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# 現行版も含めて 10419 で指摘した件を追加する必要がありますが。
# 何しろ*最初から*抜け落ちてるので。

don't include my addresses in mail body...
constitution.wml r1.16(1.10 on ja) -> constitution.1.2.wml
--- webwml/english/devel/constitution-r1.16.wml	2004-12-15 01:46:28 +0900
+++ webwml/english/devel/constitution.1.2.wml	2006-09-24 19:05:00 +0900
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Constitution" BARETITLE="true"
+#use wml::debian::template title="Historical Debian Constitution v 1.2" BARETITLE="true"
-<H1>Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.2)</H1>
+<H1>Historical version of the Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.2)</H1>
 <P>Version 1.2 ratified on October 29<sup>th</sup>, 2003. Supersedes
 <a href="constitution.1.1">Version 1.1</a> ratified on June 21<sup>st</sup>,
 2003, which itself supersedes <a href="constitution.1.0">Version 1.0</a>
-ratified on December 2<sup>nd</sup>, 1998.</P>
+ratified on December 2<sup>nd</sup>, 1998.
+Superseded by <a href="constitution">version 1.3</a>, ratified on September
+24<sup>th</sup>, 2006.</P>
 <H2>1. Introduction</H2>
constitution.wml r1.14(1.7 on ja) -> constitution.1.1.wml
--- webwml/english/devel/constitution-r1.14.wml	2003-11-01 13:46:22 +0900
+++ webwml/english/devel/constitution.1.1.wml	2004-12-15 01:46:54 +0900
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Constitution" BARETITLE="true"
+#use wml::debian::template title="Historical Debian Constitution v 1.1" BARETITLE="true"
-<H1>Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.2)</H1>
+<H1>Historical version of the Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.1)</H1>
- <P>Version 1.2 ratified on October 29<sup>th</sup>, 2003. Supersedes
-    <a href="constitution.1.1">Version 1.1</a> ratified on June 21<sup>st</sup>, 2003,
-   which itself supersedes <a href="constitution.1.0">Version 1.0</a> ratified on December 2<sup>nd</sup>, 1998.
- </P>
+<P>Version 1.1 ratified on June 21<sup>st</sup>, 2003.  Supersedes
+<a href="constitution.1.0">Version 1.0</a> ratified on December 2<sup>nd</sup>,
+1998. Superseded by <a href="constitution">version 1.2</a>, ratified on October
+29<sup>th</sup>, 2003.</P>
 <H2>1. Introduction</H2>
@@ -137,28 +137,15 @@
-    <P>Issue, supersede and withdraw nontechnical policy documents and
-       statements.</P>
+    <P>Issue nontechnical policy documents and statements.</P>
-    <P>These include documents describing the goals of the project, its
-       relationship with other free software entities, and nontechnical
-       policies such as the free software licence terms that Debian
-       software must meet.</P>
+    <P>These include documents describing the goals of the project,
+    its relationship with other free software entities, and
+    nontechnical policies such as the free software licence terms that
+    Debian software must meet.</P>
     <P>They may also include position statements about issues of the
-    <OL style="list-style: decimal;">
-      <LI>A Foundation Document is a document or statement regarded as
-       critical to the Project's mission and purposes.</LI>
-      <LI>The Foundation Documents are the works entitled <q>Debian
-       Social Contract</q> and <q>Debian Free Software Guidelines</q>.</LI>
-      <LI>A Foundation Document requires a 3:1 majority for its
-       supersession.  New Foundation Documents are issued and
-       existing ones withdrawn by amending the list of Foundation
-       Documents in this constitution.</LI>
-    </OL>
constitution.wml r1.6(1.5 on ja) -> constitution.1.0.wml
--- webwml/english/devel/constitution-r1.6.wml	2003-02-21 08:33:06+0900
+++ webwml/english/devel/constitution.1.0.wml	2005-07-25 03:06:04
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Constitution" BARETITLE="true"
+#use wml::debian::template title="Historical Debian Constitution v 1.0" BARETITLE="true"
-<H1>Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.0)</H1>
+<H1>Historical version of the Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.0)</H1>
+<P>Version 1.0 ratified on December 2<sup>nd</sup>, 1998. Superseded by
+<a href="constitution.1.1">Version 1.1</a> ratified on June 21<sup>st</sup>,
+2003, which is itself superseded by <a href="constitution">version 1.2</a>,
+ratified on October 29<sup>th</sup>, 2003.</P>
 <H2>1. Introduction</H2>
@@ -229,7 +234,7 @@
 <H3>5.1. Powers</H3>
-<P>The Project Leader may:</P>
+<P>The <a href="leader">Project Leader</a> may:</P>
@@ -350,7 +355,7 @@
 <H3>6.1. Powers</H3>
-<P>The Technical Committee may:</P>
+<P>The <a href="tech-ctte">Technical Committee</a> may:</P>
@@ -538,7 +543,7 @@
 <H3>7.1. Powers</H3>
-<P>The Secretary:</P>
+<P>The <a href="secretary">Secretary</a>:</P>
@@ -574,8 +579,8 @@
 current Project Secretary.</P>
 <P>If the Project Leader and the current Project Secretary cannot
-agree on a new appointment they must ask the board of SPI to appoint a
+agree on a new appointment they must ask the board of SPI (see &sect;9.1.) 
+to appoint a Secretary.</P>
 <P>If there is no Project Secretary or the current Secretary is
 unavailable and has not delegated authority for a decision then the
@@ -627,10 +632,11 @@
 <H2>9. Software in the Public Interest</H2>
-<P>SPI and Debian are separate organisations who share some goals.
-Debian is grateful for the legal support framework offered by SPI.
-<CITE>Debian's Developers are currently members of SPI by virtue of
-their status as Developers.</CITE></P>
+<P><a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/";>SPI</a> and Debian are separate
+organisations who share some goals.  Debian is grateful for the legal
+support framework offered by SPI.  <CITE>Debian's Developers are
+currently members of SPI by virtue of their status as
 <H3>9.1. Authority</H3>