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DWN 2000-12-12


.|#use wml::debian::weeklynews::header PUBDATE="2000-12-12" SUMMARY="2.2r2 released; package pools arrive in full; apt ported to rpm"

#use wml::debian::weeklynews::header PUBDATE="2000-12-12" SUMMARY="2.2r2 $B%j%j!<%9(B; $B%Q%C%1!<%8%W!<%k$,A4$FE~Ce(B; apt $B$r(B rpm $B$K%]!<%H(B"

.|<b>Welcome</b> to Debian Weekly News, a newsletter for the Debian community.

<b>$B$h$&$3$=(B</b>$B!#(BDebian $B3+H/<T$N$_$J$5$s8~$1%K%e!<%:%l%?!<!"(B
Debian $B%&%#!<%/%j!<%K%e!<%9$X!#(B

.|<b>Debian 2.2r2</b> was <a href="../../../../News/2000/20001205">released</a> last
.|week. Of course it consists mostly of security fixes and important bug fixes.
.|The problems with r1 should all be fixed in this release. CD images are
.|still propagating to the mirrors.

<b>Debian 2.2r2</b> $B$,@h=5(B <a href="../../../../News/2000/20001205">
r1 $B$NLdBj$O$3$N%j%j!<%9$GA4$F=$@5$5$l$k$O$:$G$9!#(B
CD $B%$%a!<%8$O$^$@%_%i!<%5%$%H$KEAHBCf$G$9!#(B

.|<b>The main Debian archive was just moved into a package pool.</b> There's
.|little to see yet, but packages will move into a "pool" directory when new
.|versions are uploaded. There has been some confusion about package pools,
.|and so here is a <a href="http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/poolfaq";>short FAQ</a>
.|on the subject. In the <a href="mail#1">announcement</a>, James Troup cautions: "<i>Despite the relative 
.|catastrophe-free implementation on non-US, I suspect many more
.|problems will crop up in the main archive.</i>".

<b>$B%a%$%s(B Debian $B%"!<%+%$%V$,$A$g$&$I:#(B
<a href="http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/poolfaq";>short FAQ</a>$B$,(B
<a href="mail#1">$B%"%J%&%s%9(B</a>$B$G(B James Troup $B$,(B
$B!V(B<i>$BBg;4;v$K$J$i$J$+$C$?(B non-US $B$X$N<BAu$HHf3SE*F1$8$K$b$+$+$o$i$:!"(B

.|<b>Apt has been ported to rpm</b> by Connectiva, who modified it so it can
.|handle rpm packages. A 
.|<a href="http://freshmeat.net/news/2000/12/02/975819599.html";>freshmeat
.|article</a> goes into some depth about the problems they faced and how they
.|were handled. It's hard to tell if a rpm-based system, even using apt, can
.|be as cleanly upgradable as a Debian system, but we'll probably find out
.|soon. Debian is losing the edge of being the only distribution with an
.|Advanced Package Tool, on the other hand, we are set to gain some new
.|security features, including mirror authentication, and package
.|authentication, which Connectiva has added to apt, and another apt frontend
.|which they are writing. One very interesting quote from the article:
.|"<i>After full integration of the RPM patches into APT, it will have the
.|potential to become the standard package management frontend for

Connectiva $B$K$h$C$F(B<b>apt $B$,(B rpm $B$X0\?"$5$l$^$7$?(B</b>$B!#(B
$BH`$i$O(B rpm $B%Q%C%1!<%8$r<h$j07$&$3$H$,$G$-$k$h$&$K(B
 apt $B$r=$@5$7$^$7$?!#(B
<a href="http://freshmeat.net/news/2000/12/02/975819599.html";>freshmeat $B$N(B
rpm $B%Y!<%9$N%7%9%F%`$,!"(Bapt $B$r;H$C$F$5$(!"(B
Debian $B%7%9%F%`$N$h$&$K<j:]$h$/%"%C%W%0%l!<%I$G$-$k$N$+$I$&$+(B
Debian $B$O(B Advanced Package Tool $B$r;}$DM#0l$N(B
$B$=$N$+$o$j!";d$?$A$O(B Connectiva $B$,(B apt $B$K2C$($?(B
$BH`$i$,:n@.Cf$N?7$7$$(B apt $B%U%m%s%H%(%s%I$rF@$k$3$H$K$J$j$^$9!#(B
$B!V(B<i>APT $B$K(B RPM $B%Q%C%A$,$9$Y$FE}9g$5$l$l$P!"(B
APT $B$,(B Linux $B$N%Q%C%1!<%84IM}$N%U%m%s%H%(%s%I$N(B

.|<b>Without much fanfare, Debian has grown from about 400 to 644 developers in
.|the past year.</b> Many of these developers, of course, are inactive, and many
.|others have just come through the new maintainer process and are still
.|learning. So it's not surprising that along with the regular grumbling about
.|the complexity of the new maintainer process, there is plenty of sentiment
.|among long-term developers that the title "Debian Developer" should be
.|reserved for members of an elite group who are "<i>committed, reliable, in
.|agreement with Debian's philosophy, and in it for the long haul</i>". That
.|last quote is from last week's Linux Weekly News, which included an
.|<a href="http://www.lwn.net/2000/1207/dists.php3";>excellent summary</a> of
.|recent discussions concerning this topic.

$B$3$N0lG/$G(B Debian $B$O$*$h$=(B 400 $B?M$+$i(B 644$B?M$K3+H/<T$,A}$($^$7$?!#(B</b>
$B!V(BDebian $B3+H/<T!W$N8*=q$-$O(B
$B!V(B<i>$B8%?HE*$G!"?.Mj$G$-$F!"(BDebian $B$NE/3X$K=>$$!"(B
Debian $B$r6/$/0z$C$Q$k(B</i>$B!W(B
$B$3$N:G8e$N0zMQ$O!"@h=5$N(B Linux Weekly News $B$+$i$G$9!#(B
<a href="http://www.lwn.net/2000/1207/dists.php3";>$BM%$l$?MWLs(B</a>$B$,(B

.|A word of warning: 
.|<b>If you're tracking unstable, beware the upgrade to perl 5.6.</b> Some
.|large changes to the perl package (including no longer managing 
.|update-alternatives via /usr/bin/perl, which may make it more stable in
.|the long run) have <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/perl-5.6";>broken many
.|upgrades</a>. Be prepared for problems like /usr/bin/perl not existing at
.|all, or debconf breaking in mysterious ways if you upgrade this week.

<b>$B$b$7$"$J$?$,(B unstable $B$rDI$C$+$1$F$$$k$J$i!"(B
perl 5.6 $B$N%"%C%W%0%l!<%I$K5$$r$D$1$F$/$@$5$$!#(B</b>
perl $B%Q%C%1!<%8$NBg$-$JJQ99(B
($B:#8e(B update-alternatives $B$,(B /usr/bin/perl $B$r<h$j07$o$J$$$3$H$b(B
 <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/perl-5.6";>
 /usr/bin/perl $B$,K\Ev$KL5$/$J$C$?$j!"(B
debconf $B$,2x$7$2$J?6Iq$$$r$7$F2u$l$?$j$9$k$h$&$JLdBj$r(B

.|<b>Cleaning up woody's task packages</b> was the subject of a 
.|<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-policy-0012/msg00123.html";>long
.|discussion</a>. While potato only shipped with a few screenfuls of task 
.|packages, the number of task packages in woody has exploded, and many of 
.|them are of doubtful utility to a new user who is installing Debian and wants
.|to use it for a specific task. Task packages arn't scaling as well as we had 
.|hoped, and there is a fair bit of confusion among the developers about what
.|exactly task packages should be used for. One solution involves putting 
.|a definition of what constitutes a valid task package into policy. Or we might
.|have to do away with the task system altogether and come up with some
.|<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0012/msg00927.html";>alternate
.|method</a> that is more flexible and less prone to abuse.

<b>woody $B$N(B task $B%Q%C%1!<%8$N@0M}(B</b>$B$O(B
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-policy-0012/msg00123.html";>
potato $B$G$OJ,$+$j$d$9$$(B task $B%Q%C%1!<%8$,$$$/$D$+4^$^$l$k$@$1$G$7$?$,!"(B
woody $B$G(B task $B%Q%C%1!<%8$N?t$O7cA}$7$^$7$?!#(B
$B$=$7$F!"(BDebian $B$r%$%s%9%H!<%k$7$F(B
task $B%Q%C%1!<%8$O;d$?$A$,K>$`$h$&$J5,LO$K$J$C$F$$$^$;$s!#(B
$B$^$?!"@53N$K(B task $B%Q%C%1!<%8$r2?$K;H$&$Y$-$J$N$+!"(B
$B2r$N0l$D$H$7$F!"BEEv$J(B task $B%Q%C%1!<%8$r9=@.$9$k$3$H$NDj5A$r(B
policy $B$KF~$l$k$H$$$&$b$N$,$"$j$^$9!#(B
$B$"$k$$$O!";d$?$A$O(B task $B%7%9%F%`$=$N$b$N$+$iN%$l$F!"(B
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0012/msg00927.html";>

.|#use wml::debian::weeklynews::footer

#use wml::debian::weeklynews::footer