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Re: reports/patent-faq.wml
(11/07/15 9:13), Kenshi Muto -san wrote:
> #%<h2>What is inducing infringement?</h2>
> <h2>侵害の教唆とは何ですか?</h2>
> #%<p><q>Inducing infringement</q> means actively encouraging someone else to infringe a
> #% patent. Liability requires proving that the party charged intended to cause a
> #% third party to infringe. Additionally, the inducer must either know the patent
> #% exists, or strongly suspect its existence and make efforts not to know. If,
> #% for example, documentation is written by someone with knowledge of a patent's
> #% claims, and that documentation explains how to use the program in an infringing
> #% fashion, the instructions might be held to induce infringement. Where a
> #% community of volunteers maintains a software package, and associated
> #% documentation, unless the volunteers who produce the documentation know of the
> #% patent supposedly infringed, they cannot induce infringement.</p>
> <p><q>侵害の教唆</q> (inducing infringement) とは、他の誰かが特許を侵害するのを積極的
> 責務は、第三者が侵害するよう仕向ける目的を、告発された当事者が提供していることが条件です。
> 加えて、教唆者は特許の存在を知っているか強くその存在を想定していて、かつその影響に知ら
> ない振りをしていなければなりません。
> もしたとえば特許の請求範囲について知識を持つ誰かによって文書が書かれ、その文書が特許侵
Seiji Kaneko