>
<p>Debian ディストリビューション全体の品質を確保するため、
#We have more areas, I'm sure of that - but I can't remember them now: FIXME
<p>To ensure the overall quality of the Debian distribution,
Applicants need to show that they know their tasks in the area
they plan to work on (either documentation and internationalisation
or package maintenance).
#We have more areas, I'm sure of that - but I can't remember them now:
They also have to show their skills by submitting examples of their
work and answering some questions about it.</p>

<p><a href="./nm-step4">さらに ...</a></p>
<p><a href="./nm-step4">More ...</a></p>

応募報告が作成され、受付および Debian アカウント管理者に提出されます。</p>
<p>If the Application Manager is satisfied with the performance
of the Applicant, an Application Report is prepared and submitted
to the Front Desk and Debian Account Managers.</p>

<p><a href="./nm-step5">さらに ...</a></p>
<p><a href="./nm-step5">More ...</a></p>

<h3>3. 受付のチェック</h3>
<h3>3. Front Desk check</h3>
<p>応募報告は Debian の受付のメンバーにより形式的な問題をチェックされま
<p>The Application Report is checked by a member of the Debian Front
for formal problems. If these are grave, the report is rejected and
the Application Manager has to correct the issue. If there are only
errors, these are reported to the Applicant and Application Manager.</p>

<p><a href="./nm-step6">さらに ...</a></p>
<p><a href="./nm-step6">More ...</a></p>

<h3>4. Debian アカウント管理者によるチェックおよびアカウント作成</h3>
<h3>4. Debian Account Manager check and Account creation</h3>
<p>At this last stage of the process, the Application Report is judged.
If needed, further checks are either done by the Account Manager or
an Application Manager is asked to carry out a recheck. Sometimes
a Phone Call is required to finish the application.</p>

<p>起こりうる問題がすべて解決すると、Debian アカウント管理者が応募者にアカウントを割り当て、
応募者の OpenPGP 鍵を Debian キーリングに追加します。</p>
<p>If all possible problems are resolved, the Debian Account Managers
assign an account to the Applicant and add their OpenPGP key to the
Debian keyring.</p>

<p><a href="./nm-step7">さらに ...</a></p>
<p><a href="./nm-step7">More ...</a></p>

don't include my addresses in mail body...