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[debian-devel:07516] New Debian JP Packages

These packages were installed into the Debian JP hierarchy in the

----- Low Urgency Packages --------------

cmail      - A mail utility for GNU Emacs.
cmail-icons - Icons for cmail on XEmacs
cmail 2.59.13+snap-990204-1 -> 2.59.13+snap-990222-1 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-all/mail
cmail-icons 2.59.13+snap-990204-1 -> 2.59.13+snap-990222-1 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-all/mail
 cmail (2.59.13+snap-990222-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release

namazu     - Full text search engine
namazu-el  - namazu client for emacs
tknamazu   - namazu client for tcl/tk
namazu -> into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-sparc/text
 namazu (1: unstable; urgency=low
 * New upstream release.
 * New Package tknamazu.
 * New Package namazu-el.

user-ja    - basic settings for Japanese speaking beginner users
user-ja 0.06 -> 0.07 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-all/misc
 user-ja (0.07) unstable; urgency=low
 * Linux-style setting for c-mode (dot.emacs.pl).
 * Escape-sequences for prompt and color-ls are disabled in emacs shell.
 * 'LANG=ja_JP.ujis' and 'JLESSCHARSET=japanese' are only applied when
 "$TERM" is "kon" or "kterm".
 * The added blocks can be located at the top of the dotfiles.

xyoubin    - The conventional mail arraival notification client for X.
youbin     - The conventional mail arraival notification server.
youbin-client - The conventional mail arraival notification client.
xyoubin 2.13-7 -> 2.13-8 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/mail
xyoubin 2.13-7 -> 2.13-8 into dists/slink-jp/main/binary-i386/mail
youbin 2.13-7 -> 2.13-8 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/mail
youbin 2.13-7 -> 2.13-8 into dists/slink-jp/main/binary-i386/mail
youbin-client 2.13-7 -> 2.13-8 into dists/potato-jp/main/binary-i386/mail
youbin-client 2.13-7 -> 2.13-8 into dists/slink-jp/main/binary-i386/mail
 youbin (2.13-8) frozen unstable; urgency=low
 * Fixed the typo of the description.